Provide updated information regarding: Auxiliary Vessel (OPFAC) inspection PWC (OPFAC) inspection. Highlight: Important items to remember. Common errors while doing the inspection. Introduction 2
Auxiliary Vessel Examiner Manual, COMDTINST M E. Vessel Safety Manual (COMDTINST ) is for non-facilities. USCG Auxiliary Facilities Information Sheet for OPFACs Reference For Facility Inspection 3
An OPFAC requires an annual inspection. Inspections must be performed by a currently certified USCG Auxiliary Vessel Examiner. OPFAC Inspections 4
Auxiliary / Operational Ensign 5 Any Auxiliairist may fly the blue ensign on their private vessel, as long as it has passed a standard VSC. Only an OPFAC under orders may fly the orange and white operational ensign.
Outline the requirements for an Operational Vessel (7003) and PWC (7008) Facility Inspection. Make sure that you are using the most current version of the forms. Requires the Owner(s), VE, & DIRAUX signatures. Inspection & Offer for Use Forms (ANSC 7003 / 7008) 6
Upon successful completion of inspection, no decal is affixed to facility. Decal will be sent from DIRAUX as required after final approval. 7 Inspection & Offer for Use Forms (ANSC 7003 / 7008)
8 Form 7003 ( version 06-11/pg.1) Sections I, II, & III completed by Owner(s). Owner(s) sign and initial Section III. Section IV completed by VE. Section V completed by DIRAUX.
Form 7003 ( version 06-11/pg.2 ) 9 Section VI completed by VE. Section VII completed by Owner(s) and initialed at bottom.
Form 7008 ( version 06-11/pg.1 ) 10 Sections I, II, & III completed by Owner(s). Owner(s) sign and initial Section III. Section IV completed by VE. Section V completed by DIRAUX.
Sections VI & VII completed by VE. Section VIII completed by Owner(s) and initialed at bottom. 11 Form 7008 ( version 06-11/pg.2 )
On Form 7003 and 7008, Sections III & VII, ensure the owner(s) initial the form on the appropriate lines. Always check with your respective District for additional requirements. Common Errors 12
OPFAC markings are in accordance with the Operational Policy Manual COMDTINST M E (Chapter 3). Towing gear is inspected for fitness, size, and function. Owners not initialing the trailering line in Section III – MUST be initialed if trailerable or not. Common Errors 13
OPFACs must have: Two extra PFDs One extra fire extinguisher Reminder 14
Report passed OPFAC inspections on 7038 under Vessel Facility Inspections. Report failed OPFAC inspection as a regular VSC on Credit for Inspection 15
Operational Facilities set the example for safety standards. As a VE, ensure ALL Auxiliary Operational Facilities are the safest they can be. In Summary 16
Anytime someone comes aboard a vessel facility (QE, FC, crew, etc.), the mission is at risk of being aborted if any of the required items are not available and in proper working order. In Summary 17
Director (DIR-V) Kelly L. Townsend Deputy Director (DIR-Vd)Michael S. Klacik Division Chief – Vessel Exams (DVC-VE)Perry R. Taylor Division Chief – Visitation Programs (DVC-VP)Vince Cerverizzo Division Chief – Technical Support (DVC-VT)John Yskamp Division Chief – Incentive Programs (DVC-VI)Mark H. Wirtz Division Chief – Communications (DVC-VC)Paul J. Mayer Jr V-Directorate Staff Officers 18 We Save Lives !!!