The great Christian revolutions come not by the discovery of something that was not known before. They happen when ‘somebody takes radically something that’s always been there
Paul: I am ‘Free’ from all men. I’ve MADE-MYSELF’ a slave to ‘ALL’ so that I can WIN-MORE’
‘Faith’ working through ‘Love’ Galatians 5:6
Loved & Hated
GOD SATAN Both Are Interested
GOD Loves Helps Frees SATAN Hates Harms Slavery
Ministry Anointing Power Helper?
4 God Helps. Love/Kindness Freedom Forgiveness Healing
Everyone’s Life is the same in 4-Ways Family Work Health Circumstances
‘Sees the people’ Compassion Sheep with no shepherd Dispirited Downcast
How do you get Gods world into our world?
Jesus trained them to Pray for people
No supernatural until Someone ’Prays’ for someone
Prayer. Key to ‘Effectiveness ’
Help starts the second we ‘Pray’
Church or World? Church says World Saved Church Heaven Bible says World Saved Church World Heaven