Investing in Energy Efficiency in your Business
Who we are What we do Resources on the back table… Contact information later…
About CVPS... Company organized in 1929 Consolidation of 8 electric companies Today CVPS is comprised of over 100 companies Serves over 151,000 Customers Largest electric provider in Vermont
CVPS Cow Power Provides customers a renewable choice. Provides Vermont dairy farmers with a new revenue stream and new manure management options. Provides Vermont with new tool to protect the environment. A renewable energy program directly linking farm based renewable energy produced from cow manure with customer choice.
Reduced methane emissions Annual environmental benefit equivalent to removing 3,500 metric tons of carbon dioxide from the air Equal to 18 rail cars of coal not burned or a 2,900 acre pine forest’s ability to absorb CO2. Environmental Benefits
Demand Side Management Programs Prior to 1999 Programs were implemented by individual utilities Energy Efficient Programs Lighting, motors, etc Efficiency Vermont created by VT Public Service Board & VT Legislature Administer consistent set of statewide energy efficiency programs Energy Efficiency Utility – first of kind in USA
Vermont’s Energy Efficiency Utility A resource for all Vermont Electric Ratepayers—Households, Businesses & Farms Efficiency Vermont is managed by Vermont Energy Investment Corp.—a Vermont company Our contract is competitively bid/performance based Efficiency Vermont provides technical and financial services to help Vermonters save energy Funded by electric ratepayers
Why Make Energy Efficiency a Priority for Your Business? Energy is one of the few costs of doing business over which you can have some control It’s a way to reduce costs that can actually pay for itself
Efficiency Vermont: How does it work for you? Energy Efficiency Consultant—Working on your behalf—Identifying cost-effective energy efficiency solutions New Construction, Renovation, Equipment Upgrades, Equipment Replacement Professional/Technical team providing innovative engineering review and cost- savings analysis, financial incentives.
Efficiency Vermont Services: Identify Opportunities (Design & Equipment) Technical Assistance Financial Incentives Collaboration with your contractor Computer Modeling/Cost Benefit Analysis Financing Solutions
There’s a level of service to meet every need... Simple to Comprehensive Maintenance Facility Upgrades Renovation & New Construction Economic & Project Requirements
Financial Incentives: Prescriptive: Set rebate amounts; can be submitted retroactively- many types of equipment is covered Custom High performance building design Energy Efficient Products/Controls Custom incentive packages Comprehensive Approach Engineering/Economic Analysis Modeling/Collaboration w/Project Team
Our Goal… is not just incentive dollars To develop a solution that meets your needs... Reduce energy costs Reduce Maintenance Cost Improved Building Performance Lower Lifecycle Costs Favorable Return on Investment …and provide long-term benefits
What is driving your energy costs? Consider how your rate effects you costs… High wattage appliances drive up demand Demand is expensive! $$$ Reduce your demand by pin pointing high wattage items and reducing run time or shutting them down. This is little or no capital improvement costs to you! or better yet… CVPS can be your expert resource!
UnderstandingElectric Bills Understanding Electric Bills Residential Service Charge Energy (kwh) Energy Efficiency Charge Commercial and Industrial Service Charge Energy (kwh) Demand (kw) Power Factor Charge Energy Efficiency Charge
Demand – What is it? Rate which energy is used = POWER (KW) Measured in 15-minute intervals Bill reflects the MAXIMUM demand Based on number and size of equipment requiring electricity simultaneously More equipment energized at one time, the greater the demand Ratchet Demand T&D Charges – Maximum billing feature Maximum demand established during the current billing cycle or any one of the prior 11 months – whichever is greater
Power Factor Charge Recovers cost of providing additional capacity to inductive loads (KVAR) Not included in demand charge No measured by standard demand meter Example: Utility may have to provide 110 kw when the facility needs 100 kw Billing adjustment applies when PF is below 85%
How to Reach us Energy saving tips Residential self-audit Rate information Customer Service m m Efficiency Vermont 255 S. Champlain Street Burlington, Vermont Customer Service (888) Phone