Warsaw June 2007 Results of Recent EQA Panels for HCV and CMV Vivienne James UK NEQAS for Microbiology
Warsaw June 2007 Scheme history HCV RNA detection –Pilot distributions started in 2000 –The first distribution was sent in July 2001 –179 participants registered for CMV DNA quantification –Pilot distributions started in 2004 –First distribution scheduled for 2007 –80 participants registered for
Warsaw June 2007 HCV RNA Detection DistributionSpecimen numbers ResultGenotypeMedian conc n log IU/mL Correct reports (qual) 1910 June HCV RNA positive 1b5.1154/154 (100%) 7532HCV RNA positive 1b4.1151/154 (98.0%) 1966 Nov HCV RNA positive 1a2.5135/157 (86.3%) 7732HCV RNA positive 1a3.4154/157 (98.0%) 2049 June HCV RNA positive 1a4.3149/149 (100%) 7987HCV RNA negative N/A 146/148 (98.6) 2095 Oct HCV RNA positive 2b5.3139/140 (99.3%) 8135HCV RNA positive 2b3.7131/132 (99.2%)
Warsaw June 2007 Number of kits detecting low positive specimen 7731 Specimen 7731 above LDL COBAS Amplicor COBAS Taqman Bayer Versant v3 All methodsMean value all methods Number of results >LDL log IU/mL Total using method Percent >LDL 23%100%5%42%
Warsaw June 2007
CMV DNA Quantification DistributionSpecimen numbers Median conc n log IU/mL Correct reports +/- 0.5 log median diff. +/-0.5 to 0.75 log median diff. +/- >0.75 log median diff June /40 (32.5%) 8/40 (20%) 19/40 (47.5%) 2087 Sept /46 (80.4%) 5/46 (10.9%) 4/46 (8.7%) 2129 Feb /50 (94%) 2/50 (4%) 1/50 (2%)