Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 EU Strategy in Occupational Health and Safety
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 EU Strategy in Occupational Health and Safety Contents 1.ETUI & HESA 2.OHS law in the EU 3. Role of Trade Unions 4.European Social Dialogue in OHS 5.European Tripartite Agencies dealing with OHS Issues 6.Challenges for the Community Strategy on OHS 7.What is on trade union agenda: HESA priorities
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 Professional background Technical University Mining Industry Branch Trade Union TUTB/ETUI HEalth and SAfety Department Co-ordination of New MS + CC Migrant Workers’ H&S OHSM & VPP
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 ETUI & HESA Who we are
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 European Trade Union Confederation ETUC Who does ETUC represent? 60 million workers 81 national confederations 12 federations 36 countries Created the ETUI as an expert and service organisation
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 ETUI An international non profit-making Association established under Belgian law The ETUI has three main objectives: Conducting research, producing studies and monitoring European issues of strategic importance for the world of labour while building bridges between the academic and research community and the labour movement; Promoting education and training activities, programmes and exchanges that strengthen a European Trade Union identity; Providing technical support in the field of OHS so as to promote a high level of H&S protection for workers in Europe.
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 ETUI An international non profit-making Association established under Belgian law With whom we work European trade union movement, its officers and representatives Universities, research bodies and trade union related institutes European Union institutions National OHS bodies Organisations involved in promoting OHS within the workplace Actors working in the field of social Europe.
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 European Trade Union Institute ► 58 employees 32 women & 26 men 29 employed as officers ► 3 departments 34 persons in the Research Dep. 14 persons in the Education Dep. 10 persons in the Health and Safety Dep. ► A diversity of professional backgrounds, nationalities, “identities” and cultural backgrounds ► A newly created (2006), non-profit international organisation Who are we?
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 ETUI-Health and Safety Department HESA MAIN TASKS Support and technical expertise to the ETUC Support to workers’ groups within the Luxembourg Advisory Committee and the Bilbao Agency Support to the European trade union movement
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 ETUI-HESA The Scope EU policies, EU legislation Prevention systems Workers representation in H&S Work organisation / Precarious work Psychosocial risks - Stress, Violence MSD Chemicals, Asbestos, Nanotechnologies Work equipment safety / CEN Enlargement Information: Publications - HESA Mail - HESA Newsletter Training
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 ETUI-HESA Work Method Networking with ACSHW Workers’ Group Bilbao Agency Workers’ Group Trade Union experts Outside experts (Universities, Labour Inspectors, Designers, Physicians, Researchers, Journalists, NGOs, etc.)
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 Occupational Health and Safety law in the EU Principles Legislation Transposition and implementation Evaluation
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 Key principles of EU OHS law Prevention (proactive) Hierarchy of prevention measures Continuous improvement Health and Safety Employers’ responsibility Social dialogue and participation of employees Multidisciplinarity in preventive services & holistic approach to work
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 Hirearchy of prevention measures Avoid/eliminate the hazards Evaluate the risks that cannot be avoided Substitute dangerous by less dangerous Combat risks at source Adapt the work to the individual Adapt to technical progress Develop a coherent overall prevention policy Give collective protective measures priority over individual ones Give appropriate instructions
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 Art. 100a 95 Establishment and functioning of the internal market Directives are binding Art. 118a 137 Improvement of the working environment. Directives lay down minimum standards Directives Standardisation Machinery directive Directives Recommendations Framework directive Individual directives Transposition and implementation into national law Single European Act (1987) Standardisation
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 EU legal initiatives The Council Directive 89/391/EEC + 18 individual directives set up the minimum standards
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 Using of the work equipment 89/655/EEC Work Equipment (2) 89/391/EHS – Framework Directive on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of workers at work Specific activities 90/269/EEC Manual Handling of Loads (4) 90/270/EEC Display Screen Equipments (5) 92/91/EEC Drilling (11) Workplace 89/654/EEC Workplace (1) 92/57/EEC Temporary/Mobile Construction Sites (8) 92/58/EEC Safety and/or Health Signs (9) 92/104/EEC Surface and Underground Mineral- extracting Industries (12) 93/103/EC Fishing Wessels (13) 1999/92/EC Explosive Athmospheres (15) Specific group of workers 92/85/EEC Pregnant and breastfeeding workers and worker who have recently given birth (10) Personal protection 89/656/EEC Personal Protective Equipment (3) Exposure to agents 90/394/EEC Carcinogens (6) 2000/54/EC Biological Agents (7) 98/24/EC Chemical Agents (14) 2000/44/EC Vibrations (16) 2003/10/EC Noise (17) 2004/40/EC Electromagnetic Fields (18) 2000/39/EC Indicative occupational exposure limit values
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 OHS directives which are not directly under Framework Directive 89/391/EEC 91/383/EEC Temporary Workers 94/33/EC Young Workers 93/104/EC 2000/34/EC 2000/79/EC 2002/15/EC Working Time 1983/477/EC 1999/77/EC 2003/18/EC Asbestos
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 Historical background Time factor Other priorities Social dialogue « unnecessary obstacle“ Need to improve communication Limited resources Lack of government participation Lack of funds and awareness Missing economic incentives Inadequate infrastructure EU H&S legislation Implementation in New Member States
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 EU H&S legislation Implementation
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 Role of the Trade Unions
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 In all levels of the OHS legislation tools Information, Consultation and Participation of Workers Workers H&S Reps Social Dialogue – EU/national level IMPEMENTATION : A Crucial Role of the Trade Unions
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 Tools of Trade Unions in the field of OHS Legislation Collective bargaining Social dialogue Networking Cooperation with other actors Lobbing Training
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 Prior tasks for trade unions in OHS PREVENTION Monitoring working conditions Bargaining with the employers Reacting on changing world of work Maintaining workers rights Acting on behalf of workers on all level Strengthening social dialogue Building capacities
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 Workers’ participation Essentials Subjective assessment and interests Right to organise & freedom to take an action Learning from skills and experience Training and information Ability to act independently Ability to cover other aspects of working life
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 To be informed/consulted as early as possible = Information & consultation in appropriate time To influence contents of decisions = The impacts on OHS Workers’ participation Objectives
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 Workers’ participation Diversity of procedures Varieties in workers’ representation Exclusively by trade unions (S, UK, IE, LT, EE) Primarily work councils (GE, A, NL, F) Mixed systems (FI, N, D, I, B, L, RO, CR, SK, SI)
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 What makes things work? Studies confirm the support of : Regulatory provisions for worker representation and their surveillance by labour inspectors Management commitment to better H&S performance and participative arrangements Workplace worker organisation prioritising OHS Support from TUs outside workplaces, especially with information and training leading to… Well-trained and informed Reps Consultation between worker H&S Reps and their constituencies Workers H&S Reps EPSARE
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 Conclusions, issues and questions Traditional approaches to H&S representation that involve trade unions are effective But The presence of these and other preconditions for effectiveness is diminishing They do not reach the majority of workplaces nor deal effectively with small workplaces, multiemployer worksites, precarious workers etc. Workers H&S Reps EPSARE
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 The development of OHS at the workplace depends largely on the participation of workers which has to reflect their subjective experience and collective knowledge. Social dialogue and various forms of workers' participation are essential tools in this field. Workers H&S Reps EPSARE
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 European Social Dialogue in Health and Safety at Work
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 EU Social dialogue Constitutional background, Art EC Treaty
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 Bipartite Social Dialogue at EU level From 1986 to 2008: around 50 joint initiatives 5 Framework agreements (all branches) on Parental Leave, 1995 on Part Time Work, 1997 on Fixed Term Contracts, 1999 on Telework, 2000 on Stress at Work, 2005 on Violence at Work, Framework of actions Framework of actions on the lifelong development of competencies and qualifications, 2002 More than 40 Joint recommendations, opinions, compendia of good practices
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 European Tripartite Agencies dealing with Health and Safety Issues
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 Advisory Committee on S+H at Work SCOPE OF CONSULTATIONS The ACSH is consulted on many of the EC initiatives, and under all circumstances when the EC produces a new directive or revises an existing one. For instance, the committee was consulted regarding the preparation of the framework directive H+S and of every directive subsequently issued in the area of H+S at work
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 European Agency for Safety and Health at Work C ollect and disseminate information in the Member States Promote and support cooperation/exchange amongst the MS Organize conferences/seminars and exchanges of experts Supply the EU bodies and the Member States with information Establish and coordinate the network Collect and make available information from and to third countries and international organizations Provide information on methods/tools for implementing prevention Contribute to the development of EU action programmes
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 carries out research and development projects provides data and analyses to inform and support the formulation of EU policy on working and living conditions has a network of experts throughout Europe research, assessing national situations, preparation of case studies and national reports Foundation monitoring tools: European Industrial Relations Observatory (EIRO) European Working Conditions Observatory (EWCO) European Restructuring Monitor (ERM) European Monitoring Centre on Change (EMCC) European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 Where we go Improving quality and productivity at work
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 The New EU Strategy ( ) General Context Helth and safety at work is a crucial issue Continuation of a process of improvements in working conditions Lisbon Strategy - competitiveness Longer working life Equality Productivity Well-being
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 The New EU Strategy ( ) Developmets and Issues % in fatal accidents and -20% in working accidents 28% of workers has health problems 35% consider their work as a risk for health Categories of workers/enterprises/branches in higher risk Demographic changes and ageing New work organisation, subcontractinch, SMES Migration Gender New occupational diseases (MSD, infections, psycho-social)
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 The New EU Strategy ( ) Objectives and Ways A number of accidents (4 mil.) and diseases (costs as a burden for social systems) must be decreased on 25%: Full implemantation of EU regulations Support for SMEs Better regulation - simplification Changes in behaviour of workers and employers Better risk assessment, new risks Better evaluation of achievements Support of national strategies International cooperation
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 The New EU Strategy ( ) Support of national strategies Health surveillance Rehabilitation and reintegration of workers To face social and demographis changes Strenghtening of cohesion of politics
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 The New EU Strategy ( )
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 Trade Union position: Strategies should be built around practical initiatives, clear objectives by identifying action definitive timetable Boost the resources The New EU Strategy ( )
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 The New EU Strategy ( ) Trade Union objections Main danger: soft approach Some limited open windows Strong pressure from DG enterprises (and, to a minor extent, DG public health) REACH (from 2007) Better regulation’ exercise Broader regulation on labour market (« green book », « flexicurity », working time, etc...)
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 What is on trade union agenda HESA priorities
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 Our priorities: general aspects Articulation between EU strategy and national strategies Strengthening the preventive structures Safety Reps Preventive services Labour inspection Monitoring the situation (not only accidents!) ...
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 Our priorities: Thematics for legislative developments & others Chemicals: The REACH context Carcinogens Reproductive risks Limit-values The new Helsinki Agency MSD We know already enough … it is time to act (+ new directive?) Linking the OSH agenda with broader labour market issues Gender Precarious work and precarious life
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 Our priorities: Other thematics Stress: monitoring the implementation of the agreement Violence: national implementation process Guides (migrants, OHSM, working equipment, MSD, etc.) 2008 European week on risk assessment
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 Our priorities: Strengthening our influence in the EU agencies and institutions Luxembourg Bilbao Dublin Euro Parliament Commission & Council (Member States)
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 Essentials of trade union strategies The background to trade union commitment Organization at the workplace: the starting point of TU action on H&S How to move from top-down reform to a renewal of workers’ initiative Internal and external dimensions of trade union preventive strategies Three complementary spheres of activity: National, European and International
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 Fields for cooperation with HESA Developing of work programme Cooperation in the information system (web, Newsletter, e-Newsletter) Campaigning together MSD Safety reps Networks Cancer and reprotoxics Etc…
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 Identify hazard Evaluate the risk Eliminate the risk Find a substitution Control the risk Protect yourself OR ESCAPE! 7 principles of accident prevention
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 DO NOT HESITATE TO VISIT OUR WEBSITE OR CONTACT ME AND MY COLLEAGUES European Trade Union Institute
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 DO NOT HESITATE TO VISIT OUR WEBSITE OR CONTACT ME AND MY COLLEAGUES European Trade Union Institute
Decent Work for Metalworkers Capacity-Building for Successful Social Dialogue Radovljica, June 12-14, 2008 Role of Labour Inspections H&S = Traffic Labour Inspection = Police Legislation = Policy Machinery & Equipments = Cars Work Environment = Roads Work Equipment = All tools Human Factor = Drivers & co-passangers Social Dialogue = Culture Is the labour inspection a crucial player in the this field? How effective labour inspection can be? Is it reasonable to change the mission of labour inspection from enforcement to advisory role? ● The company base expanded significantly from nineties ● For each existing enterprise, fifty new ones were created ● It presents 500% increase in the number of enterprises ● One visit of labour inspectors in the enterprise per 10 years