Strategic Plan
Promoting excellence in oncology nursing and quality cancer care
ONS Core Work Building on success…
Publishing peer-reviewed literature
Publishing guidelines and standards
Providing accredited nursing education
Establishing priorities for oncology nursing research
Advocating for the nursing profession and quality cancer care
Preparing oncology nursing leaders
Building community, fostering networking
ONS Strategic Plan Building for the future
Knowledge Advocacy Partnership
ONS Strategic Plan
ONS is an influential voice on the oncology profession and cancer care. Increasing member support of ONS advocacy resources and activities Increasing reimbursement for cancer services Preserving and promoting nursing scope of practice Ensuring access to care and clinical trials Eliminating health disparities Preventing and reducing tobacco use Addressing the nursing workforce
ONS Strategic Plan
Oncology nurses attribute their professional development to ONS learning experiences. Emerging trends in diagnosis and treatment Biology and cancer Survivorship New models for advanced practice education Providing leadership development essential to the nursing profession Reaching out to schools of nursing and high school students interested in nursing Non-oncology nurses Generation and application of research Engaging the future oncology nursing workforce Providing resources to new grads
Connecting ONS Chapter Networks
Ensuring international nurses have access to clinical content
ONS Strategic Plan
ONS partners with professional organizations, advocacy groups, commercial organizations, and other entities to advance cancer care and the oncology nursing profession. Developing partnerships based on ONS strategic priorities Building partnerships based on shared risk and shared success
ONS Strategic Plan
Join our strategic efforts to transform cancer care.
Shaping the future of oncology nursing
California East Bay ONS Chapter
Reviewing the Past What sorts of events and activities has your chapter held? What was successful? What do you wish you could have done better? What audience did your activities target? How diverse? How has your membership grown?
Evaluating the Present 120+ members – how many engaged? How many vote in local/ ONS elections? How many attend educational seminars? What is your core work?
Index Card Questions What is the one thing you would change about your chapter? How would you like to see your virtual community utilized? Name one way to recruit new members What would help to smooth the leadership transition? What would make you want to take on/keep a leadership position?
Setting the Course for the Future Mission: The field of oncology nursing is constantly evolving. The mission of the California East Bay Oncology Nursing Society is to promote excellence in cancer care across the continuum through education and collaboration. Vision: To be a dynamic ONS chapter supporting our members with current oncology information and to facilitate member involvement in promoting excellence in cancer care.
Setting the Course for the Future Goals: –Increase recruitment and retention of current and future ONS members. –Generate and disseminate essential knowledge oncology nursing professionals. –Develop leaders in ONS and the profession of oncology nursing. –Develop a comprehensive plan for executive leadership position transitions.
What will be your measures of success? Focus – on Vision, Mission, and Members Clarity – of Purpose Communication – to Membership in a Timely Manner Alignment of Expectations and Resources – regarding Time, Budget, and Skills to achieve strategic initiatives and goals
What can ONS do for you?
Changing the Oncology Nursing Environment VISION: To lead the transformation of cancer care MISSION: To promote excellence in oncology nursing and quality cancer care
Family of Corporations Oncology Nursing Society National association serving oncology nurses and their profession ONS Foundation Charitable organization providing funding for education and research Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation Develops, administers, and evaluates programs for the certification of oncology nurses in basic adult, basic pediatric, and advanced oncology nursing ONSEdge, Inc. For-profit subsidiary of ONS offering education and communication services to corporate clients
Core Values Core Values Shared by All Four Corporations Integrity Innovation Stewardship Advocacy Excellence Inclusiveness
About ONS Founded in 1975 Over 37,000 members 233 Local Chapters 27 Special Interest Groups 24 Focus Groups
Most Valued Services Journals ONS chapters National conferences Practice standards and guidelines Oncology nursing certification Responses to the ONS Environmental Scan ONS invests $460 per member per year: tremendous return on annual dues of $102
Connecting with you colleagues …through recognition ONS Awards –ONS Excellence, Lectureship, Publishing Awards –ONS Distinguished Awards Honor Someone Special
Providing Opportunities For volunteerism For leadership For recognition For diversity and cultural competency awareness For membership recruitment/retention
LDI Celebrated 10 Years in 2008! As for the graduates….. 81% serve in national or local leadership positions 27% went on to become specialty certified 77% have taken on mentorship roles 27% have conducted a research study 84% said their projects opened doors to other professional opportunities 100% said they would recommend the program to others With special thanks to the ONS Foundation and GlaxoSmithKline for their support of LDI since its inception in 1998
Chapter Grants for Student Outreach $125 stipend to cover the cost of a student membership with your chapter as well as chapter meetings for the year. A voucher for the chosen student to take the ONS Cancer Basics online course. ONS Career Resource Guide to educate the student on oncology as a nursing specialty career. A Job Shadowing & Career Resource Guide to help the chapter develop a sustainable student outreach program.
What resources does ONS offer related to diversity? Multicultural Toolkit Diversity Virtual Community ( Diversity Champions Oncology Nurses Worldwide International Tiered memberships Transcultural Nursing Issues SIG Diversity Advisory Panel
Since its founding, the ONS Foundation has made a substantial funding impact on the profession of oncology nursing!
Total Dollars Provided by the Foundation to nurses working in oncology between ? A.$10,155,670 B.$16,155,670 C.$21,537,385 Funding Impact
Helping YOU in your career goals! Academic Scholarships Research Grants and Fellowships Congress & IOL/APN Scholarships Leadership Development Lectureships Education Programs Career Development Awards Public Education Grants Funding Provided
Funding for ONS Chapters!: $1,000 grants annually to ONS Chapters seeking financial support for a research, education or leadership projects. Creativity, originality, and innovation of projects are taken into consideration during the review process. Funding Provided
The California East Bay Oncology Nursing Society 2010 Health Quest: Why Choose a Career in Oncology Nursing? *Expenses partially offset by ONS Foundation Chapter Grant
Project Title: Why Choose a Career in Oncology Nursing? Project Goal/Target audience: 1600 high school students Time line: We will schedule the panel discussion in September 2009, and the health fair in April Budget: $1,125 Expected Outcomes: We plan to increase awareness about Oncology Nursing to over 1600 students, teachers, and administrators at the high school level to increase interest in the profession, and increase our chapter’s leadership in education of future nurses.
We can help YOU : With Educational Needs With Research Interests With Leadership Development