“We are grateful that the holy book that comes from God has been made in the B language.”
The cry, “Come, Lord Jesus” is part of the name of the church of the B people.
The B christians have this banner over their pulpit, celebrating Christ being the beginning and the end.
The Bible translator was joined by his brother and father at the New Testament dedication.
This B man is thanking the translator for making the New Testament in the B language.
Another B man is thanking the translator for making the New Testament in his own language.
Yet another B man is thanking the translator for making the New Testament in his own language.
The founder of Kartidaya, asians doing Bible translation for their own people, explains how this New testament in the peoples’own language will help families.
The Bupate, high government official in this asian country, commends the translator for making the New Testament in the B language.