USCG ANS Program USCG Domestic and International Ballast Water Management Initiatives LT Heather St. Pierre Environmental Standards Division U.S. Coast Guard April 20, 2006
USCG ANS Program 2 Outline Progress at IMO Progress at IMO Prevention Program Update Prevention Program Update Compliance Program Compliance Program Technical Developments Technical Developments Future of Ballast Water Management Future of Ballast Water Management
USCG ANS Program 3 IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee 54 th Session Continued development & review of the Ballast Water Management Convention of 2004: Continued development & review of the Ballast Water Management Convention of 2004: Approval and oversight of prototype ballast water equipment (G10) Approval and oversight of prototype ballast water equipment (G10) Granted basic approval of two ballast water treatment systems: Granted basic approval of two ballast water treatment systems: Peraclean® Ocean – Germany Peraclean® Ocean – Germany Electro Clean System – Republic of Korea Electro Clean System – Republic of Korea
USCG ANS Program 4 IMO’s Subcommittee on Bulk Liquids and Gases - 10 th Session Reviewed Guidelines for the BWM Convention: Reviewed Guidelines for the BWM Convention: Ballast water sampling (G2) Ballast water sampling (G2) Risk assessment under Regulation A-4 (G7) Risk assessment under Regulation A-4 (G7) Ballast Water Exchange Design (G11) Ballast Water Exchange Design (G11) Sediment control on ships (G12) Sediment control on ships (G12) Additional measures including emergency situations (G13) Additional measures including emergency situations (G13) Designation of areas for ballast water exchange (G14) Designation of areas for ballast water exchange (G14) Text on Port State Control procedures forwarded to the 14 th Session of the Subcommittee on Flag State Implementation (FSI 14) Text on Port State Control procedures forwarded to the 14 th Session of the Subcommittee on Flag State Implementation (FSI 14)
USCG ANS Program 5 Future IMO Work MEPC – 55 th Session – October 9-13, 2006 MEPC – 55 th Session – October 9-13, 2006 Review and Adoption of Guidelines: Review and Adoption of Guidelines: BW reception facilities (G5) BW reception facilities (G5) Additional measures including emergency situations (G13) Additional measures including emergency situations (G13) Designation of areas for BW exchange (G14) Designation of areas for BW exchange (G14)
USCG ANS Program 6 BWM Convention Status Entry into force is 30 States/35% Tonnage Entry into force is 30 States/35% Tonnage Ratifications: Ratifications: Maldives Maldives Spain Spain St. Kitts & Nevis St. Kitts & Nevis Syrian Arabic Republic Syrian Arabic Republic Nigeria Nigeria Tuvalu Tuvalu 0.6% of world shipping tonnage
USCG ANS Program 7 Prevention: NOBOB Published policy outlining best management practices: Published policy outlining best management practices: Encourage mid-ocean exchange Encourage mid-ocean exchange If no mid-ocean exchange, then saltwater flushing If no mid-ocean exchange, then saltwater flushing Environmental Assessment for policy: FONSI Environmental Assessment for policy: FONSI
USCG ANS Program 8 Regulatory Program Continued support of National Ballast Information Clearinghouse (NBIC) Continued support of National Ballast Information Clearinghouse (NBIC) Monitor compliance through BW reports Monitor compliance through BW reports Observe ballast management practices, patterns of BW movement and discharge Observe ballast management practices, patterns of BW movement and discharge
USCG ANS Program 9 Regulatory Program (Con’t) Ballast water discharge standard Ballast water discharge standard Environmental and regulatory analyses underway Environmental and regulatory analyses underway Working on Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (DPEIS) Working on Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (DPEIS)
USCG ANS Program 10 Regulation of BWM Will Be Shared by Multiple Agencies Efficacy in reducing number of discharged organisms--USCG (NANPCA) Efficacy in reducing number of discharged organisms--USCG (NANPCA) Approval of HAZMAT to be stored on ships— USCG (49 CFR) Approval of HAZMAT to be stored on ships— USCG (49 CFR) Registration of chemicals for use in treating BW-- EPA (FIFRA) Registration of chemicals for use in treating BW-- EPA (FIFRA) Acceptability of discharge WQ--States (FWPCA) Acceptability of discharge WQ--States (FWPCA)
USCG ANS Program 11 Compliance Program Penalties for non-reporting and Mandatory BWM Penalties for non-reporting and Mandatory BWM Reporting is up from less than 30% to well over 75% Reporting is up from less than 30% to well over 75% In 2005 – Overall rate of compliance = 97% In 2005 – Overall rate of compliance = 97% 229 deficiencies 229 deficiencies 19 cases of enforcement action Majority of deficiencies are related to BWM Plans or on-board Recordkeeping. Majority of deficiencies are related to BWM Plans or on-board Recordkeeping.
USCG ANS Program 12 Technical Developments Ballast Exchange Assurance Meter (BEAM) Ballast Exchange Assurance Meter (BEAM) Continuing test and verification work Continuing test and verification work Ballast Water Technology Test Facility Ballast Water Technology Test Facility Test facility operational Test facility operational Selected candidate BW treatment technology to validate Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) protocols Selected candidate BW treatment technology to validate Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) protocols Bal Pure 100 (Severn Trent DeNora) Bal Pure 100 (Severn Trent DeNora) Testing to begin in summer Testing to begin in summer
USCG ANS Program 13 Shipboard Technology Evaluation Program (STEP) Goal: encourage development of BW treatment technologies Goal: encourage development of BW treatment technologies Recently revised STEP application documents Recently revised STEP application documents Held workshop in March Held workshop in March Received applications Received applications
USCG ANS Program 14 BWM System Development Trends Positives: Greater corporate investment Greater corporate investment Greater flow rate capabilities Greater flow rate capabilities Investigation of process control Investigation of process control Packaging & materials Packaging & materials Safety & fail-safe features Safety & fail-safe features Participation by ship owners Participation by ship owners
USCG ANS Program 15 BWM System Development Trends (cont.) Areas still to be addressed: Validation/peer review Validation/peer review Efficacy investigation Efficacy investigation Biocides Biocides Regulatory constraints Regulatory constraints Disinfection byproducts Disinfection byproducts Waste stream management Waste stream management
USCG ANS Program 16 Other Technical Issues BWM system approvals BWM system approvals Testing Testing Environmental impacts Environmental impacts Coordination of biocide use issues Coordination of biocide use issues BWD standard BWD standard Sampling Sampling Verification Verification
USCG ANS Program 17 ANS Program Future Coordinate with other stakeholders to develop & implement ANS prevention and control strategies Coordinate with other stakeholders to develop & implement ANS prevention and control strategies Research collaboration with CG R&D Center & international partners Research collaboration with CG R&D Center & international partners ANS legislation on the horizon ANS legislation on the horizon Hull fouling Hull fouling
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