Difference Between a Declaration of Independence and a Constitution We want Independence! EXECUTIVE BRANCH Governor LEGISLATIVE BRANCH State Legislature JUDICIAL BRANCH Courts
Declaration of Independence Constitution When are they usually written? When the revolution is just beginning Purpose To list the problems with their government How it is organized: An introduction (called a preamble) A list of grievances (complaints) about their current government A statement of independence (p. 708) When are they usually written? After the declaration of independence Purpose To try to solve the problems of the government How it is organized: An introduction (preamble) The articles (how the government is set up) Amendments (including the Bill of Rights; the first laws of the new nation) Basic Facts EXECUTIVE BRANCH Governor LEGISLATIVE BRANCH State Legislature JUDICIAL BRANCH Courts We want Independence!
The Constitution for a new nation is usually written before the declaration of independence. True False
The biggest difference between a constitution and a declaration of independence is that a constitution ______________________ and a declaration of independence __________________________ ________________. explains to the gov’t why they want to fight (problems) creates a new gov’t (solutions)
You sent an army to Texas to fight with us just because we wanted to protest some taxes. Declaration Constitution
The new government of Texas will have three branches of government. (Executive, Legislative and Judicial) Declaration Constitution
The right of free speech is guaranteed. Declaration Constitution
Coahuila is the boss of Texas and the state capital is too far away. Declaration Constitution
Presidents of the Republic of Texas will serve three-year terms. Declaration Constitution
If you were going to declare independence from your parents, list one grievance that you would include in that document. (Be nice-ish)
Take a look at some of the rights guaranteed by the Texas Constitution. (p. 216 or p. 710) Write one complete sentence describing what you would have done differently with one of the items outlined in the Constitution.