Dispensations and Crises (Page 43½) Innocence LawFamilyGraceSelf - Government Conscience Messianic (Each Dispensation is followed by crisis, judgment, next testing) (Green Areas are Clickable Links)
Ages and Dispensations ( Page 17½)
Dispensation: Periods of time in history when God deals with man in a specific manner (Law, Grace,ect) A probationary period in history always ending in moral failure God’s repeated display of fallen man’s insufficiency “Without Me ye can do nothing (right)”
Dispensation of Innocence (Edenic) From creation of Adam till the expulsion from the garden Purpose: Eph 2:4-10 Innocence morally neutral Confirmed in Holiness or reprobation Result of fall: Depravity of race Gen 5:3 Edenic = In The Garden (P/O Page 43 ½)
Antediluvian Dispensation (Conscience) From the fall till the flood Purpose: To show conscience insufficient for moral perfection Rom 1:19-32 Result: Gen 6:11-13 Ante-Diluvian = Before the Flood (P/O Page 43 ½)
Post Diluvian Dispensation Human (self) Government From flood to tower of babel Man, having failed the tests of innocence and conscience is now given the test of human government. Genesis 9:1-6 Romans 13:1-6 Purpose: Show man that in his depravity he is incapable of self government. The sanctity of human government is short lived Genesis 11:1-9 Post Diluvian = After the Flood (P/O Page 43 ½)
Patriarchal Dispensation (Family) From call of Abram to Exodus Purpose: To show even best of family influence not enough. (Lot) Gen 13:10-14 Noah’s descendants become idolaters. (Terah) Josh 24:2 A family feud develops here which plagues us today …. Gen 27:38-45 But it has an end Obadiah 1:1-21 Dispensation of Family (P/O Page 43 ½)
Dispensation of the Law From Sinai to Christ Purpose: To show fallen man that he cannot keep the law- needs Grace Gal 3:24 Law is a curse to sinners Gal 3:10-13 Never intended as a means of salvation Rom 3:20 Heb 7:19 Law of Moses (Legal) (P/O Page 43 ½)
Dispensation of Grace From Pentecost to Rapture Purpose: Calling out of the Bride of Christ II Cor 11:2 Church was a mystery until now I Cor 2:6-10 Dispensation of longsuffering and Divine Favor II Pet 3:9 Dispensation to end in “perilous times” I Tim 4:1-4, II Tim 3:1-5 Jude Ecclesiastical (Church) Dispensation (P/O Page 43 ½)
Millennial Dispensation From Second Coming (Second Phase) till “Little Season” Purpose: Show man that even under the most ideal environs he cannot please God “All have sinned…” Jer 17:9 Dispensation of unparalleled opportunity: satan bound Rev 20:1-3; Curse removed- no poverty Gen 3:17, Ezek 36:25-38 Millennium = “mille- annum= 1000 years (P/O Page 43 ½)