BLC PDA E-book Pilot ACRL/NEC May, 2013 – College of the Holy Cross
The Players from BLC Boston College – Sally Wyman Boston University – Mary Foppiani, co-chair Brandeis University – Sherry (Charlotte) Keen Northeastern University – Scott Carlisle Tufts University – Miriam Allman University of CT – Deb Sanford, co-chair UMass, Lowell – Joseph Fisher Wellesley University – Graham Henderson
Collaborators YBP Invoicing Profiles / de-duplication of content ebray/YBP functionality records Ebrary Content/Platform Build Consortial PDA functionality Reports Records OCLC Records WorldCat Local / WorldCat KB
Strategy? Publishers/providers Ebrary negotiated on our behalf based on our vision statement 12 selected: Princeton University Press, University of Illinois Press, Guilford, Duke University Press, Ashgate, Wiley, ME Sharpe, Oxford University Press (excluding OSO titles), Brill, John Benjamins, Edward Elgar, National Academies Press Content/Parameters Must be Academic, Undergraduate, , list price capped at $200
Strategy, more Purchase Model No STL ebrary triggers (10 minutes viewed, 10 consecutive pages, any copying, printing, downloading), SUPO Multiplier – range 1.5x – 4.5x Shared access/Buying club Access issues Discovery records Purchased records Free or pay WorldCat Local / WorldCat KB
Key players
Challenges Trigger reports Usage reports Channels Duplication of content within an Institution Overlap of content across the BLC Data analysis STL ILL More players, there are 23 BLC institutions Energy and willpower
Learned to date- Selection pool of 705 titles (discovery records) 397 unique titles had been used Of those, 143 titles had been purchased by the BLC Total SUPO list price of books purchased via pilot (includes multiple copies) = $114,413 Funds spent by BLC for those books = $58,963 Data as of March 14, 2013
Next steps- Continue the project as Phase 2 Call for participants from BLC sent out May 7 Hope is that 7 charter institutions will continue to participate and that at least 2-3 new participants will join the fun! On the content side, we have asked ebrary to explore expanding our publisher partner list, maybe 2-3 more publishers to add more diverse content to the selection pool Phase 2 to begin July 1, 2013 Continue to gather data – analyze to tease out best practice for a shared ebook pricing model
Equitable pricing model
Everybody wins – BLC, ebrary, YBP, OCLC, publishers and most important – our users
Mary Foppiani | Science Bibliographer Boston University Deborah Sanford | Acquisitions Librarian University of Connecticut THANK YOU! All images courtesy of and