2 BEST BQI Objectives : To strengthen the overall national quality conformity assessment infrastructure, and integrate it with international quality infrastructure BQI components : - Metrology & Calibration, - Accreditation - Standardization - Associated modernization of Laws & Institutions and relationship with technical regulation
3 BAB is full member of APLAC, and is a signatory to APLAC and ILAC MRA’s for testing laboratories - Systems developed - Management & assessors trained - ISO/IEC compliant operations Accreditation of Laboratories Laboratories in Public and Private sector assisted to be accredited to ISO/IEC or ISO BEST BQI - Developing Laboratory Accreditation in Bangladesh
This is a standard for accreditation of LABORATORIES. HOSPITAL accreditation is something different. BEST will be helping laboratories. BAB CANNOT advise labs on how to comply. 4 BEST and BAB are complementary
5 At least 5 places reserved for medical laboratories.
6 What does BEST offer to Laboratories ? A.Workshops on complying with the Management requirements of ISO Management structure Documentation requirements Document control Internal Audit Dealing with non-conforming work Corrective actions Improvement actions
7 What does BEST offer to Laboratories ? B.Access to your own Specialist International Consultant GAP analysis of your current position. Work with you to plan your progress to compliance. Make repeated visits to update and assist with any problems. Be available at all times to deal with queries by etc. Hold specialist workshops in problem areas.
8 What does BEST offer to Laboratories ? C.Workshops in problem areas Calibration and traceability. Method validation. Quality control. Method documentation. Uncertainty of measurement. Proficiency testing.
9 What does BEST offer to Laboratories ? D.Access to Special Briefings On accreditation process and how to make an application. On other UNIDO inputs supporting development of calibration, reference material provision and proficiency testing in Bangladesh.
10 Are there any costs involved ? UNIDO will provide the services of the consultants free of any charge. Laboratories will need to cover any out of pocket expenses for their staff attending workshops, e.g. costs of travel and accommodation. Laboratories will need to cover the fees for accreditation payable to BAB.
11 HOW DO LABORATORIES APPLY ? By completing a simple form describing their activities, scale of operations and reason for interest in accreditation. As part of the application laboratories will be expected to commit to an understanding that they will support staff attendance at workshops and allow them to work with consultants. The programme has a limit of 35 laboratories but at least 5 places are reserved for medical laboratories.
12 Rajinder Raj Sud Tel: Mobile: or Dr Alan G Rowley See also BEST Website