Black Hills Mental Health Substance Abuse Collaborative.


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Presentation transcript:

Black Hills Mental Health Substance Abuse Collaborative

Have you ever used the clickers before? 76 total responses (23 = yes, 53 = no)

What gender are you? 77 total responses (22 = male, 55 = female)

How old are you? 78 total responses (<20 = 2, = 4, = 24, = 15, = 22, 61+ = 11)

Who do you represent today? 77 total responses (service provider = 40, elected official = 0, Law enforcement = 5, government entity = 12, funder = 6, client/family = 3, school = 2, other = 9)

The race that best describes me 77 total responses (American Indian = 2, Asian = 1, Black/African American = 0, Caucasian = 73, Hispanic = 0, Multiracial = 1, Other = 0)

Family Advocacy Parent Training Topics Identified  Juvenile Justice  Mental Health

Juvenile Justice Topic 1. Truancy - What parents/guardians need to know if their child is referred to the State’s Attorney’s Office for Truancy. 2. Child in Need of Supervision (CHINS Petition) – What is this and how does it work? Can it help my child? 3. How can parents/guardians advocate for their child and be involved in decision making? 4. How to help your child transition home after incarceration in a juvenile justice facility. 5. What happens if my child is remanded to the Department of Corrections? 6. A parent’s guide to secure juvenile detention. Why is it used? What can I expect as a parent if my minor child is detained?

Juvenile Justice 1 st Vote 79 total responses (truancy = 11, CHINS = 16, parent advocacy = 26, transition from incarceration = 14, child to DOC = 4, secure juvenile detention = 8)

Juvenile Justice = 2 nd Vote 76 total responses (truancy = 13, CHINS = 21, parent advocacy = 19, transition from incarceration = 13, child to DOC = 8, secure juvenile detention = 2)

Mental Health Topic 1. What mental, emotional and behavioral disorders could affect my children and/or my adolescents? 2. What are the signs that my child needs a mental health evaluation? Where can we get this? What terminology do I need to know? 3. What treatment services are available for my child in SD? What are different types of therapies, and how do I know what is best for my child? What medications are available for my child and what are their side effects? 4. How do I know if my child is using alcohol and/or drugs? Where can I get help? What treatments are available? 5. What is the involuntary commitment process for Minors? 6. How can parents/guardians advocate for their child and be involved in decision making? 7. How to help your child transition home from residential treatment.

Mental Health 1 st Vote 79 total responses (disorders = 5, evaluation = 24, treatment = 16, alcohol/drugs = 15, commitment process = 1, parent advocacy = 16, transition from residential = 2)

Mental Health 2 nd Vote 77 total responses (disorders = 6, evaluation = 16, treatment = 23, alcohol/drugs = 13, commitment process = 2, parent advocacy = 12, transition from residential = 5)

Which topic should be done first? 80 total responses (juvenile justice = 30, mental health = 50)

Collaborative’s Next Priorities Adult Service Needs Youth and Adolescent Service Needs Community Training Needs (Outside of Family Advocacy parent training) Other

Adult Service Needs 1. Open ended tiered housing 2. Outpatient substance abuse services 3. Psychiatric services & medication management 4. Counseling services for low income 5. Prevention services for other than underage and binge drinking (tobacco, cannabis, inhalants, meth, other drugs, bullying) 6. Nursing home beds for adults with mental illness 7. Drop In Center for social interaction specializing in understanding issues of mental illness and substance abuse 8. Gambling treatment 9. More integrated treatment for DD clients that have MH/SA issues

Adult Service Needs 1 st Vote 76 total responses (open ended tiered housing = 23, outpatient substance abuse = 4, psychiatric medication = 17, counseling services for low income = 11, other prevention = 4, nursing home beds for MI adults = 5, drop-in center = 5, gambling treatment = 2, integrates treatments for DD = 5)

Adults Services 2 nd Vote 77 total responses (open ended tiered housing = 22, outpatient substance abuse = 5, psychiatric medication = 19, counseling services for low income = 7, other prevention = 1, nursing home beds for MI adults = 5, drop-in center = 9, gambling treatment = 4, integrates treatments for DD = 5)

Youth and Adolescent Service Needs 1. Crisis Care System 2. Therapeutic foster families 3. Truancy reduction 4. Alternatives to secure detention 5. Alternatives to residential mental health treatment 6. Alternatives to inpatient drug and alcohol treatment 7. Alternative schools for youth who don’t ‘fit in’ the public school system (charter schools) 8. Services to transition a juvenile to adult (example independent living center)

Youth and Adolescent Service Needs 1 st Vote 72 total responses (crisis care system = 35, therapeutic foster families = 3, truancy reduction = 4, alternatives to secure detention = 2, alternatives to residential treatments = 6, alternatives to inpatients drug/alcohol treatment = 4, alternative schools = 10, transition juvenile to adult = 8)

Youth and Adolescent Service Needs 2 st Vote 77 total responses (crisis care system = 17, therapeutic foster families = 2, truancy reduction = 11, alternatives to secure detention = 7, alternatives to residential treatments = 7, alternatives to inpatients drug/alcohol treatment = 8, alternative schools = 10, transition juvenile to adult =15)

Community Training Needs (outside of Family Advocacy parent training) 1. Understanding poverty and it’s consequences 2. Mental Health First Aid 3. Cultural Competency 4. Olweus Bullying 5. Adult CIT (Crisis intervention training) for law enforcement, liaison officers, schools, other counties 6. Youth CIT (Crisis intervention training) for law enforcement liaison officers, schools, other counties

Community Training Needs 1 st Vote 72 total responses (poverty = 16, mental health first aid = 8, cultural competency = 8, olweus bullying = 8, adults CIT = 20, youth CIT = 12

Community Training Needs 2nd Vote 73 total responses (poverty = 18, mental health first aid = 13, cultural competency = 6, olweus bullying = 9, adults CIT = 6, youth CIT = 21

Other 1. Recruitment of more people to become qualified mental health professionals 2. Community Education Plan to expand awareness of CCC 3. Increase informal and peer supports for families 4. Increase capacity for community case management 5. Client needs assessment/feedback to identify barriers to services 6. Community care plan for frequent users of service

Other 77 total responses (QMHP recruitment = 10, awareness of CCC = 14, informal supports = 15, case management = 17, clients needs assessment = 5, community care plan = 16)