ILIAS 4 EB meeting. Paris. January 2005 JRA1 web page 1 Reminder of goals Reminder of goals Present status Present status Work in progress Work in progress JRA1. LBT-DUSL Low background techniques for deep underground sciences
ILIAS 4 EB meeting. Paris. January 2005 JRA1 web page 2 WP 1. Key objectives To measure the environmental background components (neutrons, gammas, muons, Rn contamination in the air and in the water...) in the four underground sites in a coherent and coordinated way. The joint research effort should optimise the know-how of the different participants. This is extremely important for the interpretation of data and for planning future experiments.
ILIAS 4 EB meeting. Paris. January 2005 JRA1 web page 3 WP 2. Key objectives To produce a reliable Monte Carlo library of simulation codes to identify and quantify the backgrounds in the EU underground sites in a variety of experimental conditions for the interpretation of data and for planning future experiments. The joint research effort should optimise the know-how of the different participants. Experimental results from Task 1 will be useful as the input of the simulations.
ILIAS 4 EB meeting. Paris. January 2005 JRA1 web page 4 WP 3. Key objectives -Construction and upgrading of ultra low background facilities (ULBF) in the four underground labs forming an EU-coordinated service for applications in rare event physics and other fields of world-wide value. -Implementation of new techniques to deal with the background: active and passive shielding, veto systems, particle discrimination techniques, fragmentation of calorimeter detectors, control and suppression of radon levels... -Study of the feasibility of fabrication of detectors and materials underground.
ILIAS 4 EB meeting. Paris. January 2005 JRA1 web page 5 WP 4. Key objectives -Collect new (and old) data on radioactive contamination and cosmogenic activation of materials used in rare-event physics experiments and ultra-low background instrumentation, using the new capabilities offered by the R&D and facilities of WP 3. -Development and test of purification techniques to improve the radio-purity of materials.
ILIAS 4 EB meeting. Paris. January 2005 JRA1 web page 6 Management structure of JRA1 Activity coordinatorJulio Morales/José M. Carmona (LSC) Deputy coordinatorNicola Ferrari (LNGS) WP1. Background measurements in the deep underground sites: CoordinatorNicola Ferrari (LNGS) Deputy coordinatorsMarisa Sarsa/Gloria Luzón (LSC) WP2. Background simulations: CoordinatorGloria Luzón/Susana Cebrián (LSC) Deputy coordinatorVitaly Kudriavtsev (IUS) WP3. Low background facilities: CoordinatorMatthias Laubenstein (LNGS) Deputy coordinatorJean Louis Reyss (LSM) WP4. Radiopurity of the materials: Coordinator:Pia Loaiza (LSM) Deputy coordinator:Lino Miramonti (LNGS)
ILIAS 4 EB meeting. Paris. January 2005 JRA1 web page 7Participants WPLNGSLSMLSCBoulby WP1- Background measurements and monitoring in the deep underground sites N. Ferrari A. Ianni C. Broggini C. Cattadori W. Plastino C. Vignoli G.L. Raselli A. Cesana J. Kisiel G. Gerbier D. Lalanne G. Luzon J.M. Carmona J. Morales M.L. Sarsa A. Ortiz J. Ruz V. Kudryavtsev J. McMillan J. Lewin B. Camanzi E. Tziaferi WP2- Background simulations L. Pandola S. Parlati P. Loaiza G. Gerbier M. De Jesus F. Piquemal S. Cebrián G. Luzon J.M. Carmona M. Martinez B. Beltran V. Kudryavtsev J. Davies B. Camanzi C. Bungau WP3- Low background facilities M. Laubenstein N. Ferrari C. Tomei M. Balata S. Shoenert H. Simgen J.L. Reyss Ph. Hubert D. Lalanne J.A. Villar J. Amare M.L. Sarsa J.M. Carmona M. Martinez J. Ruz S. Paling R. Luscher N. Smith C. Bungau J. McMillan WP4- Radiopurity of the materials L. Miramonti A. Ianni B. Caccianiga M. Laubenstein C. Tomei J. Kisiel P. Loaiza C. Goldbach P. Hubert R Gurriaran C. Marquet J. Puimedon M.L. Sarsa J.M. Carmona L. Torres S. Paling J. McMillan J. Lewin B. Camanzi
ILIAS 4 EB meeting. Paris. January 2005 JRA1 web page 8 First JRA1 General Meeting Held on September 10, 2004 in Edinburgh Main conclusions: Set-up of Working Groups Set-up of Working Groups Coordinators of each WP will collect information from every laboratory about Coordinators of each WP will collect information from every laboratory about Plans of measurements (WP1) Simulation activities of each group (WP2) Status of low background facilities (WP3) Data of activity of the materials (WP4) This information will be used to elaborate the Mid-term report This information will be used to elaborate the Mid-term report Information will be updated at Information will be updated at http// (WP1, WP2, WP3) and http// (WP1, WP2, WP3) and (WP4) (WP4)
ILIAS 4 EB meeting. Paris. January 2005 JRA1 web page 9 Mid-term report Already sent (see and the ILIAS webpage) the ILIAS webpage) What we have learned: Not all contributions arrived in due time Not all contributions arrived in due time Not all labs sent their economical information Not all labs sent their economical information We received information: We received information: sometimes from the lab about its activities on each WP sometimes from the coordinator of a WP about activities related to the WP in all labs
ILIAS 4 EB meeting. Paris. January 2005 JRA1 web page 10 WP1 activities (Background measurements in the deep underground sites) Tasks for 1st semester Collecting existing data Collecting existing data Planning new measurements Planning new measurements Gamma-ray: set-up instrumentation (start) Gamma-ray: set-up instrumentation (start) Neutrons: set-up instrumentation (start) Neutrons: set-up instrumentation (start) Tasks for 2nd semester Gamma-ray: set-up instrumentation (cont.) Gamma-ray: set-up instrumentation (cont.) Neutrons: set-up instrumentation (cont.) Neutrons: set-up instrumentation (cont.) Set-up of upgraded Radon monitoring systems (start) Set-up of upgraded Radon monitoring systems (start) Full survey of background components (start) Full survey of background components (start) Data analysis and interpretation (start) Data analysis and interpretation (start) Implementation of results in database (start) Implementation of results in database (start)
ILIAS 4 EB meeting. Paris. January 2005 JRA1 web page 11 WP2 activities (Background simulations) Tasks for 1st semester Existing codes compared and discussed Existing codes compared and discussed Tasks for 2nd semester Platform, language and structure of the library fixed Platform, language and structure of the library fixed First ‘test’ version of Monte-Carlo libraries First ‘test’ version of Monte-Carlo libraries
ILIAS 4 EB meeting. Paris. January 2005 JRA1 web page 12 WP3 activities (Low background facilities) Tasks for 1st semester Preparation of areas hosting new ULB facilities Preparation of areas hosting new ULB facilities Tasks for 2nd semester Implementation of different facilities at each underground lab (start) Implementation of different facilities at each underground lab (start)
ILIAS 4 EB meeting. Paris. January 2005 JRA1 web page 13 WP4 activities (Radiopurity of the materials) Tasks for 1st semester Collecting existing data into de database (start) Collecting existing data into de database (start) Defining new measurements (start) Defining new measurements (start) Tasks for 2nd semester Collecting existing data into de database (cont.) Collecting existing data into de database (cont.) Defining new measurements (cont.) Defining new measurements (cont.) Measurements of radio-purity of new materials (start) Measurements of radio-purity of new materials (start) R&D on purification techniques (start) R&D on purification techniques (start)
ILIAS 4 EB meeting. Paris. January 2005 JRA1 web page 14 JRA1: status of the activity The official web page of the JRA1 activity has been set-up. It contains: A description of the JRA1 activity and general documents A description of the JRA1 activity and general documents JRA1 list of participants JRA1 list of participants Information on next and previous meetings Information on next and previous meetings Working group pages: participants, documents, evolution of the activities… Working group pages: participants, documents, evolution of the activities…
ILIAS 4 EB meeting. Paris. January 2005 JRA1 web page 15
ILIAS 4 EB meeting. Paris. January 2005 JRA1 web page 16
ILIAS 4 EB meeting. Paris. January 2005 JRA1 web page 17
ILIAS 4 EB meeting. Paris. January 2005 JRA1 web page 18 WP´s activities
ILIAS 4 EB meeting. Paris. January 2005 JRA1 web page 19 WP1 activities (Background measurements in the deep underground sites) Completed & undergoing activities Collecting existing data from each laboratory onCollecting existing data from each laboratory on neutron background, environmental gammas, radio purity of rock, concrete, etc…, radon monitoring (in air, water, …), muon fluxes Reports on these measurements are being collected by WP1 coordinatorReports on these measurements are being collected by WP1 coordinator Prepare contents for WP1 web page to be located on the main web page of JRA1 at LSCPrepare contents for WP1 web page to be located on the main web page of JRA1 at LSC Survey of environmental gamma-ray background (all labs; undergoing at LNGS, and Boulby with TARI project)Survey of environmental gamma-ray background (all labs; undergoing at LNGS, and Boulby with TARI project) Measurement of radiopurity of rock, concrete, etc... (all labs; undergoing at LNGS, LSC, ---)Measurement of radiopurity of rock, concrete, etc... (all labs; undergoing at LNGS, LSC, ---)
ILIAS 4 EB meeting. Paris. January 2005 JRA1 web page 20 WP1 activities (Background measurements in the deep underground sites) Neutron monitoring at the underground laboratories At LNGS a new measurement will be started by a Pavia INFN group in the next months At LNGS a new measurement will be started by a Pavia INFN group in the next months A group from Baksan is interested to start a collaboration with ILIAS for the measurement of neutron backgrounds with 3He liquid scintillator detector A group from Baksan is interested to start a collaboration with ILIAS for the measurement of neutron backgrounds with 3He liquid scintillator detector The same measurements will follows for other labs (TARI) The same measurements will follows for other labs (TARI) Rn monitoring in the air and water (ongoing since a few years at LNGS; soon at LSM, LSC, IUS)Rn monitoring in the air and water (ongoing since a few years at LNGS; soon at LSM, LSC, IUS)
ILIAS 4 EB meeting. Paris. January 2005 JRA1 web page 21 WP2 activities (Background simulations) Completed & undergoing activities At IDM04 a joint meeting of N3 BSNS and JRA1 WP2 activities was held, and work by every group presented and discussed At IDM04 a joint meeting of N3 BSNS and JRA1 WP2 activities was held, and work by every group presented and discussed A mailing distribution list has been created to optimize exchange of ideas (info: A mailing distribution list has been created to optimize exchange of ideas (info: An FTP repository for codes with (restricted) access through main JRA1 web page has been created (info: An FTP repository for codes with (restricted) access through main JRA1 web page has been created (info: Groups have been asked by WP coordinators to elaborate a report on the simulation codes they are using (comments, …)Groups have been asked by WP coordinators to elaborate a report on the simulation codes they are using (comments, …) Next projects Comparison of codes; problems, bug and open questions detected Comparison of codes; problems, bug and open questions detected Preparation of a first set of Monte Carlo libraries for background simulations Preparation of a first set of Monte Carlo libraries for background simulations Design of strategies to compare results with experimental data Design of strategies to compare results with experimental data
ILIAS 4 EB meeting. Paris. January 2005 JRA1 web page 22 WP3 activities (Low background facilities) Completed & undergoing activities LNGS operates very low background Ge detectors developed by a collaboration between MPI and Canberra LNGS operates very low background Ge detectors developed by a collaboration between MPI and Canberra A facility for electroforming copper at LSC is under development A facility for electroforming copper at LSC is under development Reports on low background facilities at each underground laboratory are in preparation Reports on low background facilities at each underground laboratory are in preparation The laboratory for low-level radioactivity measurements at LNGS was presented by M. Laubenstein (see JRA1 web page) The laboratory for low-level radioactivity measurements at LNGS was presented by M. Laubenstein (see JRA1 web page) Next projects To initiate the development of ultra-low background detectors, with the establishment of a prototype for the growth of detector crystalsTo initiate the development of ultra-low background detectors, with the establishment of a prototype for the growth of detector crystals A program of cross calibration of the Ge detectors in the different labs is under consideration through an exchange of reference materials. The consistency of data on radioactive contamination obtained by the different labs will then be checked.
ILIAS 4 EB meeting. Paris. January 2005 JRA1 web page 23 Completed & undergoing activities A web page ( has been set-up to contain a data base on radio-purity of materials. It will be linked to the JRA1 main site. A web page ( has been set-up to contain a data base on radio-purity of materials. It will be linked to the JRA1 main site. Coordinators from each lab will collect data from measured materials Coordinators from each lab will collect data from measured materials ± ± 0.01 <0.2<0.3<0.12 < 0.3 VA OFHCCooper 54 Mn 57 Co 60 Co 40 K 137 Cs 210 Pb 235 U 208 Tl 212 Pb 228 Ac 214 Bi 214 Pb 234 Th 232 Th series 232 Th series 238 U series 238 U series Radionuclide concentration in dpm/kg Radionuclide concentration in dpm/kgProvider and Ref TypeMaterial Measured by EDELWEISS Type of detector Ge, type n, 200 LSM WP4 activities (Radio-purity of the materials)
ILIAS 4 EB meeting. Paris. January 2005 JRA1 web page d JRA1 General Meeting Held on January 12, 2005, hosted by LSM (Modane) Main conclusions: All the Working groups are operatives (and in time) All the Working groups are operatives (and in time) Coordinators of each WP have collected information from every laboratory about Coordinators of each WP have collected information from every laboratory about Status of the measurements (WP1) Simulation activities of each group (WP2) Status of low background facilities (WP3) Collection of Data of activity of the materials (WP4) This information will be used to elaborate the First year report This information will be used to elaborate the First year report Information will be updated next week at Information will be updated next week at http// (WP1, WP2, WP3) and http// (WP1, WP2, WP3) and (WP4) (WP4)
ILIAS 4 EB meeting. Paris. January 2005 JRA1 web page 25 WP1 activities Completed & undergoing activities Environmental gamma background in the labs & MC to estimate absolute gamma-ray fluxes, testsEnvironmental gamma background in the labs & MC to estimate absolute gamma-ray fluxes, tests (portable Ge’s, 3”x3” NaI, 5”x5” BGO detectors)(portable Ge’s, 3”x3” NaI, 5”x5” BGO detectors) Radio purity of rock & concrete in all the labs doneRadio purity of rock & concrete in all the labs done Radio purity of the rock in the Gran Sasso massive (TARI)Radio purity of the rock in the Gran Sasso massive (TARI) Radon monitoring in air (all the labs) and waterRadon monitoring in air (all the labs) and water (from 5 Bq/m 3 (Bo) to <150 Bq/m3) since various years(from 5 Bq/m 3 (Bo) to <150 Bq/m3) since various years Rn trapping facility at LSM (Sept04) 15 mBq/m 3Rn trapping facility at LSM (Sept04) 15 mBq/m 3 muon fluxes in all the labsmuon fluxes in all the labs (from 0,2 (M) to 7,2 (C) m -2 h -1 )(from 0,2 (M) to 7,2 (C) m -2 h -1 ) (Background measurements in the deep underground sites)
ILIAS 4 EB meeting. Paris. January 2005 JRA1 web page 26 neutron monitoring projects & measurementsneutron monitoring projects & measurements Liquid Scintillator cells at LNGS 6 Li doped Liquid Scintillator at LSM Gd loaded scintillator detector started in Nov 04 at Boulby Indirect estimates from IGEX results at LSC
27 Energy (keV) Rate (cps/keV) Hall C Hall B OPERA BOX 10 cm Pb shielding (2) Ge portable detector … Other measurements performed in Hall B and Hall A by J. Kisiel ILIAS JRA1 meeting – Modane
28 Measured using ZEPLIN-I Compton Veto –0.93 tonnes liquid scintillator (30 cm thick surrounding layer) –10x 8’’ PMT tubes Muon Muon flux measured as 4.09+/-0.15 x cm -2 s -1 Corresponding to 2805 45 m w.e. (Comparable to Kamioka & Gran Sasso) Mean muon energy: 260 GeV Robinson et al. NIMA 511 (2003) 347 (c) Muon Background at Boulby
29 WP1.2 New Neutron Measurements at Boulby A new detector has been built using Gd doped liquid scintillator viewed by two low background PMTs. Now installed underground in a dedicated low background lead and copper castle. Data is currently being acquired and preliminary results are expected in 1-2 months.
30 Radon trapping facility Time during which radon is trapped in the « filter » : T r = K(T) M / Q K(T) : dynamic adsorption coeff. M : charcoal mass Q : Air rate 2 charcoal towers : T 1 = -53 C, T 2 = -45 C M = 2 x 450 kg Vol. clean air : 150 m 3 /h Activity 222 Rn = 15 mBq/m 3 Radon purification by adsorption in charcoal
ILIAS 4 EB meeting. Paris. January 2005 JRA1 web page 31 WP2 activities (Background simulations) Completed & undergoing activities A second joint meeting of N3 BSNS and JRA1 WP2 activities was held, and work by every group presented and discussed A second joint meeting of N3 BSNS and JRA1 WP2 activities was held, and work by every group presented and discussed Comparison of experimental results (neutrons,muons, gamma flux..) has been reported Comparison of experimental results (neutrons,muons, gamma flux..) has been reported Comparison & modification of codes has been reported Comparison & modification of codes has been reported The platform, language and structure of the library is under discussion The platform, language and structure of the library is under discussion First set of MC codes for relevant background components and instrumentation (alpha, beta and gamma, muons and neutrons and other codes has been defined First set of MC codes for relevant background components and instrumentation (alpha, beta and gamma, muons and neutrons and other codes has been defined A mailing distribution list has been created to optimize exchange of ideas (info: A mailing distribution list has been created to optimize exchange of ideas (info: An FTP repository for codes with (restricted) access through main JRA1 web page has been created (info: An FTP repository for codes with (restricted) access through main JRA1 web page has been created (info:
32 Special Cross-links JRA1-WP2 N3-BSNS JRA2(IDEA)WP3-B1 Development of a standard library of background simulation codes BackgroundSimulation,Neutron-Shield and Muon-Vetos and Muon-Vetos Study on Cosmogenic Induced Activity Induced Activity
ILIAS 4 EB meeting. Paris. January 2005 JRA1 web page 33 WP3 activities (Low background facilities) A very impressive development and strengthening of the ultra low-level background facilities at LNGS is under way A very impressive development and strengthening of the ultra low-level background facilities at LNGS is under way Great progress has recently been made in the new ULBF laboratory at Boulby. The Ge detector set-up will be upgraded after the completion of the laboratory infrastructure Great progress has recently been made in the new ULBF laboratory at Boulby. The Ge detector set-up will be upgraded after the completion of the laboratory infrastructure Improvement of the IRIS, 400 cc, low background Ge detector, the installation of a new planar Ge detector and the set-up of the Cryogenerators is on-going at LSM. The construction of a Radon precision Improvement of the IRIS, 400 cc, low background Ge detector, the installation of a new planar Ge detector and the set-up of the Cryogenerators is on-going at LSM. The construction of a Radon precision measuring facility, with a sensitivity of ~ mBq/m3 (vol. 70 l) is projected.measuring facility, with a sensitivity of ~ mBq/m3 (vol. 70 l) is projected. Two new ULB Ge detectors for material testing will be installed in the LSCTwo new ULB Ge detectors for material testing will be installed in the LSC
34 Development and strengthening of the ultra low-level background facilities (LNGS) Extension of the Low Level Laboratory at LNGS Development of new generation of HP-Ge detectors for ultra low-level applications Set-up of ultra low-level scintillation counter systems Ultra low-level gas counting (GNO counting lab) GNO Ultra low-level gas counting Ultra low-level HPGe LNGS
m 0.8m 4.28m 11.96m 6.0m Small Proj Bay GE 1 GE 2 GE 3 GE 4 Desk Storage Desk Storage Entrance Clean-Off 6.0m Plan for JIF Low Background Lab (Stub A) 0.5T swing crane (in place) AC unit Low Background Facility at Boulby
36 On-going projects at the LSM Improvement of a low background Ge detector (IRIS, 400 cc). Prospective construction materials are being measured. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to get the distinct contribution to the background from the assembly materials and to determine the maximum acceptable radioactivities in order to get an improvement of a factor 5 in the detector background. We’ve found a high Th activity ( keV) in one of the insulators near the crystal, which need to be replaced by other material.
ILIAS 4 EB meeting. Paris. January 2005 JRA1 web page 37 WP4 activities (Radiopurity of the materials) The database is stored in a dedicated server of the Centre de Calcul de Lyon. It is built using MySQL system combined with php scripts which allow to communicate from the web page to the database.The database is stored in a dedicated server of the Centre de Calcul de Lyon. It is built using MySQL system combined with php scripts which allow to communicate from the web page to the database. Till now, data has been collected from LSC (ANAIS, CAST & ROSEBUD) & LSM (EDELWEISS) At LRT2004, SNO people proposed to make their measurements available to be included in the database.At LRT2004, SNO people proposed to make their measurements available to be included in the database. Systematic comparison of measurements in the different labs: cross- check with one or more reference samples to compare instrumentation and possible systematic in the analysis method is under discussionSystematic comparison of measurements in the different labs: cross- check with one or more reference samples to compare instrumentation and possible systematic in the analysis method is under discussion
ILIAS 4 EB meeting. Paris. January 2005 JRA1 web page 39 Expected cost before Apr 2005 INFN used money (Sept-04)
ILIAS 4 EB meeting. Paris. January 2005 JRA1 web page 40 Expected cost before Apr 2005 LSC used money (Sept-04)
ILIAS 4 EB meeting. Paris. January 2005 JRA1 web page 41 LSM expected cost before Apr 2005 Total available CEA+CNRS : 129 k€ Projected expenses : 129 k€ post doc 30 k€post doc 30 k€ support for one tech 11 k€support for one tech 11 k€ equipment to buy :equipment to buy : anti-radon system (can be done asap if OK) 42 k€ anti-radon system (can be done asap if OK) 42 k€ planar Germanium 24 k€ planar Germanium 24 k€ consumables (electronics, acquisition...) 16 k€consumables (electronics, acquisition...) 16 k€ T&S (about 15 travels of.4 k€ in France and out) 6 k€T&S (about 15 travels of.4 k€ in France and out) 6 k€