British Expertise/ European Development Fund (EDF) 26th July 2010 Harewelle experience In EU-funded development.


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Presentation transcript:

British Expertise/ European Development Fund (EDF) 26th July 2010 Harewelle experience In EU-funded development

WHO ARE WE? 41 EU-funded projects in the last 10 years 22 in Africa, 15 Asia and Pacific, 10 global 11 ongoing, contract value € 25 m Project value € 491 m (inc. basket funds)

WHO ARE WE? Sectors Fisheries, Forestry, PAM, Agriculture, Water, livestock, CZM, Training / capacity building, Economics Coverage Permanent offices in Bangladesh, Zambia Zimbabwe and Lesotho

Overview of our Presentation Implementation Procurement Project Cycle

Implementation Case studies Lower Usuthu Smallholder Irrigation Programme (LUSIP) Swaziland Rural Water Supply and sanitation Programme (RWSSP) Papua New Guinea

Lower Usuthu Smallholder Irrigation Programme LUSIP PMU, management and co-ordination Total EU investment € 15m TA contract € 2.5m Total project investment € 100m, 7 funders

Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Programme – RWSSP - PNG PMU, delivery, capacity building, grant management and co-ordination Total EU investment € 35m (two phases), TA contract € 2.5m Delivery through NSAs to remote areas

Common lessons learned Changes in systems and reporting Coping with ‘non-standard’ conditions Delays in payment and approvals Differences between delegations in interpretation of PRAG

Procurement Different interpretations between delegations ‘Mechanical’ application of procedures Competition and working capital (SME participation) Importance of early intelligence and in forming consortia to meet PQ criteria

Project cycle Use of specialised niche firms/individuals (Frameworks) ‘Static’ assumptions and ability to adapt

Summary Notwithstanding, easier to work with procedures than other agencies Good information via website Valuable support through BE and bodies such as the UK Rep in Brussels Openness and willingness of EC Officials to meet at events and venues such as this

Contact details: Harewelle - Bruce Mead - Chris Shaw - British Expertise - European Union ‘Practical Guide’ ntation/practical_guide/index_en.htm European Union ‘Procurement opportunities’ services/index.cfm?do=publi.welcome&nbPubliList=15& orderby=upd&orderbyad=Desc&searchtype=QS

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