BUDGET PRESENTATION 2009-2010 April 7, 2009 Scott A. Amo, Superintendent.


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Scott A. Amo, Superintendent
Presentation transcript:

BUDGET PRESENTATION April 7, 2009 Scott A. Amo, Superintendent

Budget Assumptions That “Shape” the Budget Planning REVENUES 0 % increase in all property tax assessments 4.18 % increase in State Aid -$125,000 in lost interest income $240,000 estimated in new PILOT revenue $1.75 million applied from fund balance $200,000 in Capital Debt Reserve applied against debt payment

Budget Assumptions That “Shape” the Budget Planning (cont’d) EXPENSES Increases in salaries 7 % increase in health insurance premiums 7 % contribution rate for TRS (reduced from 7.63 %) % contribution rate for ERS (same estimate as current year) 4 % average increase in NERIC & BOCES charges

How does Beekmantown School District compare to other area schools in enrollment? District NameEnrollment Total Peru Central School District2,176 Beekmantown Central School District2,034 Plattsburgh City School District1,841 Saranac Central School District1,678 Northeastern Clinton Central School District1,509 AuSable Valley Central School District1,277 Northern Adirondack Central School District978 Chazy Union Free School District519 Clinton County Total12,012 (Reported to CVES BOCES October 2008)

STATE AID ProjectedCurrentIncrease or State Aid Categories State Aid ProjectedState Aid BudgetedDecrease Foundation Aid$11,485,542$11,273,093 $212, % BOCES & Special Services$959,294$817,900 $141, % Excess Cost: Public & Private$390,824$280,149 $110, % Building + Building Reorganization Incentive$2,311,450$2,161,239 $150, % Transportation Including Summer$1,650,978$1,578,332 $72, % Hardware & Technology$34,565$35,113 ($548) -1.56% Software, Library, Textbook$159,845$164,613 ($4,768) -2.90% Deficit Reduction Assessment$0 % Basic Aid Total$16,992,498$16,310,439 $682, % *Grand Total $16,992,498$16,310,439 $682, %

Budget to Budget Increase or% of Base Salaries & Benefits DecreaseTotal Budget Employee Benefits$8,798,020$8,338,391$459, %23.74% Salaries$16,493,319$16,011,519$481, %44.51% Substitutes & Home Teaching Pay$383,010$393,290($10,280)-2.61%1.03% Overtime & Additional Pay$108,000$97,000$11, %0.29% Salaries & Benefits Total$25,782,349$24,840,200$942, %69.58% Other Costs Building Allocations: Per Pupil$428,316$455,253($26,937)-5.92%1.16% PE, Health, Nursing & Athletics$329,220$320,017$9, %0.89% Student Services$2,657,368$2,640,197$17, %7.17% Educational Technology$588,091$576,900$11, %1.59% Curriculum & Staff Development$56,500$55,000$1, %0.15% Building Support$1,276,040$1,090,597$185, %3.44% Debt Service & Other Costs$3,752,364$3,882,811($130,447)-3.36%10.13% Buildings & Grounds$1,629,653$1,750,716($121,063)-6.92%4.40% Transportation$555,719$537,746$17, %1.50% District Initiatives Capital Projects$0 % Other Costs Total$11,273,271$11,309,237($35,966)-0.32%30.42% Total Budget$37,055,620$36,149,436$906, %100.00%

BUDGET TO BUDGET Increase or Revenue Decrease Non-Tax Revenue$20,405,623$19,499,439$906, % Real Property Taxes$16,649,997 $00%Levy to Levy Total Revenue$37,055,620$36,149,436$906, % Budget to Budget IncreaseTax IncreaseTax Rate Tax Rate %$0.000$16.91

What is the proposed Tax Rate?

What are the three mandated budget categories used in the School Budget

Budget Total $37,055,620 How much of the school budget is paid for by local tax dollars?

What is a Cost Center Allocation?

OPERATING EXPENSE COST CONTAINMENTS Computer Software Assistance Print Manager Plus - Set up accounts with users that will enable district to monitor paper use. Savings: toner, paper, & electricity. Power Save – “Reports” idle computers to central registry that automatically places the unit in a “stand by” mode. Estimated savings for have been $17,500.

OPERATING EXPENSE COST CONTAINMENTS ENERGY MONITORING CONTROL SYSTEMS 7 – 11% projected yearly savings of energy costs (monitoring and regulation of night room temperatures, shut down of exhaust fans, shut down of other systems not utilized for extended periods of time. ENERGY CURTAILMENT SPECIALISTS AGREEMENT Agreement to “cut back” on electric usage and receive payments for making electricity available to the grid for other purposes.

Pre-Purchase of Supplies & Materials Pre-purchase of materials & supplies for from unexpended funds reduces cost center expenses next year Special Needs Services Providing a class at BES (rather than at BOCES) for special needs services will save the district in excess of $100,000 OPERATING EXPENSE COST CONTAINMENTS

IN SUMMARY … Budget to Budget IncreaseTax IncreaseTax Rate Tax Rate %$0.000$16.91

OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT BOARD OF EDUCATION Other Board Members’ Contact Information Located On District Web Page ( Thank You! ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS/COMMENTS?