AGENDA I.Call to Order and Invocation II.Pledge of Allegiance III.Introductions IV.Approval of Minutes V.Action and/or Discussion Items VI.Public Comment VII.Important Dates VIII.Adjourn
V. Action and/or Discussion Item
A. Homeland Security FY-10 Update ►Deadline date July 31, 2012 ►Due to BVCOG July 20, 2012 FY-11 Update ►Deadline date November 30, 2012 ►Due to BVCOG November 16, 2012
A. Homeland Security FY-12 Update ►Brazos Valley Allocation: $389, ***Pending Approval: BVCOG Board of Directors July 11, 2012 ***
B. Emergency Alert System Emergency Alert System (EAS) ►All equipment is now on-hand ►Project funding FY-09 has been exhausted ►Lance Parr will coordinate with EMCs to begin site surveys prior to installation
C. Communications Update Reduction of system site busies ►4 month average BEFORE adding infrastructure: 498 busies/month ►4 month average AFTER adding infrastructure: 30 busies/month TX-WARN System Upgrades ►Redundant, “hot-stand-bye” controllers ►Harris county and City of Houston merge into a single system
C. Communications Update TX-WARN interoperability Improvements >City of Houston agrees to build out common conventional backup channels (7CAL50 &7TAC51 – 7TAC57) BVWACS Capital Projects recommended: >Replace 7 “old” consoles at Bryan/Brazos County dispatch in FY13 >Upgrade 14 consoles at all other dispatch centers in FY14
D. Hazard Mitigation Update HazMit Plan: David Larner-TEEX ►TEEX submitted draft to region for review in August, 2011 ►County plans submitted to TDEM fall 2011 ►TDEM completed reviews in February, 2012 with additional “required revisions.” ►TEEX/TDEM “cross walk” coordination ►TEEX request for information in May, 2012 ►Goal: Submit to TDEM in June.
E. TDEM Training No Charge/Free Courses scheduled through District Coordinator Al Guarino Training Catalog on Preparing Texas Website atalog.aspx atalog.aspx Hosted either by BVCOG or supporting Jurisdiction Is this something the Region would like?
F. COPSync Update
G. HSAC Sub-Committees Projects ►Identify Chair Communications: Jerry Henry ►Meeting discussion By-Laws: Shelly Butts ►Article IV Section 6 ►Article IV Section 8
G. HSAC Sub-Committee By-Laws Sub-committee ►Article IV Section 6: A member who is unable to participate in at least 50% of Committee business during a fiscal year shall tender his/her resignation
G. HSAC Sub-Committee By-Laws Sub-committee ►Article IV Section 8: A voting Committee member may cast only a singular vote. A voting Committee member cannot vote if he or she: 1) is employed by the applicant agency and works for the unit or division that would administer the grant, if awarded, 2) serves on any board that oversees the unit or division that would administer the grant, if awarded, 3) owns or controls any interest in a business entity or other non-governmental organization that benefits, directly or indirectly, from activities with the applicant, 4) receives any funds from the applicant as a result of the grant, or 5) uses or receives a substantial amount of tangible goods, services, or funds from the applicant.
VI. Public Comments
VII. Important Dates
Brazos Valley Communications Drill ► June 28, 2012 ►Focus: WebEOC and BVWAC Radios DHS Protective Measures Workshop ►July 16-17, 2012 ►Register on by 1700 June 29, 2012www.preparingtexas.org ►Location: BVCOG
VII. Important Dates Next HSAC Meeting ( BVCOG) ►July 25, 2012 ►August 22, 2012 VHF narrow-banding completion date ►December 31, 2012 ►Goal: Complete November 30, 2012 to avoid the “rush” on venders and technicians
VIII. Adjourn