Eidgenössisches Departement für Umwelt, Verkehr, Energie und Kommunikation UVEK Bundesamt für Umwelt BAFU TEEB From international work to national actions The Swiss Action Plan of the Biodiversity Strategy Nathalie Rizzotti, FOEN TEEB international Workshop, Vilm,
Eidgenössisches Departement für Umwelt, Verkehr, Energie und Kommunikation UVEK Bundesamt für Umwelt BAFU Content TEEB international and related processes Swiss Biodiversity Strategy (SBS) The Action Plan SBS and Participatory process TEEB in the SBS Challenges
3 TEEB and Switzerland Great interest for TEEB into practice-Phase III (Sectoriel and national) Support the TEEB Secretariat-Donor since 2011 Member from the international coordination group Workshops/conferences (World Wetlands day Geneva) Support and part of the steering committee of TEEB related project (e.g. UNDP Biodiversity Financing Project –BIOFIN)
4 Switzerland support to related processes Wealth accounting and the valuation of ecosystem services (WAVES) The natural capital program of International Finance corporation (IFC) Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECOState Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) (Colombia, Vietnam) EEA ENCA-European Network of Heads of Nature Conservation Agencies/Ecosystem services DACH (Germany-Austria-Switzerland) Coordination-Collaboration
5 Before the Biodiversity Strategy- Steps towards a TEEB… 2011: Report on Indicators for ecosystem goods and services List of relevant ecosystem services for Switzerland Concrete proposal for operationalization Indicators connected to welfare: health, security, natural diversity. Interest in non monetary valorisation to show the importance of environment for social benefits and well being. Tool: to assess impact of a project on ecosystem services: Oesl-check.ethz.ch (German)
6 Swiss Biodiversity Strategy (SBS) Overall long term objective (Federal Council decision ) “Biodiversity is rich and has the capacity to react to change” “Biodiversity and its ecosystem services are conserved in the long term” Participative Action plan
7 1.Encourage Sustainable use 4.Preserve genetic diversity 7.Strengthen Knowledge 2.Dev. Green infrastructure 3.Enhance survival of species 5.Review Financial incentives 6.Assess and quantify ecosystem services 8.Improve the quality in urban contexts 9.Strenghten Internat. engagement 10.Monitoring Biodiversity SBS: 10 Strategic goals
8 Action Plan SBS Mandate of the Federal Council: Action Plan for the implementation of the SBS with concrete measures to fulfil the strategic goals 10 strategic goals – five areas of action (AB): I: Sustainable use of biodiversity II: Promotion of biodiversity III: Economic values IV: Creation and distribution of knowledge V: International engagement The five areas of action are divided into 26 fields of action (HF)
9 Development of measures Participatory process at the strategic level Analysis of actors and instruments Development of measures Planning of implementation Participatory process within fields of action Participatory process in fields of action
10 Fields of action SBS with potential measures related to TEEB Sustainable use of biodiversity -„Economy“ (FA1.9) TEEB for business Evaluation of risks and opportunities for business related to ecosystem services (impact, strategy, reporting)-Pilote projects to develop methodology? Economic values- „Assess ecosystem services “ (FA3.2) services Development quantitative assessment (dev.indicators (SEEA), mapping, instruments) TEEB Switzerland Coordination of research on ecosystem services (NFP -ES) Strengthen international work
11 Until June 2013: Development of the measures within the fields of action July to December 2013: Planning of the implementation and formulation of the action plan January to February 2014: Interdepartmental consultation May 2014: Presentation to Federal Council 2014 – 2020: Implementation of the action plan SBS Timetable Action Plan SBS
12 Further information BAFU - Biodiversität - Aktionsplan Strategie Biodiversität Schweiz On-going information about the progress within the action plan and the fields of action: Project information action plan SBS Results Newsletter (French and German)
13 Synergies and challenges Decisions Initiatives Tools Implementation, Tools adaptation Support to different process ( Green Economy action plan) Information Best practices Exchange Motivation Information Best practices Exchange Motivation Coordination-synergies-coherence Coordination Communication International National
14 Challenges Explain TEEB! Concrete standardized methodology to estimate and demonstrate value? Natural capital/ ycl. ecosystem services dimension Ecosystems value- dimension of non used of human? Safeguards and reflexion on the message given by economic valuation
15 Thank you for your attention!