Heartland Workforce Solutions Board Member Orientation Blue Cross/Blue Shield 1919 Aksarben St. Omaha, NE August 14, 2012 I. I. Welcome!Tom Whalen II. II. Introduction and OverviewTom and Jan Kauk a) a) Who We Are: Getting to Know Each Other As Leaders b) b) Vision, Mission, and Goals c) c) Board Responsibilities: By-laws and What We Are Responsible For d) d) Beyond the Minimums: What Great Boards Are About e) e) The Workings of a Consent Agenda III. III. Budget and FinanceMichael Phillips IV. IV. Sector StrategiesJami Anders-Kemp V. V. Workforce Investment Act (WIA)Shirley Carlson a) a) Program Areas b) b) Performance c) c) Overview of Career Center and Partners VI. VI. Wrap Up and Questions
What It’s all About Where We’ve Been Where Are A Workforce Investment Act Primer:
MISSION: Developing and connecting individuals to employment VISION: Full employment for all drives economic growth and stability for Greater Omaha CORE VALUES: Innovation-Excellence-Integrity What we do We prepare people to enter the workforce. We support businesses to hire qualified individuals. Strategies a) We address the issue of poverty by helping the chronically unemployed train and find jobs. b) We target in-demand jobs in growth industries then prepare workers to succeed in these jobs. c) We support sector employers through assessment and training of persons to meet business’ demand for qualified individuals.
GOALS: We ensure job seekers have basic skills in literacy and numeracy and are competitive within the current marketplace. We prepare job seekers with the essential employability skills to be retained and successful once employed. We support individuals as they seek their career pathway -through assessment, coaching, training and support in attaining educational and employment credentials. We support area businesses to identify, hire, train and retain qualified workers.
Workforce Investment Board Comprised of: Employers Educators or educational institutions Community-Based Organizations Board Roles and Responsibilities Governance, fiscal oversight, program outcomes Connections in the community Market the mission including fundraising Oversight of Executive Director
Heartland Workforce Solutions Return on Investment A skilled workforce allows the region to attract and retain strong businesses resulting in a thriving economy in Douglas, Sarpy and Washington counties. Adults Adults Dislocated Workers Dislocated Workers Veterans Veterans Sector Industries Sector Industries
Budget and Finance Michael Phillips Conflict of Interest Budget
Sector Industries Jami Anders-Kemp Healthcare Transportation, Distribution, Logistics Manufacturing/trades Social Media Facebook Twitter Linkedin
Career Center Report Shirley Carlson WIA Active Participants, enrollments & exits Partner Updates Workforce Solutions Center at 5752 Ames Ave. Statistical data on visits and center usage Narrative on activities and special events
Contact Information: Jan Kauk, HWS Executive Director; ; Shirley Carlson, HWS Director of Operations, ; Michael Phillips, Chief Financial Officer, , Jami Anders-Kemp, Workforce Partnership Project Mgr , HWS Website: Donna Knerr, HWS Office Manager ,