BACKGROUND OF LUKE’S GOSPEL Luke Identified as a Gentile Christian Three common sources of this gospel Mark’s gospel (60%) Q common source of Luke and Matthew L source is unique to this gospel Followed by the Acts of the Apostles Often seen as one Did not know Jesus in person Did not come from the holy land Universal theme Jesus’ offering of salvation
WHEN Scholars say this gospel was written anywhere from A.D The year 85 is often listed as the probable date of composition of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles.
TO WHOM AND WHY? Luke dedicates his Gospel specifically to a certain Theophilus, a Greek name that means “lover of God”. Not a specific person, but maybe a sponsor of the Gospel, or symbol for all Christians. WHY? 1. To show relationship between Jesus and the History of Israel. 2. To give orderly account of life, death, and resurrection of the savior, and Jesus is the promised savior of the people. 3. In the Acts, Luke attempt to trace the rapid spread of his teachings.
IMAGE OF JESUS Jesus Compassionate towards Poor Disadvantaged enemies Healed the sick Cures lepers Ministers to Samaritans Treats women as equals
MEANING OF THE SYMBOLIC IMAGE IN THIS GOSPEL Jesus as a prophet- Isiah’s prophecy is happening in this text and Jesus is detailing his ministry The Church continues Jesus’ prophetic ministry- After Jesus’ ascension, the Acts further describe what the Church is meant to do with Jesus’ word. The role of the Holy Spirit in Salvation history- Stage 1: Age of Promise- God’s covenant promises to be fulfilled. Stage 2: The Time of Jesus- Jesus preaches his ministry proclaiming salvation for all. Stage 3: Age of the Church- In the Acts, the Holy Spirit helps empower early Christians to continue Jesus’ word. Prayer- Holy Spirit and prayer were inseparable in Luke’s Gospel Joy and Peace- Often connected with prayer, during Jesus’ public life, he preaches peace for all Special Role of Mary and women- Women were considered inferior to men, and Jesus’s attitudes towards women were oppositely positive and revolutionary.
SAMPLE PASSAGE “You shall love the Lord you God with all your heart, with all your being, with all your strength and with all your mind, and you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Luke 10:27 Jesus compassion towards enemies, other who are disadvantaged Jesus’ main goal is to teach his message this being one of them.
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