What About...
The Jubilee Lutheran Centre The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Sierra Leone
“The NT-NL Synod will engage 100% of our congregations in an earnest annual response to the World Hunger Appeal by the end of 2008.” (NT-NL Synod’s Strategic Priorities: Goal C, Priority 2)
Texas Conference of Churches
Louisiana Interchurch Conference MISSION STATEMENT LIC—What is its Purpose? Re cognizing that Jesus calls all people to be one, the Louisiana Interchurch Conference, representing diverse communions, strives to proclaim in word and deed to the people, churches and institutions of Louisiana that faith which we hold in common, in the hope that by our common witness we will grow toward greater unity in Christ Jesus.
Briarwood Retreat Center At the intersection of life and God’s grace
The Journey into DiscipleLife 2007 Synod Assembly: Called to DiscipleLife 2008 Synod Assembly: Formed for DiscipleLife 2009 Synod Assembly: Gifted for DiscipleLife 2010 Synod Assembly: Living DiscipleLife 2011 Synod Assembly: Serving DiscipleLife 2012 Synod Assembly: Celebrating DiscipleLife