EngageNY.org Approaching Research in the NY Curriculum Modules
Purpose of this Session Participants will be able to: Understand the key design principles of the NY Curriculum Modules’ approach to research Identify ways in which this and similar approaches to research support instruction and the instructional shifts and standards EngageNY.org
Writing Standards: Writing has a progression too! EngageNY.org
Research to Build and Present Knowledge in the CCSS Read W , W and W Discuss: What are the skills and expectations embedded in these standards? o W Conduct short research projects to answer a question, drawing on several sources and refocusing the inquiry when appropriate. o W Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources; assess the credibility of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and providing basic bibliographic information for sources. o W Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. EngageNY.org
Origins of the NY Curriculum Modules’ Approach to Research Research: NY Curriculum Modules Odell Education Research Unit CCSS Writing CCSS Reading
Research Module Overview EngageNY.org Unit 1: Close Reading Using seed texts as springboards for exploring topics Unit 2: The Research Process Using inquiry to refine and deepen understanding around a topic Unit 3: The Writing Process Communicating research effectively through writing
Productive Inquiry EngageNY.org
Research: Key Design Features Inquiry-driven process designed to deepen understanding Iterative and cyclical Student topic selection Writing from sources EngageNY.org
Unit Overview Jigsaw Activity Form groups of three. Divide the unit overviews from this module among you. Each person should read one overview. In your group, share details about your unit with the other group members, focusing on the following questions: What does each unit provide to help students understand the research process? How do the units connect and build on each other? EngageNY.org
Sampling a Seed Text Read the excerpt from Animals in Translation (pp. 9-14). As you read, annotate the text for questions, key understandings, and important lines. Discuss the text focusing on the following questions: What are the core understandings in this excerpt? What might be particularly challenging for your students? What are some of the qualities of a rich seed text? EngageNY.org
9.3 Research Investigation Form pairs, with each partner reading one of the following sample lesson excerpts: Partner 1: Unit 1 Lesson 3 Partner 2: Unit 2 Lesson 4, pp Discuss the following with your partner: Role of texts: How do the texts serve different purposes in the unit 1 and unit 2 lessons? Role of standards: How do the standards differ in the unit 1 and unit 2 lessons? Lesson assessments: What differences do you notice between the unit 1 and unit 2 lesson assessments? EngageNY.org
Reflecting on NY Curriculum Modules’ Approach to Research Discuss: What observations did you make about how this approach to research supports the CCSS instructional shifts and standards? How might you envision adapting this to your classroom/school/BOCES? Which pieces will be most challenging to implement and what solutions can you think of to meet those challenges? EngageNY.org
Q & A EngageNY.org
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