Move Update Standards and Your Bottom Line Keeping Track of Your Customers and Costs April Everett PCSC, New York, NY US Postal Service Greater NY PCC November 18, 2009
2 What is Move Update? Move Update describes the process of periodically matching a mailer’s address records with customer-filed Change-of-Address orders received and maintained by the Postal Service. Move Update = Fewer Forwarded and Returned Mailpieces
3 Who Must Use Move Update? Move Update is required for mailpieces claiming Presorted or Automation prices for First-Class Mail ® Move Update is required for all mailpieces claiming Standard Mail prices To meet the Move Update standard, mailers must be using addresses on mailpieces that have been updated using an approved method within 95 days prior to the mailing date First-Class Mail or Standard Mail mailpieces that use an exceptional or an alternative address format are not required to meet the Move Update standard
Move Update Acceptance and Verification
5 Move Update Changes Effective Nov. 23, 2008 Increased frequency of Move Update from 185 days to 95 days for First-Class Mail® Presorted mailings Required Move Update for all mailpieces claiming Standard Mail® prices (letters, flats, parcels and Not Flat-Machinables) To meet the Move Update standard, mailers must be using addresses that have been updated using an approved method within 95 days prior to the mailing date On January 4, 2010, MERLIN will be used to verify mailings meet Move Update compliance and assessments will be made accordingly
6 Postage Statement Move Update Method Checkbox
Mailings for which a Move Update method is not declared are not eligible for any First-Class or Standard Mail discount prices Move Update Certification
Move Update Verification Threshold
9 Move Update Verification Verifications being performed at sites with MERLIN Threshold effective January, 2010 ● Must be more than 5 pieces with COA that were not updated ● Passing score requires 70% or more of the COAs must be updated ● First-Class Mail and Standard Mail assessed at 7 cents for each piece Current appeal process applies
10 Additional Postage Calculation COAs Updated Total COAs - (70% - 60%) ] x pcs. in mailing x.07 [ Additional postage will only be assessed against the portion of the mail that is below the threshold ● If verification results are 60% ● Assess additional postage for 10% (70% threshold – 60% score) of pieces in the mailing. ● Fee is $0.07 for both First Class or Standard Mailings Threshold % -
Additional Postage Example Mailing total pieces 100,000 Move Update score 60% Percent application 70% threshold – 60% =10% Pieces for additional postage 10% X 100,000 = 10,000 Calculation.07 x 10,000 = $700.00
12 Resources Contact your local Business Mail Entry Unit (BMEU) to ask questions about Move Update and verifications District Business Mail Entry Locator
13 Resources Sign up for the DMM Advisory to receive the latest news on Move Update ● To sign up, ●
14 Resources Access and click link - Move Update ● Move Update Advisement Policy ● Explains verification and assessment approach ● Guide to Accessing Move Update Reports ● Explains reports available and how to access them ● Publication 363 ● Explains the Move Update options available for mailers to update their addresses
Move Update Methods ● NCOA Link® Processing ● FASTforward ® MLOCR Processing ● ACS™ ● OneCode ACS ® – Intelligent Mail ® Barcode ● Appropriate Ancillary Service Endorsement ● Alternative Method (First-Class Mail ® Only) –Legal Restriction –99 Percent Accuracy
17 NCOA Link® is an address correction service provided to mailers through companies licensed by the Postal Service™. Computer software purchased, leased, or developed by the licensee is used to access the NCOA Link® database. NCOALink ®
18 NCOALink Updated change-of-address information for the entire country is provided on a regular basis to the licensee by the Postal Service™ through the NCOALink ® database. The licensees match mailing lists submitted to them by mailers on tape or disk against the information contained in the NCOALink ® database. If a match is made, NCOALink ® can correct the address before it is printed.
19 FASTforward® MLOCR The FASTforward ® system consists of a Postal Service-owned, and user-licensed, computer system containing FASTforward ® name and address-matching software, and the Postal Service’s change-of-address database.
20 FASTforward® MLOCR FASTforward hardware and software are interfaced with commercial MLOCR equipment. As automation-compatible mailpieces run through the MLOCR, the names and addresses are checked against the COA information contained in the FASTforward system, and if a COA is applicable, the correct address and barcode are sprayed on the mailpiece. Using FASTforward MLOCR allows mailers to avoid delays associated with traditional mail forwarding.
21 Legal Restraint Method Mailers who claim they are restricted from incorporating Postal Service™ COA information into their mailing lists without permission from the addressees may request approval from the Postal Service’s National Customer Support Center.
22 Mailers who believe their mailing lists are already accurate because their customers diligently notify them of address changes may meet their Move Update requirements by: ●Getting approval from the National Customer Support Center and following a 4 step validation process. 99% Accuracy Method
23 JOHN DOE 10 ELM AVE ANYTOWN OR Forwarding Service Requested DOES NOT meet Move Update requirement! Return Address Change Endorsements keywords Endorsement > Service Requested Ancillary Service Endorsements Followed by…
24 Ancillary Service Endorsements For an address to meet the Move Update requirement, the mailer must have sent at least one letter or card to an address with an approved ancillary endorsement within 95 days before reuse of the address. To complete the Move Update process, the mailer must make the address change received as a result of the use of approved ancillary endorsement. It is recommended that the mailer retain address correction records for up to one year.
25 ACS™ and OneCode ACS® An electronic enhancement to traditional, manual methods of providing change-of-address information to mailers. Mailers add a unique mailer identification code to the address area of their mailpieces to identify them as ACS™ participants. The Postal Service™ uses the mailer identification code to send change-of-address information electronically to the mailer. Mailers can choose to receive electronic notifications daily, weekly, biweekly, or monthly. Available for all classes of mail.
26 Tanya Hyde-Goode Inc 123 Main St Memphis TN Change Service Requested DEW 456 ELM ST CANDICE WAITE MEMPHIS TN STE 201 #BXBJDCK ************* 5-Digit #WAIC 381 SEP 2009# Mailer Participant Code > Optional Keyline > PROCRASTINATORS ANNOYMOUS LLC < Ancillary Service Endorsement ACS ™ Address Change Service PRSRT STD AUTO US POSTAGE PAID NEW YORK, NY PERMIT NO. 1
27 1 Kay Shira Weather Forecasting Limited 123 Main St Memphis TN Electronic Service Requested 6060 PRIMACY PKWY STE 201 LES ISMORE MEMPHIS TN OneCode ACS ® DEPRECIATION CONSULTANTS The mailer must print ancillary service endorsement on Standard Mail On-Piece Endorsement PRSRT STD AUTO US POSTAGE PAID NEW YORK, NY PERMIT NO. 1
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