The First Annual Region 3 Rally! Pres ents Regional Management Team
Campaign 2008 What is it? What’s the purpose? Who’s it for? Why now? How do we do it?
What Is It? A fresh and exciting regional campaign designed to promote structure and encourage participation by providing tools and resources that will make life in chorus EASY!
What’s The Purpose? To bring the region together and build camaraderie among all our choruses. To provide a vehicle by which we will deliver exciting events throughout the year. To provide a foundation for your chorus on which to build regionally consistent structure for internal procedures.
Who’s It For? The Region 3 RMT will use the campaign throughout the 2008/2009 fiscal year for events and publications. Every chorus is encouraged to use the campaign tools and resources for their own processes as a way to implement structure and consistency throughout the region.
Why Now? WHY NOT? Because it was developed out of the concept of International’s Diva campaign, this is a perfect time and fun way to begin using annual campaigns to encourage and support growth and education in our region.
How Do We Do It? Marketing Membership Directing Leadership Education Participation Communication Success The Quartet Approach Focus on four key components of each category and simplify, simplify, simplify
MARKETING One of the most crucial aspects of membership is marketing. The two elements work together to draw in and retain members. It is no wonder that without marketing, there would quite possibly be no membership
No Sweat Marketing The Quartet Approach 1.Plan 2.PR 3.Perform 4.Process Easing your way through marketing
Plan Plan an event such as a guest night or performance that will give you an opportunity to “show your stuff.” Put some thought into the planning process Explore the box edge to edge Get a committee to help BRAINSTORM
Public Relations Use every means you can think of to get the word out Put together a committee It’s not up to the media to get you people, it’s in the words you give them Be clever, flashy, fun, exciting Make them WANT to come.
Perform Use every moment as an opportunity to perform Perform at Guest nights Dress for success Show off your stuff – Picking your BEST sung songs makes all the difference Make them want to be a part of the party!
Process Follow protocol for guests Learn the process and be consistent Never leave them alone to “think” Add your own chorus flair to the monotony of paperwork Give them everything they need to succeed!
Guest Nights Food doesn’t make a person want to makes them want to eat. What’s the draw? What will they learn? Never mislead them into the room Signs, Signs Everywhere! Never too much too soon
Welcome Table Give them a place to GO! Say hello first Shaking hands equals safety Photos tell a book of stories Show them what’s in store, don’t tell them Never leave them alone Give them a place to go on the way OUT!
MEMBERSHIP While we strive to assist choruses in their marketing endeavors, the focus of the campaign is to help the chorus membership committee walk the guests through a seamless process of audition, through application, into actual membership.
No Sweat Membership Easing guests into membership The Quartet Approach 1.Visitors 2.Transition 3.New Members 4.Retention
Post Audition Explain exactly what will happen. –To do this, YOU must know what will happen –This includes everything from getting a nametag to being fitted for costumes – Have a designated committee member be responsible for new members. One of the three elements to successful membership is establishment of a New Member Committee and implementation of the New Member orientation.
Membership Resources Use the Website to obtain samples of letters that will help guide your guests through the “guest” process up to the audition stage. Give them other supplements that helps to explain vocabulary that’s used each rehearsal Attention Director: INTRODUCE YOURSELF!!
Unforgettable, That’s What They Are Establish a correspondence program that keeps new members in the loop Set up a new member section in your website Big sisters/Riser buddies are good as long as they know what to do. –Educate your riser buddies/big sisters – Have a class for riser buddies so they are consistent in their information
Other Examples
No Sweat Leadership The Quartet Approach 1.Know your talents 2.Know your audience 3.Set realistic goals 4.Educate the educators Easing members into leadership
No Sweat Success! The Quartet Approach Use the tools Be consistent Get involved Ask for help Easing into Success!
Get to know your RMT Get to know your regional choruses Instruction on campaign tools and resources More focus on educational events Attention to the needs of ALL our choruses Consistency from RMT Regular evaluation and assistance by RMT
Resources Campaign article in Regional newsletter Tools and resources on Regional website Regular correspondence with chorus committees Opportunities for collaboration and brainstorming with RMT reps. Educational event breakout sessions with RMT reps
Get Involved! Retention CommitteeDirector’s Resource Team Marketing Committee Recruitment Committee New Member Committee Guest and Welcome Table PR Committee and Planning Team Fundraising CommitteeCommunication and Website Music and Choreography Team RMT and/or it’s committees Board of Directors or Team Management
Questions? We are here to help, ask us anything