Www.torbay.gov.uk 1. Local Plan and evidence refresh 2. Resources and project planning.


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Presentation transcript:

1. Local Plan and evidence refresh 2. Resources and project planning

Responses to Local Plan Consultation Agreement Ambition / Aspiration Success Principle of constrained, balanced growth USP Environmental protection Jobs emphasis Town centres More sustainable communities Tourism Investment Areas HCA support Concerns Scale of growth jobs unrealistic 10,000 homes too many / few Limit houses until jobs arise Infrastructure constraints Too much reliance on brownfield land 1.5 jobs per home negative impact on viability S Hams and TDC concerns

What the Local Plan must do: 5 year land supply Compliance with NPPF and Govt Growth agenda Meet housing needs – test of soundness Balance between jobs and homes Stay within environmental limits Duty to Cooperate compliant (not duty to agree) Be flexible – as difficult to predict the future

Comfort for 5 years: Plan for and focus on first 5 years – more certainty DCLG Interim Household projections say plan for 4,400 homes over next 10 years = 440 homes p.a. = 2,200 over next 5 years Land supply – healthy; space for 2000 homes (with PP); 350 already built; market slow / demand low, 650 windfalls projected Opportunity for robust neighbourhood plans and masterplans looking beyond 5 years

Pool of sites / land (SHLAA & NP) year - developable sites (LP / NP) 5 – 10 year – viable, developable sites (LP / NP) 0 – 5 year land supply – marketable, deliverable sites (LP) – know this is sites with PP (2000) and already delivered (350) ‘Lock gates’ controlled by Council and community Sites move downstream if sustainability criteria met, including need, infrastructure etc Lock Gate approach

Progress… Refresh of Housing evidence in response to consultation Assessment of demand and capacity Member discussion. Members and Mayor are adamant that balance between homes and jobs must be right in the Local Plan. The Local Plan should take a “jobs led” approach. The SHLAA and SHMA will be evidence base reports, not Council Policy.

Demand for homes: Jobs and Homes balance No direct arithmetic relationship; evidence refresh work has explored various options No. of homes is a test of soundness; no. of jobs is not. Inspector will want to ensure reasonable balance between jobs and homes Majority of demand for new homes over next 20 years is from: - natural change within Torbay (around 3,000 new homes needed) - in-migration, predominantly retirement (around 3500 new homes needed) - economically active in migration (around 2500 new homes needed) Need to plan positively for growth, recognising environmental and infrastructure limits Lots of new jobs = need for lots of new homes, so need to be realistic about number of new jobs

Jobs and Homes: scenarios (detail) All scenarios assume reduction in unemployment from 8.3% to 5.5% of workforce: about 1,700 people by PBA say this is optimistic, but agreed with TDA. Percentage of working age population that are economically active maintained at 76%. Agreed with TDA. Key sectors will grow (with intervention) Household size falls from 2.17 to 2.06 in In line with latest (2011) projections, but smaller fall than previously projected homes needed just to meet own needs Torbay remains as self-contained as present - around 85% of jobs in Torbay are filled by Torbay residents Growth Sectors (e.g.’s) -Tourism jobs p.a. - Business Services +90 jobs p.a. - Education +50 jobs p.a. - Health + 80 jobs p.a.

Capacity for new homes Government message very clear – cannot prevent people from living where they want to live. Torbay’s environment is excellent, underpins its economy and there is limited capacity. Torbay’s historic position: capacity is around 10,000 homes SHLAA work will help us define capacity in Torbay Important that, in future, capacity is assessed across South Devon area – working with Teignbridge and South Hams That shared assessment will identify sites, across S Devon, capable of accommodating future growth On-going conversations, as part of Duty to Cooperate, with Teignbridge and South Hams.

Progress 15 May – Council report to agree approach for Local Plan: - 8/10,000 new homes - 5/6000 net new FTE jobs (not a ceiling, maximum) - Review of plan every 5 years (with neighbouring authorities) – joint housing assessments - Clear monitoring of jobs, homes, infrastructure

Resources and Project Planning

Resources…investment in Torquay Neighbourhood Plan Prince’s Foundation – 3 visits Frontrunners Funding (DCLG) Communities funding Council officer support – Planning, Highways, Transport, Env. Policy, Communities, TDA Sustainability Appraisal & HRA Examination & Referendum Community resource? £130,000 + Perhaps not ‘enough’

Project Planning – key stages Developing the Plan – project groups, community resources, planning authority advice and external help? Consultation – engagement strategy – costs could vary hugely Publication – paid for by Council Examination – paid for by Council Referendum – paid for by Council but campaigning costs for Forum

Further support? Locality funding – direct support, grant support or both Grant– up to £7,000 Deadline to submit bids within next few weeks All 3 Neighbourhood Forums are co-ordinating bids Other support – sponsorship, community resources?

Local Plan/Neighbourhood Plan relationship Basic conditions: Neighbourhood Plan must be in ‘broad conformity’ with Local Plan Torbay approach – Neighbourhood Plans with ‘teeth’, dealing with big issues. Parrallel-track with Local Plan. Could adopt Neighbourhood Plan ahead of Local Plan but risky Neighbourhood Plan should follow the Local Plan

Timetable for Local Plan Clear framework agreed by Council 15 May Re-drafting of Local Plan - May/June/July Consultation – Aug/Sep Submission to Sec. of State - Oct Examination of Local Plan end of 2013 and early 2014 (7 months) Adopt Local Plan – June 2014

Neighbourhood Plan – remaining stages Develop the final draft Neighbourhood Plan Consultation – 6 weeks Analyse responses, editing Neighbourhood Plan Submission to Torbay Council - June 2014 Publication – 6 weeks – June 2014 Examination – Sep 2014 Referendum – Nov 2014 However, Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plan carry increasing weight as they progress towards adoption

Neighbourhood Planning – influence Content of draft Local Plan – SWOT’s, aspirations, growth Evidence base refresh – SHLAA/SHMA TDA capital projects Planning applications Council priorities

Developing the Neighbourhood Plan Good progress – consider using external help, keep Strategic Planning involved closely Our advice – keep it simple. The first 5 year of housing is ‘banked’. Put the ‘hooks’ in to deliver real place-making change through masterplanning of key areas – e.g. Town Centre, The Gateway getting best value for community Use the CIL receipts and ‘planning gain’ to deliver community projects in your plan