National Science Foundation 1 Federal Cyber Service: Scholarship for Service (SFS) Where Its Been, Where Its Going Dr. Ernest L. McDuffie Secure IT - 24 April 2003 Division of Undergraduate Education National Science Foundation
2 Independent agency of the US government Established in 1950 to promote and advance scientific progress in the US by supporting scientific research and selected activities in education and engineering Agency does not conduct research General Information About NSF
National Science Foundation 3 Individual projects, research and educational Instrumentation, equipment, curricula, and facilities Large-scale shared facilities Financial aid to graduate/undergraduate students National and Regional Centers Small business innovation NSF Modes of Support
National Science Foundation 4 National Science Foundation Organization
National Science Foundation 5 Education and Human Resources (EHR)
National Science Foundation 6 Assessment of Student Achievement (ASA) in Undergraduate Education Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI) Computer Science, Engineering, and Mathematics Scholarship (CSEMS) National Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technological Education Digital Library (NSDL) NSF Directors Award for Distinguished Teaching Scholars (DTS) Federal Cyber Service : Scholarship for Service (SFS) Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Teacher Preparation (STEMTP) Programs in DUE
National Science Foundation 7 DUE Funding (Dollars in Millions) *Near the end of FY02, SFS received an additional $19.3 million for FY02 **The CSEMS program is funded through the H1-B Visas program ***Due to a $3 million arithmatic error, DUE received $2 million less in CCLI and $1 million less in NSDL than was originally congressionally budgeted § "Other" FY04 Request includes $6.52 million to TPC, $8.5 million to Workforce for the 21st Century, and $1 million to HE-CLTs
National Science Foundation 8 NSF-Wide Programs with an Undergraduate Component Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Information Technology Research (ITR) Information Technology Workforce (ITW) Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Research in Undergraduate Institutions (RUI) Increasing the Participation and Advancement of Women in Academic Science and Engineering Careers (ADVANCE)
National Science Foundation 9 Programs in Other Directorates/Divisions with an Undergraduate Component Directorate/ Division Program CISE/EIA CISE Minority Institutions Infrastructure (MII) CISE&ENG Combined Research-Curriculum Development (CRCD) EHR/DGE Graduate Teaching Fellows in K-12 Education (GK-12) EHR/HRD Activities in Science, Engineering & Mathematics for Persons with Disabilities (PPD) EHR/HRD Historically Black Colleges & Universities Undergraduate Program (HBCU-UP) EHR/HRD Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP)
National Science Foundation 10 Programs in Other Directorates/Divisions with an Undergraduate Component, cont Directorate/ Division Program EHR/HRD Program for Gender Equity in Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology (PGE) ENG/EEC The Action Agenda for Engineering Curriculum Innovation GEO Geoscience Education MPS/DMS Grants for Vertical Integration of Research and Education in the Mathematical Sciences (VIGRE) EHR/HRD Tribal Colleges and Universities Program (TCUP)
National Science Foundation 11 Division of Graduate Education (DGE) DGE supports the following programs: Graduate Research Fellowships (GRF) Graduate Teaching Fellowships in K-12 Education (GK-12) Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeships (IGERT) NSF-NATO Postdoctoral Fellowships in Science and Engineering (NATO) Travel Grants for NATO Advanced Study Institutes (ASI)
National Science Foundation 12 Federal Cyber Service: Scholarship for Service (SFS) Purpose To increase the number of qualified students entering the fields of information assurance and computer security and to increase the capacity of the US higher education enterprise to continue to produce professionals in these fields. Tracks Scholarship Capacity Building
National Science Foundation 13 Scholarship Track Funding for students in last 2 years of bachelors or masters or Ph.D. program in IA Required federal service upon graduation, 2 years Cohort management and support Summer internships at federal agencies Open to institutions with CAE/IAE certification or equivalent Capacity Building Institutional capacity to develop IA program Consortia Minority-serving institutions support
National Science Foundation 14 Typical Capacity Building Projects Adaptation and Implementation: The program wishes to foster collaboration and dialogue among institutions offering courses and programs in information assurance. Curriculum and Educational Materials Development: Supported activities should affect the learning environment, course content, and the experience of instruction. Faculty Development: Grants are made to CAE/IAE designated or equivalent institutions for the development and implementation of activities that assist faculty from other institutions to learn about recent advances in information assurance and computer security and to improve their instructional capability in these areas.
National Science Foundation 15 SFS FY01 Award Information Award total: $11.2M 6 Scholarship awards 8 Capacity building SFS FY02 Award Information Award total: $11.2M + $19.3M supplemental 15 Total Scholarship Awards now in effect 14 Total Capacity building SFS FY03 Award Information (to be announced) Award total: $11.2M 4 New Scholarship Awards – now 19 total 19 New Capacity Building Awards – now 33 total SFS Proposal Information Due date: December, 2003 (anticipated)
National Science Foundation 16 SFS Program Issues Graduate Placement –Summer Internships –Permanent Positions –Security Clearances –Timeliness Working with OPM –Their web site and database SFS will be producing about 350 graduates per year by the end of 2003!
National Science Foundation 17 Special Projects Projects/ideas that do NOT fit into existing programs –Workshops –Faculty enhancement activities Funded by leftover program monies –Not a large amount of funds Requirements: –1-3 page white paper describing project, including rationale and impact –Preliminary budget –Approximately $75K max
National Science Foundation 18 SFS Related Research Issues Critical Infrastructure Protection Authentication and cryptography Computer forensics and intrusion detection Reliability of computer and network applications, middleware, operating systems, and communications infrastructure Privacy and confidentiality Remote access and wireless security
National Science Foundation 19 Research Issues, Continued Network security architecture, including tools for security administration and analysis such as firewall technology Emerging threats, including malicious such as viruses and worms Vulnerability assessments and techniques for quantifying risk Operations and control systems management Management of interoperable digital certificates or digital watermarking
National Science Foundation 20 How to Really Know About a Program Become a reviewer for the proposals submitted to the program –Give us a business card –Send to the lead program officer Your name will be added to the database of potential reviewers
National Science Foundation 21 Contact NSF Telephone (NSF Information Center) Websites:
National Science Foundation 22 Any Questions? Thanks for your attention! Dr. Ernest L. McDuffie