May 2012
Online survey in early March 2012 Evaluation Committee developed the survey to determine membership satisfaction and opinions on committee communicating, participation and workplans 63 total respondents, 14 of which were council members
Hard to answer 'All committee members actively participate and share opinions at meetings" - during meetings, I feel those present do share, etc, but not all members have been present at most meetings Diverse representation on most committees
Might help to have list of committee membership and name tags for committee meetings Committees are doing a LOT of work, sometimes feel as if we've "bitten off more than we can chew"
Fact sheets would be very helpful to explain how entities other than Early Childhood benefit from Spark NH Travel time to get to committee meetings is difficult. Would be helpful to have teleconferences available for all meetings.
Demands of Direct Service do not allow me to participate as I would like-- time involvement to do a good job participating is not available to most program directors. My agency did not feel I could afford to be off site four times a month and there are already three other professional meetings specific to child care programs which I try to attend regularly I value being able to share my opinion
Teleconferences would be helpful for increased participation On numerous committees and increased workload makes things difficult.
the scope of the project is greater than time involvement will allow most people who work in direct service to participate Usually get through our agenda. At the same time, it often feels that we have more work than we can get through in our monthly meetings Meetings well facilitated, wish there was more ability to participate from a distance and accomplish work thru the internet
More marketing tools and web completion Better understanding of the big picture and how our work links with others Video/web-conference availability
Possibly hold ONE meeting for Child Care directors to catch them up on the purposes and progress of the committees. Set goals and a timeline
Taking some action, making progress on the workplan would give the committee some sense of accomplishment Continue to share what the other committees are working on so we can be clear where we align and how it may impact future directions we may recommend
I am able to share with other colleagues It keeps us more informed Connections and potential partnerships/collaborations
Awareness of what other initiatives exist Participation in development of a strategic plan that will have comprehensive impact for the 0- 8 age group in NH Not sure yet but feel positive about the direction
The benefits are not apparent but they [my organization] support Spark NH. Links us to important work being done for young children and their families
Allows north Country representation and sharing of information with specific regards to north country families and needs Since we provide training and technical support, it assists us in keeping our programs up to date on state initiatives that may have impact on services.
High level of satisfaction with Committees/ Taskforces Desire for teleconference and/or web-meetings Help membership take Spark NH messages back to respective organizations (newsletter, fact sheet, 30 second elevator/stair speech) Keep eye on some areas in future evaluations