Orientation course for Ethiopian Team on NRM and Rainfed Agriculture - Overall structure
Participatory Development of Natural Resources (Land, Water and Trees) Demand-driven approach (net planning, direct funding to the community) Better fund flow upto the last level (transfer of funds directly into the bank account of labourers and other service providers) Integration of watershed programme with Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) Intensive use of Information Technology (IT)
Sustainable and Equitable Management of Developed Natural Resource Pooling of Bore well water for sharing with those who do have wells; and using it for critical irrigation to rainfed crops Moving from conservation of soil to improvement in health of soil (through addition of biomass based organic manure) Natural regeneration of tree component in common land through social fencing; before making investment on plantation of new trees (Based upon the experiences in Ananthapur district)
New paradigm in Rainfed Farming System Agriculture System of Rice Intensification (SRI) Non-pesticidal methods of pest management (NPM) Processing of NPM produce (red gram) at village level NPM shop for production and supply of inputs at local level Community managed seeds system (CMSS)
New paradigm in Rainfed Farming System Livestock for poor Fattening of ram lamb and goat kids Reduction in mortality through community managed preventive vaccination, day-care centre for goat kids, Community managed insurance and night shelters Backyard poultry (rearing of BYP by individual households and collective marketing of eggs by the CBOs) Easing Bullock draft constraints
New paradigm in Rainfed Farming System Inland Fisheries (Please refer the publications) Strengthening of fisheries cooperative societies through organization of producers groups on the pattern of women SHGs Production of fisheries by the cooperative societies after elimination of external contractors Local marketing of fish through vendors before taking the produce to distant markets Local production of fingerlings through cooperative societies
List of publications in the Menu Rom CD A.Management of developed Natural Resources 10 ways to make living soils possible Pooling of bore well water and using it for critical irrigation in rainfed crops B. Sustainable Agriculture Community managed seed systems Framework for integration of SRI with MGNREGS SRI – Growing more rice water with less water Realise full potential of paddy plant – SRI method of paddy cultivation SRI – desirable and non desirable practices
List of publications in the Menu Rom CD contd…. C. Livestock for poor Ram lamb rearing – a potential enterprise in promoting local breed Community managed livestock insurance Community managed preventive health care services – process steps Improving goat production systems – APDAI Strengthening the backyard poultry – Experiences of APDAI Synthesizing experiences In Backyard poultry
List of publications in the Menu Rom CD contd…. D. Inland Fisheries Revitalising fisheries in rainfed areas Reviving community managed tank based fisheries E. General Beyond perfunctory Rhetoric and Helplessness Proceedings of the National workshop on new paradigm for rainfed farming
Thank you