Similarities & Differences Cat in the Cat & Cat (Oral & Written formats) Expanded Analytic coding using conceptual vocabulary from the Basic Conceptual Systems with a Modified Venn Diagram to describe the similarities and differences between two item or events. Based on the work of Anne Svendsen and Andreas Hansen, adapted by K. Morgan 2013.
Cat in the HatCat Name Group Number of Parts Color(s) Shape(s) Size (compared to you) Temperature Weight (compared to you) Function Living/Non-Living Surface Pattern Surface Property Material (composition) Place Similarities & Differences Circle the words in which the two items are similar. Draw a line thru the words in which the two items are different.. © 2013 A. Svendsen, A.Hansen, K. Morgan.
Cat in the Hat cat Name Group Number of Parts Color(s) Shape(s) Size (compared to you) Temperature Weight (compared to you) Function Living/Non-Living Surface Pattern Surface Property Material (composition) Place Similarities & Differences (Written format) Circle the words in which the two items are similar. Draw a line thru the words in which the two items are different.. © 2013 A. Svendsen, A.Hansen, K. Morgan.
Cat in the Hat cat Name Group Number of Parts Color(s) Shape(s) Size (compared to you) Temperature Weight (compared to you) Function Living / Non Living Surface Pattern Surface Property Material (composition) Place Similarities & Differences (Written format) Circle the words in which the two items are similar. Draw a line thru the words in which the two items are different.. © 2013 A. Svendsen, A.Hansen, K. Morgan. Character (in a story) Head, body, legs, feet, eyes, hat, gloves Red, white, black Curved line shapes, round shape Small size compared to me Room temperature (It’s on paper) Light in weight compared to me Illustration in a book or movie Not Living Striped pattern hat Smooth (on paper in a book) Paper, ink In a book or movie Animal, Mammal Head, body, tail, 4 legs, eyes, whiskers Black, brown, white Curved line shapes, round shape Small size compared to me Warm Light in weight compared to me To have as a pet Living Striped fur Soft, furry Skin, bones, muscle, blood and fur At home