2 Utility Metering vs. Submetering 10/11/2014 New PowerPoint Template Utility Meter Meter provided by utility with the purpose of measuring an energy source to generate a bill. Submeter Submetering is the installation of metering devices to measure actual energy consumption after the primary utility energy meter.
3 Key Markets 10/11/2014 New PowerPoint Template Commercial Real Estate (owners, property manager, facility/energy manager) REITs Multi-site Retail Multi-tenant Demand Response (CSP & Utility) Industrial/Manufacturing/Processing (plant engineer) Consulting Engineers (energy efficiency program coordinators) Institutional - K-12 & Universities (facility manager, sustainability coordinator) Solar PV/Renewable Energy (monitoring provider, equip manufacturers) Government (regional energy managers, REMs) Data Center (facility managers) OEM (equip manufacturers)
4 Why? Expected Savings 10/11/2014 New PowerPoint Template
5 Applications 10/11/2014 New PowerPoint Template Historical (Still Growing…) Tenant Billing Cost Allocation Energy Management (M&V, LEED; PV; O&M) Growth Applications OEM Critical Power (Datacenters) Demand Response Integrated Metering Solutions (Systems not components) Plug Load Metering Energy Efficiency driven by Codes and Mandates Services for end-user driven by energy information
6 Growth Applications 10/11/2014 New PowerPoint Template Metered Panels Existing and new electrical panels Repurposed Building Space Existing buildings continue to be repurposed. When this happens, building owners require spaces to be metered to allocate utility costs or simply for energy efficiency (Energy Codes & Mandates) Critical Power (Datacenters) Cloud computing is driving growth of 24/7 facilities where monitoring and managing power is critical, especially with PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness) essentially ratio of total amount of energy used by a data center facility vs. energy delivered to computing equipment. Energy Efficiency driven by Codes & Mandates From EPAct 05 to Seattle Energy Code, adoption of metering mandates and compliance continues to expand.
7 Growth Applications 10/11/2014 New PowerPoint Template Demand Response C&I taking advantage of utility/municipal incentives to curtail energy use on demand. Generation PV and Wind OEM EVSE, Electrical Panels (including lighting), Inverters (DC) Telecom and PV Plug Load Metering Most estimations of plug loads range from 10% to 30% of a building's electricity use.
8 Technology Trends 10/11/2014 New PowerPoint Template Integrated Platforms / Advanced Communications Shift to smart, network enabled meters that have advanced communications. Even BAS moving to server based solutions. Self commissioning preferred. Software / Mobile Applications Meter isn’t enough. Customers are demanding low cost (free) software and mobile applications that allow them to easy access information and to configure devices. Wireless Metering WiFi, Zigbee, 900MHz, Cellular. Customers want a low cost option for cloud enable devices. Rogowski CTs Easier installation; less inventory; excellent for BAS, system integrators, ESCOs etc..
9 Metering & Market Challenges 10/11/2014 New PowerPoint Template We interviewed our largest customers and asked what was most challenging about implementing metering technology: 1.Most metering projects were for main building-level metering and installation costs were generally higher than the cost of hardware 2.Electricians did not understand communications protocol or wiring and were not accustomed to carrying a laptop 3.Most metered spaces did not have a receptacle to power devices for communications needs (wireless, cellular) 4.Service size and type weren’t always accurate or known 5.Panel space was often limited and CT installation proved challenging 6.Cost of communications – LAN and Cellular 7.Inability to easily share data with multiple systems 8.Need for installation and commissioning services 9.SMB users didn’t have internal expertise for continuous commissioning 10.Regulatory concerns (compliance / billing)
10 Small / Medium Commercial Building 10/11/2014 New PowerPoint Template Small/Mid Size Commercial Bldgs. Owner needs low cost system for main energy sources (could be multi-site need) Wants remote access & ability to share data with the cloud Option to read data manually/download data Wants an open / scalable solution HD Pulse Module
11 Where can NEMA help? 10/11/2014 New PowerPoint Template Legislative, Regulatory, Education Lobbying cities to adopt submetering ordinances and mandates Outreach and marketing tools to boost awareness Example – NEMA’s Building Tool Kit United group to have a voice in industry regulations Certifications Example: CA W&M vs. Measurement Canada Forum for industry leaders to collaborate & drive growth in the industry
12 Q&A 10/11/2014 New PowerPoint Template