PM&E Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation Prepared by BMCalub
Prepared by BMCalub
What is monitoring? A systematic process of assessing progress and change in achieving planned targets. A process of timely recording and feedback of activities being carried out and problems being encountered while conducting an activity over a period of time using pre-determined indicators Prepared by BMCalub
Why monitor? Objectives of Monitoring: To regularly review actual outputs versus expected outputs To determine whether activities are conducted on schedule To criticaly review the progress of planned activities Prepared by BMCalub
An assessment whether overall objectives were met or not over a given time. It measures performance versus standards A process of determining overall longer term value of the outcome as to cost- effectiveness, equity of impact, sustainability and other parameters. What is evaluation? Prepared by BMCalub
Objectives of evaluation: To identify positive and negative outcomes and impacts of an activity To systematically review what, why and how an activity was implemented in order to serve as basis for decisions (*continue, terminate, adjust, change, re-orient, re-plan) with the aim of improving a situation Why evaluate? Prepared by BMCalub
Examples of monitoring activities: Data collection (qty,qlty) Quarterly progress reports Regular field visits Interim reviews Examples of evaluation activities Year-end evaluation Impact assessment Prepared by BMCalub
What is PM&E ? (Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation) A process that develops partnerships of multiple stakeholders for efficient, effective and socially inclusive monitoring and evaluation. It involves multiple stakeholders in designing the monitoring and evaluation system, and in collecting, analyzing and sharing the information Prepared by BMCalub
Prepared by BMCalub Core principles of PM&E: primary stakeholders are active participants – not just sources of information building capacity of local people to analyze, reflect and take action joint learning of stakeholders at various levels catalyzes commitment to taking corrective actions According to the World Bank:
Whose JOB is it? Four people were named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, Nobody. They have an important job to be done. Everybody was asked to do it. Everybody was sure Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn’t do it. Thus Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done Prepared by BMCalub
It builds capacities and negotiation skills by jointly analyzing, reflecting and assessing progress and obstacles of the project. It enriches understanding of local knowledge by learning from past mistakes and taking corrective action. It promotes interaction of stakeholders through use of participatory tools and techniques. Why should M&E be participatory ? Prepared by BMCalub
It empowers people by putting them in charge of the process, so that they can demand accountability and exercise control over the project activities. It fosters coalition-building through participation on a sustainable basis and changing the mind set of all stakeholders. Continuation… Why should M&E be participatory ? Prepared by BMCalub
It allows healthy exchange of different points of views. It emphasizes a positive approach to learning and improving performance (not judgment or punishment) by recognizing commitment, innovation and flexibility. Continuation… Why should M&E be participatory ? Prepared by BMCalub
Participatory M&E stakeholders: 1. Understand project progress 2. Learn from achievements and problems 3. Agree how to improve strategy and operations According to IFAD: Prepared by BMCalub
PM&E involves the creation of an M&E system helps primary stakeholders, implementing partners and project staff learn together to improve project development interventions to ensure maximum benefits to the rural poor. According to IFAD: Prepared by BMCalub
Prepared by BMCalub Tips for PM&E clarify among stakeholders what impact a project is expected to have and how it will be achieved decide how progress and impact will be assessed
Prepared by BMCalub Tips for PM&E gather and analyse the necessary information for tracking progress and impact explain the reasons for success and failure agree on how best to use this understanding to improve future action.
Some DON’Ts during PM&E Don’t judge about correctness or incorrectness of what the villager says (there will be another time for that) Don’t give the villager advice during a PM&E (there will be another time for that) Don’t show disapproval of the villager’s statements, even if you disagree (there will be another time for that) Continuation… Prepared by BMCalub
Don’t get impatient. Don’t contradict. Don’t regard feedback as a personal attack. ASYS 145 handout_PM&E Prepared by BMCalub Prepared by BMCalub Some DON’Ts during PM&E
Some Dos during PM&E Be neutral (not biased; not defensive) Be open to constructive criticism Be receptive (verbally and non-verbally) Prepared by BMCalub
We were given two ears and only one mouth, That we may listen twice as much as we should talk! Prepared by BMCalub
PM&E means ABC (Attitude and Behavior Change) The ultimate change starts within us! Prepared by BMCalub