Big Question: What adventures can you have on a lucky day? Author: Keiko Kasza Genre: Animal Fantasy
Big Question: What adventures can you have on a lucky day? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Review
Monday What adventures can you have on a lucky day?
Today we will learn: Build Background Amazing Words Shared Reading: My Lucky Day Vocabulary Words Practice /l/ High-Frequency Words Decodable Reader 19: Hob Can Hit Grammar: Action Parts Journal Writing Time for Science: Our Senses Math: Make a Guess
Talk with Me, Sing with Me
It’s My Lucky Day Piglet walked through the woods one day, Hoping to find a friend who could play, Squirrel was scrubbing his filthy house, “Bye, bye, Squirrel! I’ll go find Mouse!” Piglet walked through the woods one day, Hoping to find a friend who could play, Mouse was cooking a wonderful feast, “Bye, bye, Mouse! I’ll find another beast!”
It’s My Lucky Day Piglet walked through the woods one day, Hoping to find a friend who could play, Deer was feeding her little does, “Bye, bye, Deer! You can’t play, I suppose!” Piglet walked through the woods one day, Hoping to find a friend who could play, Along came Fox, “Hey, it’s my lucky day!” “Bye, bye, Fox! Not today!”
Blend Sounds l a p l a d l i p p a d p o d
High Frequency Words
Word Work
Blending Practice m a n D a n H o b h i t p o p c a n f a n P a m S a m h a t i t d i d n o t h o t
High Frequency Words Review see is a they
nan had a lucky day Nan had a lucky day.
Grammar I write. Which word tells you what I am doing, or my action? write The cat sat. Which word tells what the cat is doing? sat
Grammar The dog ran. Which word tells what the dog did? ran
Let’s Write! Let’s make a list of action words that describe something the man could do.
Let’s Write! Now we will use some of our action words to write a sentence. The first word in a sentence should begin with an uppercase letter. Every sentence should end with a period.
Daily Journal Writing Write or draw about one adventure the piglet had in the story.
Oral Language Comprehension Grammar Tomorrow we will read about the bunny family again.
Tuesday What are some things you do that are fun?
Today we will learn Today we will learn: Build Background Amazing Words Shared Reading: My Lucky Day Vocabulary Words Practice /l/ High-Frequency Words Phonics Story: Lad and Me Grammar: Action Parts Shared Writing Journal Writing Time for Science: Cause and Effect with Growing Things
Talk with Me, Sing with Me
It’s My Lucky Day Piglet walked through the woods one day, Hoping to find a friend who could play, Squirrel was scrubbing his filthy house, “Bye, bye, Squirrel! I’ll go find Mouse!” Piglet walked through the woods one day, Hoping to find a friend who could play, Mouse was cooking a wonderful feast, “Bye, bye, Mouse! I’ll find another beast!”
It’s My Lucky Day Piglet walked through the woods one day, Hoping to find a friend who could play, Deer was feeding her little does, “Bye, bye, Deer! You can’t play, I suppose!” Piglet walked through the woods one day, Hoping to find a friend who could play, Along came Fox, “Hey, it’s my lucky day!” “Bye, bye, Fox ! Not today!”
Lucy Leopard Loves Her Lunch Lucy Leopard loves her lunch- Lettuce and limes to crunch and munch. She licks up the lemonade. She likes it best when it’s homemade. Lucy Leopard loves her lunch- Lettuce and limes to crunch and munch. Lucy Leopard Loves Her Lunch Lucy Leopard
Blending Practice l a p L a d l i d l o t h o t c a n h o p o n c a t s i t h i t
High Frequency Words
will linda eat her lunch Will Linda eat her lunch?
Grammar In a complete sentence, we need a naming part and an action part. The first word begins with an uppercase letter. The sentence ends with a period or question mark.
Let’s Write! The fox cooked piglet a big dinner.
Amazing Word Review chores tidy
Daily Journal Writing Dictate and draw three words that begin with /l/.
Oral Language Grammar Homework Tomorrow we will read about the animals going to school again Oral Language Grammar Homework Idea Tomorrow we will read about some children who make music. How do you think they do it?
Wednesday What things will you do on a lucky day?
Today we will learn: Build Background Amazing Words Shared Reading: My Lucky Day Vocabulary Words Practice /l/ High-Frequency Words Student Reader: A Musical Adventure Grammar: Naming Parts Shared Writing Journal Writing Time for Social Studies: Chronological Time Drama: Actors and Actresses
Talk with Me, Sing with Me
It’s My Lucky Day Piglet walked through the woods one day, Hoping to find a friend who could play, Squirrel was scrubbing his filthy house, “Bye, bye, Squirrel! I’ll go find Mouse!” Piglet walked through the woods one day, Hoping to find a friend who could play, Mouse was cooking a wonderful feast, “Bye, bye, Mouse! I’ll find another beast!”
It’s My Lucky Day Piglet walked through the woods one day, Hoping to find a friend who could play, Deer was feeding her little does, “Bye, bye, Deer! You can’t play, I suppose!” Piglet walked through the woods one day, Hoping to find a friend who could play, Along came Fox, “Hey, it’s my lucky day!” “Bye, bye, Fox ! Not today!”
Amazing Words
Letter Substitution dill Bill hill fit fill hill hip
Blend Sounds h i t N a t L i n R o b c a n t a p b a m r a p o n p o t l i d N a n
High Frequency Words
High-Frequency Words Review we do that are the like you
the piglet had a lucky day The piglet had a lucky day.
Grammar In a complete sentence, we need a naming part and an action part. The first word begins with an uppercase letter. The sentence ends with a period or question mark.
Grammar AlphBuddy talks. If talks is the action part of the sentence, what is the naming part? AlphBuddy
Let’s Write! We are going to make a list of words that begin with /l/ and a list of words that end with /l/.
Let’s Write! Begins with /l/Ends with/l/
Daily Journal Writing Dictate and draw three words that end in –ll.
Respond to Literature Grammar Homework Idea Tomorrow we will read about an unlucky duck!
Thursday What could happen on your lucky day?
Today we will learn: Build Background Amazing Words Shared Reading: Fix-It Duck Practice /l/ High-Frequency Words Decodable Reader 20: Can It Fit? Grammar: Action Parts Shared Writing Journal Writing Time for Social Studies: Cause and Effect Math: How Much?
Talk with Me, Sing with Me
It’s My Lucky Day Piglet walked through the woods one day, Hoping to find a friend who could play, Squirrel was scrubbing his filthy house, “Bye, bye, Squirrel! I’ll go find Mouse!” Piglet walked through the woods one day, Hoping to find a friend who could play, Mouse was cooking a wonderful feast, “Bye, bye, Mouse! I’ll find another beast!”
It’s My Lucky Day Piglet walked through the woods one day, Hoping to find a friend who could play, Deer was feeding her little does, “Bye, bye, Deer! You can’t play, I suppose!” Piglet walked through the woods one day, Hoping to find a friend who could play, Along came Fox, “Hey, it’s my lucky day!” “Bye, bye, Fox ! Not today!”
Blend Sounds L i l l i d b a t f i t T a b s a t l a p d i d
Blend Sounds l i t d o l l c a n n o t
High Frequency Words are that you see a the they do
the duck will fix it The duck will fix it.
Grammar In a complete sentence, we need a naming part and an action part. The first word begins with an uppercase letter. The sentence ends with a period or question mark.
Grammar Judy dances. What is the action part? dances
Let’s Write! Lil and Lin play with____, Play with _____, Play with____. Lil and Lin play with ____, They like ____.
Daily Journal Writing Draw and label three action words.
Respond to Literature Grammar Homework Idea Tomorrow we will read about three goats who trick someone to stay safe.
Friday What adventures do you have on a lucky day?
Today we will learn: Build Background Amazing Words Shared Reading: “The Three Billy Goats Gruff” Review /l/ High-Frequency Words Progress Monitoring: Read the Words and Sentences Grammar: Action Parts Time for Math: Counting Advent Time for Art: My Lucky Day Time for Drama: Adventure Charade
Talk with Me, Sing with Me
It’s My Lucky Day Piglet walked through the woods one day, Hoping to find a friend who could play, Squirrel was scrubbing his filthy house, “Bye, bye, Squirrel! I’ll go find Mouse!” Piglet walked through the woods one day, Hoping to find a friend who could play, Mouse was cooking a wonderful feast, “Bye, bye, Mouse! I’ll find another beast!”
It’s My Lucky Day Piglet walked through the woods one day, Hoping to find a friend who could play, Deer was feeding her little does, “Bye, bye, Deer! You can’t play, I suppose!” Piglet walked through the woods one day, Hoping to find a friend who could play, Along came Fox, “Hey, it’s my lucky day!” “Bye, bye, Fox ! Not today!”
“The Three Billy Goats Gruff”
Final Substitution lab lad lid lot
Letter Substitution ill mill pill bill dill fill hill will
High Frequency Words
High Frequency Words are that do
i am lucky I am lucky.
Grammar In a complete sentence, we need a naming part and an action part. The first word begins with an uppercase letter. The sentence ends with a period or question mark.
Grammar An action part of a sentence is a word that tells what is happening.
Grammar I dropped the paper. What did I do to the paper? dropped Dropped the paper is the action part of the sentence.
Let’s Write! Today we will write about something we feel lucky about.
Daily Journal Writing Draw or write about an adventure you had.
Phonics Shared Reading High-Frequency Words Next week we will read about a little mouse. What adventures could a mouse have?
New Words Review
High Frequency Words do are make their that would could other
Vocabulary Words rabbit dinner bath cookies startled delicious
Amazing Words piglet fox lucky filthy cook scrubber
Progress Monitoring Progress Monitoring
Read the Words Set A lip lap lad lid
Read the Words Set B fill lob mill hill doll Bill
Read the Sentences Set C 1. Dan is a sad lad. 2. That is my cap. 3. You are a little cat. 4. Did Bill and Lil go to bee the pit? 5. Do Dan and Bill have dill?