Becoming a MI Bridges Navigation Trainer Michigan Association of United Ways June 21, 2012
MI Bridges is a web-based multiple public benefit application system created and maintained by the Michigan Department of Human Services Michigan Benefits Access (MBA) is a public-private collaboration to increase the economic stability of Michigan families by connecting them to multiple benefits through the use of the MI Bridges application system, offered by the Michigan Department of Human Services, and community outreach. Michigan Association of United Ways provides training on MI Bridges navigation. What is MI Bridges and Michigan Benefits Access?
*A MI Bridges Navigation Trainer will maximize the Michigan Benefits Access (MBA) impact by providing local, in-person MI Bridges Navigation Training, on behalf of the Michigan Association of United Ways. *Funded by the Open Society Foundation to develop a cadre of trainers that can sustain training opportunities locally on the use of MI Bridges. *Seeking trainers from a variety of social service networks to connect with a broad audience of interested community partners. *There will be trainers selected throughout Michigan to cover all regions of the state. MI Bridges Trainers
Completion of MI Bridges Navigation Training for Trainers Experience assisting households in applying for government benefits General knowledge of Michigan Department of Human Service program benefits 1 year of equivalent training experience Experience working with diverse population Pass background check or show proof of current background check Ability to travel to agencies within designated community Qualifications of Trainers
“Trainer” indicates the individual contracted to provide MI Bridges Navigation training to a specified community. “Requestor” indicates the individual requesting a MI Bridges Navigation training event for their agency or community. “MBA Program Director” indicates MAUW staff person responsible for overall management of Michigan Benefit Access. Vocabulary to Know
Status: Contract position, per training event scheduled in coordination with Michigan Association of United Ways (MAUW). Duration: 12 months from date of signed agreement, unless canceled with prior two-week notice from either party. Compensation - $250 per completed MI Bridge Navigation Training event General Terms of MI Bridges Trainer Agreement
*Trainer must complete the MI Bridges Navigation Training for Trainers before initiating training. *Trainer must conduct 12 or more MI Bridges Navigation training events over a 12 month period. Trainer can provide multiple trainings in one month or within the same day. Each training counts as an individual stipend event. Each training must have at least 8 people registered in advance. *Trainer must use MI Bridges Navigation Training Manuals provided by the Michigan Association of United Ways *Trainer must participate in occasional webinars to receive updates on training and MI Bridges. Trainer Agreement: Expectations
Flat rate of $250 stipend per training event to cover up to 5 hours of time. Break-down of 5 hours compensated: 30 minutes – Follow up with Requestor for any specific details, review of MI Bridges and MBA website for updates and changes 30 minutes – prep time before each session 3 hour – Actual time conducting training on scheduled date. 30 minutes - close out/clean up after each session 30 minutes - submittal of sign-in sheets, evaluations, and any additional feedback through MBA website. Trainer Stipend
In order to request payment of stipend, the trainer must have: 1.At least 8 people registered in advance of training If less show up, you will be compensated if you are still able to conduct the training and show proof of attendees with sign-in sheet. 2. Scanned and submitted Sign-in Sheet from training event to MAUW. 3. Scanned & submitted Evaluation Forms completed to MAUW. 4. Submit scanned Stipend Request Form for each training event completed. Submission of Stipend Request
Trainer must receive prior approval for any expenses not covered by stipend, such as: Outreach materials from MBA website Mileage for travel outside of 20 miles from home or business Hotel accommodations Request for approval is submitted with the Other Expenses Authorization Form. Additional expenses are not guaranteed for compensation. Additional Expenses
*Trainings events are requested using a MI Bridges Training Request Form submitted by “Requestor” of a local organization. *Training Request Forms can be submitted to MAUW through local trainer or directly to MAUW. *MI Bridges Training Request Form is available on MBA website for direct access. Training Coordination
*MI Bridges Training Request Form collect details of date, time, location, capacity for people, and technology (Wi-Fi and LCD Projector) available in order to schedule event. *MI Bridges Training Request Form must be submitted to MAUW at least two weeks in advance of preferred dates. *Trainer has the right to decline or recommend alternative training dates before the event is scheduled. *A Trainer Confirmation Letter will be sent to the Trainer for each training event to confirm acceptance after formally scheduled by MAUW. Training Coordination Continued
1. Prescheduled Training Events organized by MAUW in a locality that provides easy access for surrounding communities to participate. *These trainings would be conducted by MAUW staff or offered to a local trainer, if available. 2. Trainings requested by local organization through local trainer 3. Trainings requested by local organization directly through MAUW. Any Training requested by local organization can either be: *Only open for specific agency(ies) *Registration link limited to specific persons/agencies *Arranged by one agency but open to the public *Registration link posted on MBA website for the public to register Types of Training Request
Trainer must bring their own laptop to each training. Wi-Fi and LCD access will be required of the requesting organization to provide the schedule Trainer must use MI Bridges Navigation Training Manuals provided by the Michigan Association of United Ways. Materials will be mailed in advance of each training to Trainer. Trainer should periodically review the MI Bridges system, for any changes to web screens. Additional outreach materials that can be used during training and are available on Any outreach materials printed for participants must receive prior authorization from MAUW, if Trainer expect reimbursement. Training Materials
To submit a request to MAUW to become a MI Bridges Navigation Trainer please: 1. Jeanine Stanley, MBA Program Director at 2.MAUW will send you a MI Bridges Trainer Interest Form to provide your contact information and qualifications. 3.Submission will be reviewed and you will be contacted directly if selected to complete: MI Bridges Agreement and finalize terms MI Bridges Training for Trainers Trainer Stipend Enrollment Form Next Steps