My Heritage
My Ancestors We come from many places including Ecuador. Our family tree spreads across the world. In this power point you will see pictures of my family in different places in the world.
We were assigned a project in S.A.G.E to find out where our family came from when they came to America. As I was talking with my family about our heritage I found out that most of our family comes from Ecuador and England. This is my Grandpa(middle) from my dad’s side. These are my mom’s grandparents.
My mom’s side is Ecuadorian.
This is the Ecuadorian flag.
This is my great grandpa on an Incan trail.
This is my grandma with her cousins about to board an airplane to America.
My grandma once told me a story about a trip she took and what happened on the way there. She was seven years old in 1957 when her parents decided to go to Guayaquil to meet her grandparents. They got to the train station at five in the morning. They then boarded the train and soon it got to Ambato. The train had to go up and down the mountains of the Andes. Then, they were going in a spiral around a mountain that was called “Nose of the Devil.” Children weren’t aloud to look out the windows because it was considered “bad luck.” After that, they got to another train station. It was about twelve o`clock when they arrived. My grandma’s mother got all the suitcases and put them in a small boat, called a “lancha” that was going to take them to Guayaquil. They soon were in Guayaquil and unloaded the suitcases and found a place to enjoy the rest of the trip.
This is a picture of my mom when she was seven years old standing by the Ecuadorian flag.
My dad’s side is from England.
This is the English flag.
This is my great great aunt in front of a church in England.
This is my dad in the window of the St. Paul Cathedral.
Credits All pictures used are from; Family Pictures Clip Art