Am fost nascut in pacat Dar Isus pentru mine S-a dat Viata mea de acum e-n mina Sa Si pana Il voi vedea Am nevoie de-ndurarea Sa Caci a promis sa-mi conduca.


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Presentation transcript:

Am fost nascut in pacat Dar Isus pentru mine S-a dat Viata mea de acum e-n mina Sa Si pana Il voi vedea Am nevoie de-ndurarea Sa Caci a promis sa-mi conduca viata mea

Condu-ma, Domane, ziua Condu-ma, e ruga mea Prin toate necazurile-acestei lumi! Condu-ma, Doamne, noaptea Condu-ma prin lumina Ta Caci numai Tu poti conduce viata mea!

I was born into sin But for me Jesus died So I give my life all to Him And until He returns I need all His grace For He promised to guide me all the way

Guide me Lord both night and day Guide me Lord to You I pray Through all trials that life may bring us Guide me Lord, both day and night Guide me with Your precious light Lord you are the one who guides me all the way

Dumnezeu ne iubeste mereu Pentru noi a dat pe Fiu Sau Ca noi sa fim salvati din pacat Deci vino azi cu inima ta De pacat a te spala Si de acum El poate fi lumina Ta

Condu-ma, Domane, ziua Condu-ma, e ruga mea Prin toate necazurile-acestei lumi! Condu-ma, Doamne, noaptea Condu-ma prin lumina Ta Caci numai Tu poti conduce viata mea!

Our Lord is always love He gave his Son for us So we can be saved from our sins So lets all come to Him And give Him our hearts now For He is the one to guide us all the way

Guide me Lord both night and day Guide me Lord to You I pray Through all trials that life may bring Guide me Lord, both day and night Guide me with Your precious light Lord you are the one who guides me all the way