IEEE Hyderabad Section … Membership Development Strategy & Plan Jose Reddypogu Membership Development Committee Chair Hyderabad Section photo
Topics Section Situation Section MD Plan
Membership Situation Hyderabad Section
Hyderabad Section Total Members Since Year 2000 Formation Date: 14 May 1984 Hyderabad Section Total Members
Student Grade Member: 21.9 % IEEE Hyderabad Section Membership 31 December 2011 IEEE Annual Statistics Section A Table 1 - IEEE Membership by Region and Grade Note 1: Data extracted from SAMIEE as of April 2011 and based on estimation only. Note 2: Data taken from Prof. Mini Thomas’s presentation “Student Member Retention Research Project” @ Section Congress 2011 Note 1: Members from… Academia: 84.24 % Industry: 15.75% Note 2: Retention Higher Grade Member: 58.0 % Student Grade Member: 21.9 %
SWOT – Section’s Member Growth Program Strengths Positive trend in increasing membership from 2007 Introduced new students chapters Introduced new IEEE sub chapters Weaknesses Industry % is very low Retention of Student grade members are too low Promotional activities needs to be increased Opportunities to increase the tie up with industries / organizations for promoting IEEE membership to increase the tie up with institutes / colleges catch the graduate students to become GOLD members. Hyderabad has several active volunteer opportunities. Spread awareness. Threats Cost of membership is still high for entrants. despite taking membership, members do not know on how to derive value. Member complaints on not receiving the IEEE magazines.
Section MD Plan
Timing is Everything – Know the Membership Calendar Calendar Year Concludes Year-end membership statistics determined Membership Year Begins Full-year dues enacted Renewal opens Key month for launching new or upgraded benefits From Sep thru Dec, revenue deferred to next year Reminder for renewals Active-Status Terminator Past-due members placed into arrears Renewal and Retention programmes for students and GOLD Members Membership Mid-Year ½-Year Dues-Cycle Begins Arrears-Recovery Begins Key month for launching new or upgraded benefits Planning for Corporate inductions Membership Year Concludes Member retention rates determined Business fiscal performance determined ½-year dues cycle concludes Using training programmes in corporate inductions to launch awareness & recruit members
Existing Members Prospective Members Differentiate Audiences – Different Expectations Constituencies Technical Development Professional Development Community Development Cost Savings / Discounts Existing Members Prospective Members … their needs change throughout a career … they are everywhere. When we do recruit them, 50%+ attrition rate (first-year member strategy)
Evaluation Considerations Opportunities for Engaging Existing Members IEEE Entity Communications Events Recognition Evaluation Considerations Hyderabad Section Sending email reminders as per the membership calendar sending printed invitations to meetings and events like flagship lectures (Faraday Memorial Lecture etc) Special announcements within organizations Reminders through the Section news letter “Synapse” The chapter activities would involve them Social programmes with spouse Professional activity for the experienced professionals Collecting feedback sheets (sample form enclosed) Invitation for participation as Chapter Volunteer Position Invitation to Chair an event Section recognition and awards programme Events and people being presented in news letter Event Participation Volunteer Recruitment Student Branch Vitality Member Retention
Evaluation Considerations Opportunities for Engaging Prospective Members IEEE Entity Communications Events Recognition Evaluation Considerations HyderabadSection Giving Membership Development Brochures at events Word of mouth invitation to attend events from existing members Through invitations to Chapter events. Scheduling membership drive at various organizations induction programmes Visiting student branches and popularizing IEEE Making use of activities like TISP (Teacher in service programme) from EAB Use of GOLD members to show case role models of IEEE Members Collecting feedback sheets (sample form enclosed) Invitation for participation as Chapter Volunteer Position Invitation to Chair an event Section recognition and awards programme Events and people being presented in news letter Diversity and frequency of opportunities for member recruitment Follow-up with interested individuals First-year member engagement
Membership Development Plan Engagement Venues & Frequency 1Q (Jan – Mar) 2Q (Apr – Jun) 3Q (Jul – Sep) 4Q (Oct – Dec) Communications Giving Membership Development Brochures at events 2 3 4 5 Word of mouth invitation to attend events from existing members Through invitations to Chapter events. Events Scheduling membership drive at various organizations induction programmes Visiting student branches and popularizing IEEE Making use of activities like TISP (Teacher in service programme) from EAB 1 Recognition Invitation for participation as Chapter Volunteer Position Invitation to Chair an event, Section recognition and awards programme Events and people being presented in news letter
Status Update Engagement Venues & Frequency Goals & Progress Communications Giving Membership Development Brochures at events 1. CIS Colloquium, Vizag. 2. WIECON 2012, Bhimavaram 3. Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning Workshop, JNTU, Hyd 4. PES Tutorial on renewable energy with CII Word of mouth invitation to attend events from existing members Almost all the events (CI Colloquium, Vizag. 2. WIECON 2012, Bhimavaram 3. Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning Workshop, JNTU, Hyd 4. PES Tutorial on renewable energy with CII) Through invitations to Chapter events. CIS, PES, CS, MTT, COMSOC Events Scheduling membership drive at various organizations induction programmes CIS Colloquium Vizag Visiting student branches and popularizing IEEE 1. AITS, Rajampet, 2. GMRIT, Rajam 3. VITS, Hyd 4. HITAM, Hyd Making use of activities like TISP (Teacher in service programme) from EAB Planned for next TISP event. Recognition Invitation for participation as Chapter Volunteer Position 1. Mr Suresh Satpathi, Secy for CIS, 2. Mr S. Venkatraman, VC for CS, 3. Mr Mitun Bhaskar, Secy for PES, Invitation to Chair an event, Section recognition and awards programme 1. Dr BL Deekshitulu at Experts Lectures in Computational Intelligence at UOHYD 2, Prof Allam Apparao at CIS Colloquium, Vizag Events and people being presented in news letter All the technical events along with invitees are presented in News Letter
In Summary… Section’s Membership Situation 4817 Members in Hyderabad as on 31 Dec 2011, which includes Fellow Members - 06 Senior Members - 111 Members - 1291 Graduate Student Members - 396 Associates - 88 Students - 2925 Section MD Plan Target the growth of GOLD Members through corporate Induction programmes Membership recruitment through offer of Senior Membership for senior and experienced professionals Propagating awareness of value of membership for existing members and emphasizing retention