Monitored Data CSTS, CCSDS W April 2013 Bordeaux, France John Pietras Global Science and Technology, Inc., Greenbelt, MD, USA
2 Summary of Changes Since the Previous (July 2010) Version Updates of the Functional Resource, monitored parameter, and notifiable event terminology throughout the book, to match the current Published Identifier-based naming approach of the CSTS SFW (W-0.12) Removes normative references to Guidelines and directly inserts normative material equivalent to the formerly-referenced Guidelines material (W-0.12) Adds specification for the setting of each configuration parameter for which such specification is deferred in the CSTS SFW to the service specification (W-0.12) These configuration parameters are specified in the MD-CSTS to be managed parameters Adds 6 monitored parameters and 4 notifiable events (W-0.12) The monitored parameters are the values of the managed parameters The events are the four standard production status-related events (configured, halted, etc.) These parameters and events are straw man proposals for the consideration of the WG members Adds the root OIDs for the MD-CSTS Provider FR Type, paramtersId, eventsId, and parameter identifiers to Annex A (W-0.12) Moves the Production specification to normative Annex B (W-0.12) Changes the Service Management specification from a normative reference (in section 1) to an informative reference (in the informative references annex) (W-0.12) Scope of Production Status limited to production resources associated with collecting monitored values and event notifications (W-0.13) Numbers of instances of procedures are simply “managed” without relationship to Service Agreement (W-0.13)
Remaining Questions/Issues Should the monitored parameters, notifiable events, and directives for a CSTS be defined in the specification for that CSTS, or should the normative specification of such information be only in the Data Dictionary/SANA registry? Should directives (if any) be defined in the CSTS specification even if monitored parameters and events are not? Directives generally involve capabilities that have to be built into the service Should the CSTS specification define the standard crossSupportFunctionalities node for the service even if specific parameters, events, and directives are deferred to SANA? Data Dictionary: location, contents, and how it should be referenced by CSTS specifications To be discussed at this meeting MD-CSTS informative annex on example Data dictionary and OID values: which Functional Resource Types and parameters should be included? It could contain the proposed values currently in section 5, but only as informative examples that might change Should MD-CSTS (and other CSTS) monitored parameters include managed parameters as well as time-changing status parameters? Data Dictionary currently includes such parameters for SLE services The result of combining STATUS-REPORT and GET-PARAMETER values “Functional Resource instance” Term is used in the MD-CSTS and currently identified as a term defined in the MD-CSTS specification Also used in the CSTS SFW but not identified in It should it be defined in the CSTS SFW and referenced by service specifications Production Status refinement – discussed elsewhere 3