Monitored Data CSTS, CCSDS W October 2013 San Antonio, Texas, USA John Pietras Global Science and Technology, Inc., Greenbelt, MD, USA
Sources of Changes Since Bordeaux CSTSWG determination that the standard scope of a Functional Resource Label, Parameter Label, Event Label, and Directive Label is limited to the functional resources directly involved with the production and provision of the CSTS that uses the procedure Exceptions to this standard scope require extended procedures to re-define the scope and associated behavior MD-CSTS is an exception to the standard behavior Individual parameter/event labels and Functional Resource Labels can now be used in subscriptions Removal of max numbers of monitorable parameters, notifiable events, and gettable parameters 2
3 Summary of Changes Since the V0.13 (Version Immediately Prior to Bordeaux) (1 of 2) Operational Scenario (2.5) significantly extended to illustrate use of labels and Functional Resource Types Cyclic Report, Information Query, and Notification procedures change from adopted to extended (refined and extended for Notification) (3.0) New section 4 for MD Cyclic Report extended procedure Modifies standard Cyclic Report behavior for a Parameter Label in a list-of-parameters, named list, or default list in a START invocation to apply to “every instance of the parameter identified by that Parameter Label for all instances of its associated Functional Resource Type that are configured as part of the Service Package” Modifies standard Cyclic Report behavior for a Functional Resource Type in the list-of-parameters in a START invocation to apply to “every instance of each parameter for that Functional Resource Type for all instances of that Functional Resource Type that are configured as part of the Service Package” New section 5 for MD Information Query extended procedure Modifies standard Information Query behavior for a Parameter Label in a list-of-parameters, named list, or default list in a GET invocation similar to that done in the MD Cyclic Report Modifies standard Information Query behavior for a Functional Resource Type in a list-of-parameters in a GET invocation similar to that done in the MC Cyclic Report New section 6 for MD Notification extended procedure Modifies standard Notification behavior for an Event Label in a list-of-events, named list, or default list in a START invocation similar to that done in the MD Cyclic Report Modifies standard Notification behavior for a Functional Resource Type in a list-of-parameters in a START invocation similar to that done in the MC Cyclic Report Refines the scope of production status to apply to “production resources associated with collecting all monitored parameters and event notifications”
Summary of Changes Since the V0.13 (Version Immediately Prior to Bordeaux) (2 of 2) In Managed Information section (7), remove requirements for casting of now-nonexistent configuration parameters as managed parameters max number of parameters (MD Cyclic Report) max number of events (MD Notification) max number of gettable parameters (MD Information Query) Monitored Parameters and Notifiable Events section deleted All specification delegated to SANA Procedure Identifiers added to Service Object Identifiers Module (Annex A) monDataCyclicReport OBJECT IDENTIFIER::= {monitoredDataServiceProcedures 1} monDataInfoQuery OBJECT IDENTIFIER::= {monitoredDataServiceProcedures 2} monDataNotification OBJECT IDENTIFIER::= {monitoredDataServiceProcedures 3} 4
Remaining Tasks Prior to Submission for Red Book Review Construct informative Annex C (Functional Type, Monitored Parameter and Notifiable Event Definitions) in conformance with the documentation style and content that will be used to document theses entities on SANA Add PICS Proforma 5