MD 21 IT/Technology Committee Mid-Year Report MD 21 Information Technology/Technology Committee 21A & Chair Lion Brian Woloshin 21B Lion Loren Larsen 21C Lion Joseph Jones
The state website has been totally redesigned On line registration for the Mid-Year conference available New Canyon State Lion Section –On-line article and photo submissions available Interactive Calendar –Increase in clubs submitting their events Prescott Noon Lioness Tip-A-Lioness event had a record turnout because of increased support after their event was posted on the website Mid-year Reports now available on line Council Chair now has a blog User friendly contact forms Over 680 visits since the redesign has taken place
21A has been totally redesigned For the first time ever, we had on line registration for the Kick-off event and had over 20 Lions sign up that way Interactive calendar Lions, Lioness, & Leos Clubs listed with links to their web pages –Updating of club information is a constant process
21B has been fully updated Lion Loren Larsen has done an amazing job getting his pages updated. The entry page is very inviting and really shows off the best 21B has to offer. The site is very user friendly and sleekly designed.
21C has been totally redesigned Lion Joseph Jones totally redesigned the 21C pages in August/September. The new 21C site has an interactive calendar, and events are listed and linked to the State or 21 A & B Websites as needed. The site is very easy to navigate and features a Club Locator Page
Other State Websites Lion Joseph continues to maintain the LFA and Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation websites and is working towards their redesign. The Arizona Lions Vision Center website has been redesigned.
The websites are being redesigned in order to better communicate our activities to the community. The sites are being designed with the objectives of having a more modern/up-to- date appearance, being more user friendly, interactive, and easier to navigate.
Social Networking
Facebook Lions Arizona Page –Many clubs have “liked” our page Mid-Year Conference Page –Sharing information about the conference There are several Arizona Lions Clubs with Facebook pages that are now linked to the state page.
We have reached out to the PR Committee in order to coordinate messaging with them. This is still in progress.
We are working to coordinate the IT for conferences and conventions. Meetings will be run more efficiently and waiting because of IT issues will be eliminated.
Future Plans: Short Term/immediately coming up – LinkedIn Page for MD21 – Webcasting state conferences and conventions – More effective use of technology – MD21 You Tube Page Lion Joseph makes outstanding photo montages and they should be shared.
Long term Create committee to integrate social networking and technology with our clubs My hope is to have Leos help with this as they are very knowledgeable about social networking All state events will be fully integrated with social networking and technology We will work with the PR and Membership committees to get out a consistent message which will lead to an increase in membership
Respectfully submitted: November 2, 2012 Lion Brian Woloshin, 21 A State IT Chair Lion Loren Larsen, 21 B Lion Joseph Jones 21 C