Low Rise Multi-Family UES Measure (NWESH) Measure Proposal Presentation to the Regional Technical Forum Sept. 19 th, 2012 Spec Development and Analysis Performed By Thomas Anreise and Dan Wildenhaus of Fluid Reviews ByMark Kendall and cursory by Adam Hadley Presentation ByThomas Anreise
Measure Description 2 Measure Classification and Properties Market Sector Residential Market Segment Multifamily Measure Category Northwest ENERGY STAR Homes 2012 Measure Description Construction of and installation of lighting, equipment, appliance, and envelope upgrades in Multifamily residences in accordance with the Northwest ENERGY STAR Homes 2012 Multifamily BOP specification Sunset Criteria 5 years from proposed active date (Oct 1 st, 2017) OR redeveloped when current energy codes are changed, which ever occurs sooner. Primary Workbook NWESH MF calibrated workbook FINAL 9 10_anreise_hadley.xlsm Linked Workbooks No External links Number of Measures, and UES Components 27 measures. UES for each comprising the sum of 5 UES components
New Measure Measure developer(s): Thomas Anreise and Dan Wildenhaus, Fluid Improved envelope for low-rise apartments and townhomes Heating equipment efficiency Lighting efficiency Premium appliances and hot water savings
Prototypes Run 952 ft^2 exterior entry walk up 8 unit apartment building 1000 ft^2 corridor entry 24 unit apartment building 1500 ft^2 townhome 4 unit building Calibrated models run in all NW climate zones, weighted by foundation type
Total Resource Cost
Measure Cost Incremental Cost by Category Category ZonalGasHeat Pump Shell $ 1,099 Ventilation $ 46 DHW $ 68 $ 91 $ 68 HVAC System $ - $ 972 $ 580 Lighting $ 189 Total Cost Per Package: $ 1,402 $ 2,397 $ 1,982
Measure Review Checklist Checklist: Guidelines for the Development and Maintenance of RTF-Approved Measure Savings Estimates Measure:NWESH Low Rise Multifamily SpecificationResponseNotes 1. Introduction and Purpose Sponsor(s) YesNorthwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) Savings Estimation Method YesUES Unit Energy SavingsYesSEEM 94 simulation of 3 prototype buildings in NW climate zones Standard ProtocolNoNot Applicable Custom ProtocolNoNot Applicable Program Impact EvaluationNoNot Applicable Priority Yes 2. Measure Specification Measure Identifiers Yes Measure identifiers include heating equipment type and climate zone, weighted for foundation type and unit size Savings Baseline YesSEEM94 analysis of code home Implemen tation Standards YesNWESH MF BOP specs and inspection checklists Product Standards YesNWESH MF BOP specs for space conditioning, lighting, and appliance efficiency
A look at the Workbook… Measure Summary Sheet Cost Summary Sheet EUL Summary Sheet Measure Table 9
Proposed Sunset Criteria 5 years from proposed active date (Oct 1 st, 2017) OR UES will be redeveloped when ‘09 WSEC, IECC, or ‘10 OREC are changed in order to maintain 15% savings over baseline, whichever occurs sooner. 10
Data Analysis
Review Summary Staff reviewed: Adam Hadley, Mark Kendall Workbook and specifications by Fluid SEEM 94 runs incorporated, Ecotope advised Measure life and cost guidelines addressed
RTF Proposed Motion: “I _________ move that the RTF approve the UES measure NW ENERGY STAR Multifamily Home to “___________” status with a sunset date of Oct. 1 st, 2017.”