Order of Service – 3rd March 2013 Opening Prayer Praise & Worship (4 songs) Greetings & Welcome Praise & Worship (1 song) Sermon (Passion for My Purpose: Put Some Fire in It) Altar Call Love Offering – Write full names Announcements (Easter Conference - fasting, Easter Play, Youth Meetings) End – Closing prayer, Fellowship (tea/coffee/cake)
Theme of the Year, 2013! Our Declaration This Is My Year, This Is My Decade: Jesus Is Doing A New Thing – I Am Going To Find My Purpose and Do it
My Part – I Am Going To Do My Part FULFILLING MY PURPOSE (Mission) Understanding My Purpose Praying for My Purpose Planning My Purpose Passion for My Purpose Pursuing My Purpose
Series 4. Passion for My Purpose: Scripture Series 4. Passion for My Purpose:
Series 4.1 - Put Some Fire In It! Scripture Series 4.1 - Put Some Fire In It! Matthew 22 : 37 John 21 : 1 - 18
Scripture Passion means: Intense, driving overmastering feeling or conviction Strong liking, desire, devotion or fiery or deep interest Affection, attachment, fondness, love, zeal, enthusiasm Opposite of numbness, apathetic, bland
Passion Quotes: “A great leader’s courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion, not position.” – John Maxwell “Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.” - Winston Churchill “Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion.” – Georg Hegel “Passion and purpose go hand in hand. When you discover your purpose, you will normally find it’s something you’re tremendously passionate about.” – Steve Pavlina “When you set yourself on fire, people love to come and see you burn.” - John Wesley
Scripture (Matthew 22 v 37) Jesus said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind”
Scripture (John 21 v15, 16, 17) “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love me more than these?” x 3 “Lord you know all things; you know that I love you”
(Outline) After these things Jesus shows himself again Ministry Death, resurrection Jesus shows himself again He is testing your love He is merciful and forgiving Peter’s mountain top experience With Jesus when he performed miracles Peter’s valley experience Jesus had died and left them in despair Peter even denied and rejected Jesus They went to the tomb and found it empty They went back to their homes & jobs – old ways Put some fire back He shows up and gives them another chance
Scripture After these things – after Jesus’ ministry Jesus shows himself again – another chance Remember it is Andrew who invited Simon to Jesus (John 1:41) Do you invite others to Christ, do you share about Christ John the Baptist gave up his disciples to Jesus He is Jesus when you are on the mountain top and when you are in the valley Mountain experience - Simon Peter was with Jesus when he did miracles, turned water into wine, raised Jairus’ daughter, fed 5K, transfiguration – Moses, Elijah and Jesus
Valley experience - Simon Peter was with Jesus when he said one of you will betray me, when soldiers wanted to arrest Jesus, Peter cut off the ear of one of them, now when Jesus was on trial, in the courtyard Peter denied Jesus Now after Jesus was crucified it appeared everything was finished, Peter & John had gone to the grave and did not see his body, so Peter says, “I am going fishing” & everyone follows Down, defeated and dejected, did not catch any fish all night, feeling a complete failure, given up all hope, – that’s when Jesus shows up and even makes breakfast for his disciples Simon, do you love me more than these, he expects us to love him more than anyone else Do you still have the fire of love for him?
Yes your love & commitment to him will be tested Is the fire of your love for him still burning? He is a forgiving God, he gives many chances His love for you is everlasting, he tells them to cast the nets on the right side to catch fish, they do He cares, prepares breakfast for them He speaks to them with a gentle and caring voice He does not accuse nor condemn them for deserting him and for failure He forgives, affirms and reassures Peter and gives him another chance Is your love for him and the fire still burning for him? Ask him to ignite your passion for him again today
Altar Call Passion for his Purpose Ask, Jesus, to re-ignite your love for him today.