digital snapshots from our trip a minnesota digital library coalition year in review Keith Ewing, St. Cloud State University 25 October 2004
starting with a destination… “The archives, historical societies, libraries, and museums of Minnesota will collaboratively build a coordinated access to Minnesota’s unique resources and special collections in digital format for use by the people of Minnesota and, through the Internet, the people of the world.”
minnesota digital library coalition …and a road map manage describe digitize discover retrieve interpret
items for the trip best practices imaging standard s metadata standard s CMS database server platform project manager
…items for the trip… Metadata Western States Dublin Core Metadata Best Practices, Version documents/WSDCMBP.pdf Imaging Western States Digital Imaging Best Practices, Version documents/WSDIBP_v1.pdf
…items for the trip… Best Practices MINITEX/LST Standards Task Force and MDLC MINITEX/LST Standards Task Force and MDLC Guide to Digital Projects Guide to Digital Projects documents/digi-guide.pdf documents/digi-guide.pdf CMS database CONTENTdm from OCLC CONTENTdm from OCLC MDLC Report available at: MDLC Report available at: softwarereport0404.pdf softwarereport0404.pdf
…items for the trip Equipment SunFire V100 SunFire V100 Sun E3000 Sun E3000 Nikon CoolScan 8000 Nikon CoolScan 8000 Expression 1640XL Scanner Expression 1640XL Scanner HP Evo N600c Computer HP Evo N600c Computer
trip guides Project Manager Jim Dildine Jim Dildine Management Team Keith Ewing, SCSU Keith Ewing, SCSU John Butler, UM John Butler, UM Michael Fox, MHS Michael Fox, MHS Marian Rengel, SCSU Marian Rengel, SCSU Jim Dildine, MDLC Jim Dildine, MDLC
navigators University of Minnesota Wendy Pradt Lougee, Eric Celeste, John Butler Minnesota Historical Society Michael Fox, Jason Roy St. Cloud State University Kristi Tornquist, Keith Ewing, Marian Rengel Minnesota State University, Mankato Joan Roca, Daardi Sizemore College of St. Benedict/St. John’s University Michael Kathman Winona State University Christine Clements St. Paul Public Library Kathleen Flynn MINITEX Bill DeJohn
a test drive Pilot Project Stearns History Museum/St. Cloud State University Archives Stearns History Museum/St. Cloud State University Archives (“Backstage”) (“Backstage”) now, we’re seeking others who want to join us on the journey
already on the road “Minnesota Reflections” CONTENTdm Collection Recruitment & Digitization MHS Historic Plat Maps Pilot Project Interface Design
Sustainable Funding Strategic Planning New Projects down the road “Minnesota Reflections” CONTENTdm