l slide 1 Cross-border cooperation for a common spatial data infrastructure Pilot project Centrope MAP Workshop I PGO premises, Rockhgasse 6, A-1010 Vienna, Austria Friday, Nov. 19th 2004, 09:00 – 14:00
l slide 2 Agenda Workshop I 09:00 Welcome Keynote 1: Introduction by hosting PGO institution: Statement on the urgent need for a comprehensive cross-border spatial information system DI Walter Pozarek, PGO 09:15 Welcome Keynote 11: Overview on the Central European Region (Centrope) and regional development aspects. Ideas behind the Centrope project in general. DI Gerd Pichler, ARGE Centrope/ Regional Consulting ZT GmbH 09:45 Short introduction round („who is who“) - First comments on the project background 10:00 Presentation 1: The project CENTROPE MAP, on a way to a common spatial data infrastructure for the Centrope region. Project approach, first results, technical issues, further common steps DI Manfred Schrenk & Mag. Timo von Wirth, MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT Pilot project Centrope MAP
l slide 3 Agenda Workshop I (continued) 10:30 Discusion session 1: Expectations, project goals, cooperation strategies, technical issues 11:30 Coffee break 12:00 Statements on geodata policies by the participating Centrope regions Possibilities for cross-border cooperation and future data access 12:30 Discusion session II: Organisational and legal framework for cooperation strategies, Data exchange models 13:30 Conclusions, recommendations, summation 14:00 End of workshop Pilot project Centrope MAP
l slide 4 The project CENTROPE MAP on a way to a common spatial data infrastructure for the Centrope region Centrope MAP Workshop I Vienna, Austria Friday, Nov. 19th 2004 DI Manfred Schrenk & Mag. Timo von Wirth Multimediaplan.at – Wien/Salzburg
l slide 5 Overview I.Background/ Motivation II.Project approach III.Technical aspects IV.Cross-border cooperation V.Vision Pilot project Centrope MAP
l slide 6 „European Region Centrope“ comprises of Jihomoravsky (South Moravia) and Jihocesky (South Bohemia) [CZ] The districts (Kraje) Bratislavsky and Trnavsky [SK] The Komitate (Megyek) Moson-Györ-Sopron and Vas [HU] the „Vienna Region“ including the Austrian states Burgenland, Lower Austria and Vienna[AT] Cross border region with enormous economic development potential, Centrope within Top 5 of dynamic European regions Common planning and common cross-border information exchange will increase Digital Spatial data infrastructure is seen as crucial location factor and planning basis Centrope Region – Characteristics Pilot project Centrope MAP
l slide 7 Build / Improve „(Geo-) information infrastructure“ Public sector information basis for stronger cooperation within the cross-border region CENTROPE In terms of regional developement, planning, improved location competitiveness and quality of life Ensure a prosperous common future developement Positive contribution to „Building a sustainable European region“ Major task of Centrope_Map is to make geoinformation infrastructure sustainably accessible Major project goals Pilot project Centrope MAP
l slide 8 Until now no „common basemap“ available, solely „isolated applications“ hardly any compareable statistics for thematic evalutation and benchmarks => inefficiencies, costs,... (not only technical problems...) GeoData from various sources, in various formats, without technical and legal coordination in the region Administrative boundaries = data boundaries Data providers and users in a loose-loose- instead of a win-win situation Data should go into „use“, cross-border data demand will increase The existence of a „public“ geodataset does not necessarily mean that you can use it or even that another public administration unit can use it We still build „info-highways“ and prevent them from beeing used … Centrope Region – background/ given situation I/ II
l slide 9 Dynamic and successful region --> needs good decisions on solid basis GeoData + thematic attribute data highly important for modeling, regional cooperation and strategic decision making Starting initiative was launched by planungsgemeinschaft Ost (PGO) due to increasing demand for planning related map and attribute data Project „Digital basemap Centrope“ from 2003/ 2004 Base map requires follow-up and further extension on issues: Technical Organisational Stakeholders integration Data Project Centrope MAP as pilot activity within Interreg III-A: „Building a European region“ Centrope Region – background/ given situation II/ II
l slide 10 Project Centrope MAP workpackages Pilot project Centrope MAP
l slide 11 RAPIS – Interreg IIc project Metadatabase with „planning relevant information for Eastern Austria“ „Digital base map CENTROPE“ on behalf of PGO first stage already existing initiative and starting point CEGIS_MDB – Central European GIS Metadatabase Cooperation of stakeholders in Czech and Slovak Republic, Austria, Poland and Germany Regional/ Statewide GIS-Systems on high level Multinational GeoData-Initiatives (INSPIRE, EuroGeographics, geoconections.org, a.o.…) Centrope Region – Previous projects Pilot project Centrope MAP
l slide 12 I.Background/ Motivation II.Project approach III.Technical aspects IV.Cross-border cooperation V.Vision Pilot project Centrope MAP
l slide 13 Documentation (intern) Metainformation and Documentation of workflow and the project progress COMMUNICATION extern INTERNATIONAL PRESENTATIONS COMMUNICATION extern WEBSITE content WEBSITE design/ CMS technics WEBSITE WMS mapserver DATAPROVIDER BEV, UBA, etc. CENTROPE MAP results WMS map server data output INSPIRE, GINIE MONITORING - Research data resources - Verify availability - Verify planning relevance - Test data implementation LEGAL - Draft agreement for crossborder cooperation in spatial data collection, storage and exchange TECHNICAL -Webportal Centrope MAP - Metadatacatalog online - Webmapserver - Update Master CD-Rom DATA -Integrate attribute data - Harmonize spatial data - Improve map style - Integrate Metadata COMMUNICATE -Networking -Stakeholder information -Presentation PLANNER/ GIS-EXPERTS CZ, SK, HU DATAPROVIDER CZ, SK, HU Meeting DI Schrenk Prag Meeting DI Schrenk Warschau Meeting DI Schrenk JORDES+, Sopron eurogeographics PROJECT OUTCOME „Digital basemap Centrope“ on behalf of the / Digitale Basiskarte Centrope Project Overview Pilot project Centrope MAP
l slide 14 Project Implementation – Attribute DATA EUROSTAT NUTS3 – level comprehensive attribute data collected –area –Land use –settlement area –Agricultural areas –Demography, population density, developement from , Migration, educational background) –Infrastructure (waste management) –Health care (No. Of hospital beds) –Rate of unemployment, Total no. Of unemployed, Rate development –GDP, economic sector activities Already included and collected for all NUTS 3 regions of the Centrope area CZECH Republic - Commuter on municipality level Population by economic activity educational background by municipalities a.o. Further requests to State Statistics Austria and Statistik Austria (federal) Pilot project Centrope MAP
l slide 15 Project Implementation – Attribute DATA Pilot project Centrope MAP
l slide 16 Project Implementation – Further spatial DATA Pilot project Centrope MAP GEOMETRIC INFORMATION Administrative boundaries: NUTS0 – NUTS 4 Infrastructure: Roads, Rail, Airports, Communication … Topography: Relief, Forest, Hydrography, … Landuse: Settlement areas, CORINNE-Land-Cover Level2, … Legal regulations: National parks, conservation areas, Natura2000, … Point of interests POI´s: Emergency, Cultural heritage, a.o. Satelite images, … Different detail level and data quality for the different Centrope areas All datasets included so far are in the system as long as they „can be replaced with better ones“
l slide 17 Project Implementation – Further spatial DATA
l slide 18 Shape, E00,.tif Geographic Coordinates UTM ISO Core metadata ESRI applikations WGS84/ GRS80 Lambert OGC and ISO conform Data import, Data exchange Coordinate system Standard- projections Metadata- -standards UTM Content Inter- operabilität Shape, E00 DXF.NET Java HTTP, HTML, XML, u.a. XML, UML IT-Standards De-facto Standards DKM (AT) GML OGC-WMS SVG GIS-Standards (Quelle: ESRI) Examples for spatial data relevant standards Spatial data basic information I/ II – Outcome from „Digital base map Centrope“ Pilot project Centrope MAP
l slide 19
l slide 20
l slide 21
l slide 22
l slide 23 Pilot project Centrope MAP
l slide 24 Project Implementation – Monitoring Pilot project Centrope MAP Comprehensive research on data sources and integration methods Setup of detailed Indicator list showing recommended frequencies for data collection and update Defining regional benchmark conditions Case Studies Development of Population and Employment numbers Relation between Infrastructure and number of poduction facilities Development of educational indicators and employment Detailed implementation concept for Spatial monitoring system Project homepage:
l slide 25 Project Implementation – Legal Pilot project Centrope MAP Draft agreement on cross border cooperation in spatial data exchange, information exchange and standards for data management (metadata) will be developed Research on comparable cross border projects and their legal framework Recommendation for spatial data use agreement from project „Digital Basemap Centrope“ (for contractors of Austrian states´GIS) Communication with legal experts on national and European data user rights, from public administration sources
l slide 26 I.Background/ Motivation II.Project approach III.Technical aspects IV.Cross-border cooperation V.Vision
l slide 27 Development of Centrope Map Web Portal Based on a content management system Major step towards digital processing of spatial and attribute data Major step towards digitally support the common use of information Faster access to information promoting the Centrope region Next step towards a distributed data storage Datadownload Metadata Search Online Mapping (also thematic) Building up Online Expert Group Centrope MAP – Technical issues
l slide 28 Pilot project Centrope MAP
l slide 29 Pilot project Centrope MAP
l slide 30 NON-EXPERT level, „Public“ EXPERT level, „Registered User Group“ Centrope MAP WEBSITE Search for Spatial and attribute data over metadata Download certain public documents (styleguide, Information, a.o.) Download real data (xls, shp. a.o.) in case it is free data Use Web Map server for online mapping and basic analysis by thematic mapping and feature request for map elements Subscribe to Newsletter Use Linklist Ask for registration Submit/ Upload and edit specific metadata (decentral - with single user rights!) Submit/ Upload real data and documents Post topic related events in calendar (meetings, conferences) Submit weblinks Be active part of expert group – easy to use knowledge and data exchange Pilot project Centrope MAP
l slide 31 Pilot project Centrope MAP
l slide 32 Metadatacatalogue: According to the ISO /TC 211 standard Concentration on „Core metadata for geographic datasets“ International expert agreement Metadata-Upload requires complete ISO CORE data sets Metadata search output displays selected core information focussing: Titel, topic, format Distributor and use limitations Orientation on European INSPIRE systematic + on well established NOEGIS – Geodata catalogue Today: Central administered Master data set, offline, release numeration Future: Distributed data storage and management combined with full online Interoperability Pilot project Centrope MAP Centrope MAP WEBSITE - Geocatalogue
l slide 33 Pilot project Centrope MAP
l slide 34 deegree WMS mapserver by lat/lon, Bonn Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards´ compliant guarantees Interoperability Offers distributed data access Runs on Apache Tomcat Server, XML file based Direct processing of Shape files, images, atelite images, a.o. Vector data is transformed into image files Display Basic online mapping functionality Zoom Pan Layer On/ Off Attribute Info WebMapServer (WMS) – Technical Facts Pilot project Centrope MAP
l slide 35 Pilot project Centrope MAP
l slide 36 Pilot project Centrope MAP
l slide 37 Pilot project Centrope MAP
l slide 38 Pilot project Centrope MAP
l slide 39 Comparable projects ISAMAP - INTERREG III B CADSES Project Project aim: Harmonisation of regional data resources for cross-border planning Problem to be adressed: „The still existing quite different administrative structures, planning systems and technical systems of basic information needed for regional development issues“ Project duration: April March 2006 Total project budget: 1.8 Mio. € Pilot project Centrope MAP
l slide 40 I.Background/ Motivation II.Project approach III.Technical aspects IV.Cross-border cooperation V.Vision
l slide 41 Pilot project Centrope MAP Crossborder Cooperation Invitation to actively build up the system Participation means surplus value First Level: metadata exchange Metadata should be free Knowing: who has which data where in which formats for all regions in Centrope Communicating the project: finding the key persons for cross-border regional cooperation Establishing common projects (further INTERREG?)
l slide 42 I.Background/ Motivation II.Project approach III.Technical aspects IV.Cross-border cooperation V.Vision
l slide 43 Intensify communication and exchange with all regions from four participating countries (planners and GIS/data experts) Extension of attribute data sets for further analysis potential Start with distributed data management Agreements on direct data exchange between regions as long as national/ European solutions are not found Visualization of Metadata in Metadata Catalogue (Preview) Establish monitoring system with permanent data collection according to defined indicator list Further cooperation with other European initiatives in the same field Future Worksteps/ Modules Pilot project Centrope MAP
l slide 44 win-win Situation optimized Dezentralized Data management Interoperability implemented Bidirectional Datstreams Integration of further stakeholders Integration of data from spatial monitoring Vision – distributed and decentralized data management Pilot project Centrope MAP data1 Contractor Contractor 2 Contractor 4 PGO Vienna BGLD Lower Austria BEV Planning office 1 Czech Planners data1 data3 data4 data5 data2 data6 Hungarian Region Slovakian contractor Contractor 3 Contractor 1
l slide 45 CENTROPE_MAP Easily accessible Map and Spatial Information System „4 countries – 1 region – 1 geo data infrastructure“
l slide 46 Thank you for your attention! DI Manfred Schrenk Mag. Timo von Wirth multimediaplan.at Baumgasse 28 A-1020 Wien Pilot project Centrope MAP