Learning Targets Helping Students Aim for Understanding… in Every Lesson! Part I
“Learning targets inform the most important data-driven decision maker in the classroom – the student – by providing information about what is important to learn, how the student will be required to demonstrate that learning, and what will count as evidence of mastery” (Moss and Brookhart, 2012) Based on the information above, how do you think learning targets differ from learning objectives? Discuss with a partner at your table. Your thoughts…
What are Learning Targets? Why are Learning Targets essential for optimal learning to occur? Essential Questions
Today’s Learning Targets We will summarize all fundamental aspects of Learning Targets
Why Learn About Learning Targets? Learning Targets provide meaning and relevance to each lesson Learning Targets provide focus for both the teacher and student throughout each lesson Learning Targets provide evidence of student performance for each lesson When used effectively…
Develop A Common Group Under-standing Jigsaw the Learning Independent Learning Your Colleague’s Learning How Will I Know I Am Successful? When you can take your…
PART I Learning Targets – What and Why! - Building the Foundation Part II Next steps – Continuous Application October 26 th SESSION AT A GLANCE
Before we begin the work… For Understanding
Divide learning responsibilities among your team members 1.Chapter 1: Learning Targets (Mandatory) 2.Chapter 2: Learning Targets (Mandatory) 3.Chapter 3: Learning Targets (Mandatory) 4.Chapter 2: Leveling the Playing Field: (Mandatory) 5.Webinar: (Mandatory) 6.Action Tool Resources (Optional – if you finish early) Let’s get organized for today’s work
What are learning targets? Each team member will engage in note taking (bulleted format) during and after reading or video viewing What is the purpose of learning Targets? What are the critical components of effective learning targets? What are the effects of using learning targets? Other important information I learned? My findings My findings I am wondering….
TaskTimeframe Select Reading5 minutes Engage in learning30 minutes Closure5 minutes How Will We Work Today?
Based on what you learned today… – how do learning targets differ from learning objectives? Discuss with a partner at your table. Share Wrap Up: Think-Pair-Share