George Mason University Federal Core Accounting Systems Course Federal Financial Analysis Proof of Concept Data Repository Overview MarkLogic 5 Express (
Structured & Unstructured Data Warehouse Agency Core Accounting System Detail Transaction Data Cloud Computing Public, Media, Colleges & Universities Access Business Intelligence Analysis Central Data Warehouse Repository Server Data Dynamic Static Custom documents Geospatial View/Search Forms Search/Analytics Mobile Delivery Information Exploitation & Sharing Documents: A Citizen's Guide to the 2010 Financial Report of the U.S. Government Semi-structured: Daily, Monthly, Quarterly & Annual Treasury Statements Deliver: Any Format Ingest AS-IS Internet DATA: S.3606.PCS USDA Appropriations Act, 2011 & FASAB Performance & Accountability Reports GWA Account Statement RDBMS Proof of Concept Green Highlight
Department of Agriculture FY 2005 Treasury Account Symbol Coding Process HR 4818 – PL 108-447 MarkLogic Server Ingested Documents Dynamic Static Custom Documents Mobile Delivery Information exploitation & Sharing Geospatial View/Search Forms Search/Analytics MarkLogic Outputs HR 4818 – ENR Bill An Enrolled Bill is the final copy of a bill that has been passed in identical form by both houses of the Congress. An Enrolled Bill is printed on parchment and sent to the President for signature. See hyperlink FMS Legislative Review Proof of Concept Is the TAS currently included in FAST, If Yes Use the TAS and change the period of availability, If No setup a new TAS with the Legislative period of Availability Federal Accounts Symbols & Titles See page 17 for receipt account fund structure an page 65 for expenditure account fund structure. File Update Undisbursed & Receipt Acct Ledger Public Law PL 108-447 HR 4818 FMS Coding Overview Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) coding relationships to legislation. Future MarkLogic Server Appropriation Committee Report 108-792 pg 3-45 MarkLogic Server Proof of Concept Future MarkLogic Server Query & Reporting CGAC Structure TAS & BETC Proof of Concept Overview Currently the following documents are “ingested in the Library of Congress MarkLogic Server supporting the Thomas application. These documents are also included in a GPO system that provides both online pdf access and paper publication. HR 4818 – ENR Bill Public Law PL 108-447 House Appropriation Committee Report Conference Committee Report on HR 4818 Currently the following Department of the Treasury financial statements are maintained on a Financial Management Service Server that is accessible by the public: Monthly Treasury Statement Bulletin Combined Statement Annual Financial Report These document can be ingested into either the current Library of Congress MarkLogic Server or a new Treasury Financial Management Service MarkLogic Server. The above documents can be ingested in a MarkLogic Server to support the FMS Legislative Review Proof of Concept Server. The FMS Proof of Concept will demonstrate how appropriation legislation can be coded using the MarkLogic Server and used to produce the following: Treasury Federal Accounts Symbols and Titles Book Treasury Account Symbols (TAS) & Business Event Transaction Code (BETC) that form the Treasury Common Governmentwide Account Structure account coding. These codes could be maintain in the MarkLogic Server and made accessible for both publication and online query. The results of item 3 above could also be used to update the current Treasury Undisbursed Ledger that is maintained in the FMS GWA Account Statement that is maintained in an Oracle RDBMS. The RDBMS is also provided a data feed from the FMS STAR system that is maintained in a DB2 Relational Data Base Management System. At a future date, a MarkLogic Server could be used to replace the current FMS systems to provide for integrated management of Treasury financial information that is reported in the above documents with the Congressional Legislative documents maintained in the Library of Congress system. In addition, the Future MarkLogic Server would provide in a number of interactive capabilities shown on the right side of the diagram. Conference Committee Report HR 4818 Monthly Treasury Statement Bulletin Combined Statement Annual Financial Report Subsequently Publish Documents From MarkLogic Server
Government Accountability Office Oversight Research & Audit Proof of Concept MarkLogic Server Ingested Documents Dynamic Static Custom Documents Mobile Delivery Information exploitation & Sharing Geospatial View/Search Forms Search/Analytics MarkLogic Outputs Treasury FMS Legislative Review Proof of Concept FMS Legislative Review Proof of Concept Is the TAS currently included in FAST, If Yes Use the TAS and change the period of availability, If No setup a new TAS with the Legislative period of Availability Federal Accounts Symbols & Titles See page 17 for receipt account fund structure an page 65 for expenditure account fund structure. File Update Undisbursed & Receipt Acct Ledger GAO Congressional Reports HR 4818 FMS Coding Overview Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) coding relationships to legislation. Future MarkLogic Server GAO Congressional Testimonies MarkLogic Server Proof of Concept Future MarkLogic Server Query & Reporting CGAC Structure TAS & BETC Proof of Concept Overview Currently the following documents are “ingested in the Library of Congress MarkLogic Server supporting the Thomas application. These documents are also included in a GPO system that provides both online pdf access and paper publication. HR 4818 – ENR Bill Public Law PL 108-447 House Appropriation Committee Report Conference Committee Report on HR 4818 Currently the following Department of the Treasury financial statements are maintained on a Financial Management Service Server that is accessible by the public: Monthly Treasury Statement Bulletin Combined Statement Annual Financial Report These document can be ingested into either the current Library of Congress MarkLogic Server or a new Treasury Financial Management Service MarkLogic Server. The above documents can be ingested in a MarkLogic Server to support the FMS Legislative Review Proof of Concept Server. The FMS Proof of Concept will demonstrate how appropriation legislation can be coded using the MarkLogic Server and used to produce the following: Treasury Federal Accounts Symbols and Titles Book Treasury Account Symbols (TAS) & Business Event Transaction Code (BETC) that form the Treasury Common Governmentwide Account Structure account coding. These codes could be maintain in the MarkLogic Server and made accessible for both publication and online query. The results of item 3 above could also be used to update the current Treasury Undisbursed Ledger that is maintained in the FMS GWA Account Statement that is maintained in an Oracle RDBMS. The RDBMS is also provided a data feed from the FMS STAR system that is maintained in a DB2 Relational Data Base Management System. At a future date, a MarkLogic Server could be used to replace the current FMS systems to provide for integrated management of Treasury financial information that is reported in the above documents with the Congressional Legislative documents maintained in the Library of Congress system. In addition, the Future MarkLogic Server would provide in a number of interactive capabilities shown on the right side of the diagram. GAO Oversight Research & Audit Proof of Concept In addition to the FMS Legislative Review Proof of Concept documents, Government Accountability Office Congressional Reports, Congressional Testimonies, Audit & Accountability Reports and OMB Budget Reports will be ingested into the MarkLogic Server. GAO Audit & Accountability Reports Oversight Report OMB Budget Reports Agency Financial Statements Agency Audit Reports Agency Grantor Performance, Report & Grantee Performance Evaluation Requirements Grantee & Subcontractor Performance & Status Reports Subsequently Publish Documents From MarkLogic Server