I work – he works You watch – he watches They study – she studies Present Simple I work – he works You watch – he watches They study – she studies
Present Simple – Forma Base A Forma Base de um verbo é seu infinitivo sem a preposição to ( to play – play, to go – go). A forma base é o modo que os verbos se encontram no dicionário. É a primeira coluna da tabela dos tempos verbas (I). Escutar = Listen ----- Write = Escrever Read = Ler ------ Falar = Speak
FORMA BASE (I, you, we, they) Na forma base é que se conjugam os verbos do presente simples para I, you, we, they. I live in POA. You study at La Salle. They like food.
Present Simple – 3.P.S. (he, she, it) Afirmativas - 3.P.S.- HE, SHE, IT, acrescentar S, ES ou IES ao final do verbo. Ex: I play the guitar, you watch TV and they study. X He plays golf, watches TV and studies every day. .
Present Simple, grafia Frases afirmativas He, She, It (3.P.S.) 1. Regra geral, adicionar -S na maioria dos verbos: Ex: I play and listen to music, she plays and listens to music.
Present Simple - Afirmativas 2. Verbos terminados em SS, SH, CH, O ou X levam –ES na 3.P.S. (he, she,it) Ex: He finishes his task, watches a movie and goes home. She washes the dishes.
Y - IES 3. Aos verbos terminados em Y após consoantes, troca-se o Y por IES: I study at night but he studies in the morning.
Forma – frases negativas (don’t, doesn’t) O verbo principal fica sempre na Forma Base. Acrescentar a forma negativa do verbo auxiliar “Do” (don’t) e “Does” (doesn’t), entre o sujeito e o verbo principal. Suj – do(es) + not – Verbo principal (F.B) – resto. I don’t like tennis and he doesn’t like golf. S – do+not – V.F.B. – objeto S – does+not – V.F.B. – objeto She doesn’t watch sitcoms. I don’t watch soap opera. Suj – does+not – V.F.B. – objeto Suj – do+not – V.F.B. – objeto
Forma- frases interrogativas -Iniciar a frase com o V.Auxiliar, do-does, seguido do sujeito e do verbo principal na forma base: -Do you listen to the radio? V.A – Suj – V.F.B – Objeto Indireto. -Does she exercise every day? V.A. - Suj – V.F.B - resto. -Does he study on Mondays?
Notebook - exercises Passar as seguintes três frases para a forma interrogativa e negativa.
Exemples - Afirmativa You read books he plays video games They study English
Exemples Interrogativa Do you read books? Does he play video games? Do they study English?
Exemples - Negativas You don’t read books. He doesn’t play video games. They don’t study English.