Instructional unit MH-60J transmission System EDTC 6321 Ray Slapkunas
Objectives Coast Guard Air Station Kodiak, AK MH-60J Jayhawk pilots will be able to identify MH-60J helicopter transmission system’s limitations and associated emergency procedures. Tasks Identify Temperature Limitations Identify Pressure Limitations State Associated Emergency Procedures
Instructions View the slides that cover MH-60J Temperature Limitations. View the slides that cover Emergency Procedures related to Temperature Limitations. View the slides that cover MH-60J Pressure Limitations. View the slides that cover Emergency Procedures related to Pressure Limitations. Review lesson as needed. Take final assessment and receive grade.
Temperature Limits Continuous: -50 - 105˚C Precautionary: 105 - 120˚C Maximum: 120˚C
Temperature Limits What is the temperature precautionary range for the MH-60J transmission system? 105 – 135˚C 120 - 135˚C 50 - 105˚C 105 - 120˚C
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Temperature Limits If the main transmission oil temperature is in the precautionary range (105 - 120˚C) the corrective action is: REDUCE POWER.
Temperature Limits If transmission temperature is noted between 105 - 120˚C the corrective action is to: Reduce power. Check airspeed. Land as soon as possible. Land immediately.
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Temperature Limits If the main transmission oil temperature above max limits (120˚C) the corrective action is: LAND AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
Temperature Limits If transmission temperature exceeds __ the corrective action is to land as soon as possible. 75˚C 100˚C 105˚C 120˚C
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Pressure Limits Minimum: 20 PSI Idle and Transient: 20 - 30 PSI Steady State Level Forward Flight: 45 - 65 PSI Continuous and Maneuvering: 30 - 65 PSI Precautionary: 65 - 130 PSI Maximum: 130 PSI
Pressure Limits In what flight regime should transmission pressure be between 45 and 65 PSI? Idle Steady State Level Maneuvering Hovering
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Pressure Limits Minimum: 20 PSI Idle and Transient: 20 - 30 PSI Steady State Level Forward Flight: 45 - 65 PSI Continuous and Maneuvering: 30 - 65 PSI Precautionary: 65 - 130 PSI Maximum: 130 PSI
Pressure Limits What is the pressure precautionary range for the MH-60J transmission system? 30 - 65 PSI 45 - 65 PSI 45 - 105 PSI 65 - 130 PSI
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Pressure Limits If the main transmission oil pressure is in the lower precautionary range (20 - 30 PSI) or below the corrective action is: LAND AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
Pressure Limits While in flight if transmission pressure is noted below 30 PSI the corrective action is: Monitor other transmission gauges. Reduce power. Land as soon as practicable. Land as soon as possible.
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Pressure Limits If the main transmission oil pressure is in the upper precautionary range (65 - 130 PSI) or above the corrective action is: MONITOR OTHER TRANSMISSION GAUGES.
Pressure Limits While in flight if transmission pressure is noted above 65 PSI the corrective action is: Monitor other transmission gauges. Reduce power. Land as soon as possible. Land as soon as practicable.
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References US Coast Guard Flight Manual: Series HH-60J Helicopter
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