1 st MultiDark Workshop UCM-GAE in MultiDark: Indirect searches for DM with the MAGIC Telescopes Juan Abel Barrio Universidad Complutense de Madrid, January 2010
Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM, January st MultiDark Workshop, Univ. Autónoma de Madrid MAGIC 2 Contents UCM-GAE IACT DM searches: MAGIC results Activities: Dark Matter Prospects ?
Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM, January st MultiDark Workshop, Univ. Autónoma de Madrid MAGIC –3 staff professors: V. Fonseca, J.L. Contreras, J.A. Barrio –1 Ramón y Cajal: N. Mirabal –4 PhD students: I. Oya, D. Nieto, S. Pardo, R. García –2 electronic engineers: L.A. Tejedor, J.L. Lemus Members: 3 The group History: –High Energy Physics: LEP (85 – 95) –Astroparticle Physics: HEGRA, MAGIC, CTA (87 – 27?)
Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM, January st MultiDark Workshop, Univ. Autónoma de Madrid MAGIC 4 Group activities MAGIC: –Data pipeline: Onsite analysis –Central Pixel of M-I for optical/gamma observation –M-I readout upgrade (along with IFAE) –Physics: CTA: –Physics & data pipeline –Low energy telescopes: trigger & solid state photosensors –Site selection: Tenerife for Northern site Pulsars & AGNs Dark matter: dSphs & Fermi “dark” sources
Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM, January st MultiDark Workshop, Univ. Autónoma de Madrid MAGIC 5 Standard sources -- 00 ++ (TeV) p + (>>TeV) matter hadronic production e - (TeV) Synchrotron (eV-keV) (TeV) Inverse Compton (eV) B leptonic production E 2 dF/dE energy E 0 decay IC CR at source –Hadronic production –Leptonic production (TeV) Photon flux:
Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM, January st MultiDark Workshop, Univ. Autónoma de Madrid MAGIC 6 DM indirect searches SUSY Dark matter –Neutralino as WIMP continuum f – –BR i, N ,i –Model dependent Photon flux Particle Physics Astrophysics Particle Physics – loop supresssed ~ ~
Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM, January st MultiDark Workshop, Univ. Autónoma de Madrid MAGIC 7 DM indirect searches Astrophysical factor –High M/L, distance vs. ρ DM Milky Way Galactic Center Milky Way dSph satellites Globular Clusters Nearby galaxies Clusters of galaxies Space missions “dark” sources Astrophysics Candidates MAGIC 2007 Draco Cusp: ~ 1 Core: ~ 0
Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM, January st MultiDark Workshop, Univ. Autónoma de Madrid MAGIC 8 Galactic Center searches at GC by HESS –Match SGR A* –Tail not NFW like –Spectrum not DM like at GC by MAGIC –Consistent with HESS –Higher threshold –IFAE 20 TeV Neutralino 20 TeV KK particle –Boost factors ~ 10 2
Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM, January st MultiDark Workshop, Univ. Autónoma de Madrid MAGIC MAGIC 2007 Draco 9 MW Satellite searches Standard MW satellites –Traditional opt. telescopes –Close, large M/L –Draco, UMi, … New MW satellites –Discovered by SDSS –Largest M/L –Willman I, Segue I –MAGIC (UCM-GAE, IAA), Others Draco Internal Bremmstrahlung MAGIC 2008 Willman 1 –MAGIC (IAA), Others
Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM, January st MultiDark Workshop, Univ. Autónoma de Madrid MAGIC 10 Other objects searches Galaxy Clusters –Far / huge mass, large M/L –Perseus, Coma –Close, cuspy, large M/L –M5, M32, M33 U.L. –VERITAS –MAGIC (IAA), HESS Local Galaxies / Glob. Cl. MAGIC 2009 Perseus
Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM, January st MultiDark Workshop, Univ. Autónoma de Madrid MAGIC 11 Space mission dark sources Reason –Substructures / IMBH “Dark” (non-associated) sources –Satellites find hard/“dark” sources –IACTs find cutoff Strategy –Fermi TeV candidates in EMS 1 st try –Recently variable (priv. comm. E max < 30 GeV ) Rejected 2004 –UCM-GAE (Nieto & Mirabal) Single candidate EMSXX
Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM, January st MultiDark Workshop, Univ. Autónoma de Madrid MAGIC 12 CTA Prospects Smith (VERITAS) 2009
Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM, January st MultiDark Workshop, Univ. Autónoma de Madrid MAGIC 13 Conclusions UCM-GAE IACT DM searches: –No signal from Galactic Center –No signal from MW Satellites or GC –Current last chance: space missions IACTs –CTA will have a chance –Currently involved in MAGIC DM seaches –Expertise in handling Fermi data required / ¿possible? –Midterm manpower required to continue DM MAGIC
Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM, January st MultiDark Workshop, Univ. Autónoma de Madrid MAGIC 14 Clusters of Galaxies searches Perseus Sanchez-Conde 2008