W Helmreich – Presentation to Sub-contractors; Brussels, 13/10/2005 WP 2: Monitoring, Analysis and Information Preparation Sub-contractor Meeting – 13 October 2005 Wolfgang Helmreich (IABG), WP2.5 task leader
W Helmreich – Presentation to Sub-contractors; Brussels, 13/10/2005 Objectives and tasks of work package 2 Content-wise key work package, WP2, aims to establish a Transport Research Knowledge Centre (TRKC) by: Gathering data on programmes and projects at the EU, national and international level; Structuring and validating obtained information in a user- friendly way ready for dissemination via the TRKC website; providing project and theme level analysis of research findings across all sources covered; and providing targeted outputs such as Policy Brochures addressing ad hoc policy needs of the Commission.
W Helmreich – Presentation to Sub-contractors; Brussels, 13/10/2005 WP2 related milestones since project start (1) At the sub-contractor kick-off meeting in April 2003 the Common Reporting Scheme (comprising five elements) had been presented (deliverable D2.2); between spring and summer 2003 a programme-level Synthesis of Selected National Transport RTD Activities in Europe (deliverables D2.3 and D2.6) had been completed; which led to the release of an Annual Compendium in September 2003 covering the national research landscape; this programme compendium has been updated in November 2004.
W Helmreich – Presentation to Sub-contractors; Brussels, 13/10/2005 WP2 related milestones since project start (2) Since December 2003 the web-based Extranet reporting facility has been available to all project participants; by that time a Project Database (deliverable D2.B, the Excel spreadsheet) had been drafted; by March 2004 a comprehensive paper introducing the 30 transport themes, their scope, topics and sub-themes has been issued (deliverable D2.A); the TRKC website went live on 2 July 2004; a pilot glossy Policy Brochure (River Information Services) was published in early 2005; by February 2005 the whole set of 30 Annual Thematic Research Summaries (deliverable D2.C) has been released.
W Helmreich – Presentation to Sub-contractors; Brussels, 13/10/2005 Expectations and future WP2 tasks Based on a consolidated selection of projects (EU, national and international) obtaining as much project level information as possible is key; the focus will be: to (at least) obtain a Result Summary for each selected project, which requires filing a Project Profile first, to obtain a project’s Final Report where possible, to prepare project level analysis of key findings and policy implications to be used for Thematic Research Summaries (deliverables D2.D and D2.E), and to timely validate as much data as possible on the Extranet allowing for substantial updates of the TRKC website.
W Helmreich – Presentation to Sub-contractors; Brussels, 13/10/2005 Specific sub-contractor tasks As a sub-contractor your role is to: contact all co-ordinators of selected projects from your country asking for Result Summaries and/or Final Reports (you may seek support from your national BG member); validate reporting forms submitted on the Extranet (in case you receive completed MS Word forms, please check them first and then seek DDB’s support for upload to the Extranet); draft a project level analysis of key findings and policy implications per labelled theme (for up to five themes) exclusively using the Extranet online system.
W Helmreich – Presentation to Sub-contractors; Brussels, 13/10/2005 Project selection, national distribution