IUPAP Commission on Nuclear Physics (C12) Annual General Meeting at CERN, May 30, 2008 Main agenda points: * Report by the Chair (Anthony W. Thomas) of the IUPAP Working Group (WG.9) * Actions to be taken by WG.9 following the request from the OECD Global Science Forum’s Working Group on Nuclear Physics * Nominations for the C12 Executive and Membership * Presentations of the requests for IUPAP Sponsorship: INPC2010 and for 2009: QM2009; NN2009; SSP2009; RNB8; FB19 * Amalgamation of conferences with greatly overlapping topics * IUPAP Young Scientist Prizes at INPC2010 * On the authorship of scientific papers with large numbers of authors IUPAP Commission on Nuclear Physics (C12) Annual General Meeting at CERN, May 30, 2008 Main agenda points: * Report by the Chair (Anthony W. Thomas) of the IUPAP Working Group (WG.9) * Actions to be taken by WG.9 following the request from the OECD Global Science Forum’s Working Group on Nuclear Physics * Nominations for the C12 Executive and Membership * Presentations of the requests for IUPAP Sponsorship: INPC2010 and for 2009: QM2009; NN2009; SSP2009; RNB8; FB19 * Amalgamation of conferences with greatly overlapping topics * IUPAP Young Scientist Prizes at INPC2010 * On the authorship of scientific papers with large numbers of authors
JOINT IUPAP--IUPAC COMMITTEE ON THE EVALUATION AND ADJUDICATION OF THE EVIDENCE FOR THE EXISTENCE OF THE SUPER – HEAVY ELEMENTS (BEYOND ELEMENT 112) * Current IUPAC established committee: Robert C. Barber [Manitoba] H.W. Gaeggeler [PSI] Paul J. Karol [Carnegie-Mellon] Chair H. Nakahara [Tokyo Metropolitan] Emanuele Vardaci [INFN-Napoli] Erich W. Vogt [TRIUMF] * Future IUPAP – IUPAC Joint Committee: C12 has submitted a list with five nominees who have agreed to serve
IUPAP Working Group on International Cooperation in Nuclear Physics (WG.9) Annual General Meeting at CERN, May 29, 2008 Main Agenda Points * Report by the Secretary (Willem T.H. van Oers) on IUPAP Report 41 * The OECD Global Science Forum’s Working Group on Nuclear Physics Report by the Chair (Anthony W. Thomas) and the Secretary of OECD’s GSF (Stefan Michalowski) * Subcommittee Reports – functioning of an effective international user facility -- funding of networking activities (like in the EU) -- future facilities for rare isotope beams -- future electron-ion colliders * Actions to be taken following the OECD request to WG.9 * Reports from the Chairs of NSAC, NuPECC, NuPACC, and on the TRIUMF 5YP, facility plans in Korea, and China * Future composition of WG.9
IUPAP REPORT 41 RESEARCH FACILITIES IN NUCLEAR PHYSICS 1) printed version: April 12, ) electronic version: July 9, ) missing from the report the entries from: IHEP -- Protvino INR -- Moscow JINR – Dubna BARC – Mumbai TIFR – Mumbai 4) updates of the electronic version once every two years to start January 1, 2009
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Global Science Forum Report from the Working Group on Nuclear Physics of May 21, 2008 Ten recommendations with respect to “The Nuclear Physics Enterprise Today” “The Global Roadmap for Nuclear Physics” “The Global Roadmap for Nuclear Physics” “Strategic Planning for Nuclear Physics” “Strategic Planning for Nuclear Physics” 38 members of the Working Group with among those: Anthony W. Thomas [IUPAP] Anthony W. Thomas [IUPAP] Willem T.H. van Oers [IUPAP] Willem T.H. van Oers [IUPAP] Walter F. Henning [IUPAP] Walter F. Henning [IUPAP]
IUPAP WG.9 Composition * Anthony W. Thomas – Chair [TJNAF, USA] * Willem T.H. van Oers – Secretary [Manitoba/TRIUMF, Canada] * Samuel H. Aronson [BNL, USA] * Richard F. Casten [Yale, USA] – Past-Chair of NSAC * Brian Fulton [York, UK] – Chair of NuPECC * Sidney Gales [GANIL/IN2P3, France] * Muhsin Harakeh [KVI, Netherlands] – Past-Chair of NuPECC * Walter F. Henning [ANL, USA] – Chair of C12 * Alinka Lepine-Szily [Sao Paulo, Brazil] * Dong-Pil Min [SNU, Korea] * Tohru Motobayashi [RIKEN, Japan] * Shoji Nagamiya [J-Parc, Japan] * Jean-Michel Poutissou [TRIUMF, Canada] * Horst Stoecker [GSI, Germany] * Robert E. Tribble [Texas A&M, USA] – Chair of NSAC * Wenlong Zhan [Lanzhou, China]